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Friday, March 24, 2017

Rockville High School parents demand answers in rape case

Parents of students at Rockville High School and other concerned Montgomery County, Md., community members finally got their chance to have some of their questions answered by school administrators at a PTA meeting held Tuesday night, five days after police say a 14-year-old girl was raped by two other students inside a school bathroom.

Before the meeting, anti-illegal immigration protesters were seen outside of the school holding signs in opposition of being a sanctuary county or state.

During the gathering, one parent said this meeting happened five days too late as the issue of the school district’s lack of response and communication with parents was raised. The audience also wanted to know why they were getting more information from the media rather than the school system. The superintendent said they wanted to gather all of the facts, and at a press conference earlier in the day, he also said he regrets not being available sooner.

The 17-year-old and 18-year-old charged in this case were in the country illegally and this was a major point of contention Tuesday night. There was also concern about the fact that these two were attending Rockville High School as freshmen. At one point during the meeting, Dr. Smith said this is not a conversation about immigration, but about a horrible event, which received some applause and some jeers. One person was seen visibly upset and ended up leaving the meeting.

Literature was also handed out to parents highlighting that all people under 21 years old must be admitted to school under Maryland law..

More here


  1. What these parents need to realize is that they voted for this! The people they elected want Maryland to become a "Sanctuary" state letting everyone in (and to remain) and give them taxpayer funded benefits in return for their later illegal votes!

    Stop electing dumbocrats - get some America-loving conservatives back in office and this crap will stop!

    You voted for this - look in the mirror!

  2. This jackhole is the very reason that all school boards etc should be all fully elected, if he is not out by the time of elections at least they can at least try to vote him out!


  3. 10:09 got it right-- look in the mirror.

    You wanted open borders.. this is exactly what you get.

    The legal immigration system screens applicants. No criminals, no TB carriers, nobody who cannot carry their own financial load is to be admitted.

    No rapists. No MS13 gang-bangers. No jihadists.

    The good thing about these idiotic 'sanctuary' cities/counties/states is that they identify the good 'fishing holes', where ICE can deploy a crew with busses and load them up.

  4. If that was my childs school, I'd be going to school with them all day everyday. And I would dare a 18 year old illegal to even look at my child. It is ridiculous to think the Supreme Court ruled in favor of people here illegally to begin with. I'm really disgusted with this country. Call me racist, xenophobic, whatever you want, but Americans should come first. If and when we are ever 20 trillion in the black, then and only then should even one cent be spent elsewhere. This globalist crap has to stop. This feeling sorry for others just because they were born into the world by people unable/unwilling to raise them properly. It is not my problem your stupid parents continue to breed ignorance into the world. Maybe they should stop having sex like stupid animals with no conscience just because they can! Maybe, just maybe, take some responsibility for yourselves and make your world better, rather than coming to ours and ruining it. We should only let people come here that come from countries with our values and customs, period.

  5. Bob Aswell...RealistMarch 24, 2017 at 12:27 PM

    The answer is,'Fire the damn supt. of schools'. What is a MAN doing in the company of school kids? He's old enough to drink and buy cigarettes. He's also old enough to bring dope to school to infect good enterprising students with a habit that'll dog them till they die. If Trump gets Gorsuch on the scotus this damn foolery is going to stop,i.e. defending a criminal who is illegaly in this country.
    I hope Chuck Schummers'daughter gets the same treatment along with the school superintendents'. Lets see how loud they squeal. Bob Aswell...Realist

  6. Why does MD allow them to quit school at 15 if the law states 21?

  7. If i was the father of this girl, when the illegal's are released they wouldn't make it south of the border.


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