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Wednesday, March 08, 2017

Unbiased Press?

This tweet was done by Jake Tapper today. He deleted it but not before people took screenshots.

Is he upset that Julian Assange is doing the job of a real journalist? Is Tapper jealous or is he ticked because its wrecking the MSM agenda?

Still think MSM is unbiased?


  1. Assange has almost as many death threats as Trump. Seems these days people want to kill others for doing the right thing. Could be a sign there's something more to these stories than just tin hat ideology.

  2. There is only 1 single person in common to all these "leaks". That is Barrack Obama. Hillary used to help him until she decided to go out on her own.

  3. Jake will probably say his Twitter account was hacked. They do that these days. Most of them are claiming they've been hacked when they do off-color comments and then reason kicks in. Shameless on Tapper's part.

  4. Can't stand to watch him. He needs to stop claiming he is a reporter, because he isn't - he's a pundit and a very bad one at that.


  5. Guess he better pray that his target stays healthy. On the face his tweet sounded like incitement.

  6. funny, killary asked if they couldn't "drone him or something" too

  7. Never heard of the punk.
    Thank goodness we voted lots of trash out in the previous two elections. Lets keep it up, lot more trash to go.

  8. 942 he's an anchor on the Clinton News Network, purveyor of fake news and other such nonsense. That's who Jake Tapper is and he's not in an elected position.


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