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Friday, March 24, 2017

Breaking News: The Trump administration said it would issue a permit for construction of the long-disputed Keystone oil pipeline

The Trump administration announced Friday that it would issue a permit for construction of the Keystone oil pipeline, a long-disputed project that would link producers in Canada and North Dakota with refiners and export terminals on the Gulf Coast.

The announcement by the State Department reversed the position of the Obama administration. It followed a 60-day review that was set in motion as one of the first acts of President Trump’s tenure.


  1. Good thing for us - it will help reduce the dependence on foreign oil...mostly from countries that want our way of life to cease!

  2. Build it now with American steel. Stop buying oil from countries that hate us.

  3. Gas prices should decline....this is good news

  4. tough luck, Warren!

  5. 12:59. Why will gas prices decline? That pipeline just moves the oil from Canada to US ports for export.

  6. FYI: Obama had us at the lowest level of dependency of foreign oil

  7. I like trump but I think this is a bad decision The pipeline should have been rerouted around that body of water.

  8. VERY , very Bad decision and they will find
    that out in time. Man is destroying our planet
    because of his Greed.
    We are in serious trouble!


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