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Wednesday, March 08, 2017

The ‘Fight For 15’ Continues In Maryland General Assembly

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (WJZ) — Following the footsteps of Baltimore City, there’s a move in the General Assembly to raise the minimum wage to $15 dollars an hour. This would be the second new state minimum wage law in three years.

“No one who works hard should have to live in poverty,” says Justin Vest, with Progressive Maryland.

Maryland workers saw their first increase in 2015 from $7.25 to $8 dollars an hour. Each year brought another bump, to $8.25 and $8.75. It reaches $9.25 in July and $10.10 in 2018.

On Tuesday, the fight is for $15 continues.

“Because the simple reality is there’s not a single country where a working family can earn less than $15 dollars an hour and actually afford the necessities of life,” says Vest.



  1. And if you get $15 minimum wage, your food costs go up, your clothing costs go up, and everything else increases and you end up making less after deductions and expenses. The only winner here is government that collects the taxes. That's why liberals are for it!

  2. "Progressive MD" ie the Communist Party of Maryland

  3. Raise the minimum wage again and you'll see less growth for small businesses.

  4. I don't get that from SSI and I worked all my life. Appears to be discriminatory towards me.

  5. What do you people expect? Vote in Democrats knowing they don't promote free market enterprise and think government is the answer to every human woe. Then you're shocked they want to do stupid idiotic crap like this which only stunts business and prohibits economic growth. Why don't you start by not voting in any more Democrats and adopt a more econ-centeric attitude towards business, i.e. common sense, then see what happens.

    Sitting around complaining about it only amplifies the issue but never solves it. The only way to solve is in the voting booth. Put your mouth with you vote is and vote No to Democrats and their big government failure.

  6. Obama Crooked BastardoMarch 8, 2017 at 4:25 PM

    Aah, Progressive Maryland, the Communist arm of the Maryland Socialist Democrat Party. Ever thought about reducing all of those Taxes imposed on us by OweMalley? By jumping to $15/hr prices of all goods and services will go up, companies will cut down number of employees, but who cares, right? MD Democ-rats think they could get more Taxes that way, but guess what? Tax on Zero $ is still Zero. Just ask Seattle, WA hows that working for them?

  7. I have voted in all but 1 election and that was a primary in 1985. I believe I have done my part since I have voted since 1970. The only thing in MD is not an equal opportunity state for politians and the voters desire. Central and southern MD has always ruled MD. People should study history of MD.

  8. It has to be for everyone farmers also can't just be for business.

  9. There will be a lot of people loosing jobs and cost will go up 20% do the math

  10. Dirty little secret. Union contracts are pegged to the minumn wage. Government raises the minumn wage. Union wages go up without the need to renegotiation collective bargaining agreement.

    Sand Box John


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