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Monday, March 06, 2017

Republicans in Maine, Utah want Trump to undo monuments

PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — Republican leaders in Maine and Utah are asking President Donald Trump to step into uncharted territory and rescind national monument designations made by his predecessor.

The Antiquities Act of 1906 doesn’t give the president power to undo a designation, and no president has ever taken such a step. But Trump isn’t like other presidents.

Former President Barack Obama used his power under the act to permanently preserve more land and water using national monument designations than any other president. The land is generally off limits to timber harvesting, mining and pipelines, and commercial development.

Obama created the Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument in Maine last summer on 87,500 acres of donated forestland. The expanse includes part of the Penobscot River and stunning views of Mount Katahdin, Maine’s tallest mountain. In Utah, the former president created Bears Ears National Monument on 1.3 million acres of land that’s sacred to Native Americans and is home to tens of thousands of archaeological sites, including ancient cliff dwellings.



  1. I guess lowering taxes and repealing Obamacare is not a priority.

  2. Leave them alone or pay the consequences of ticky-tacky houses a in a row, cul-de-sac by cul-de-sac and strip malls to serve them all.

  3. Yeah, lets encourage the destruction of natural beauty..like Obama or not it was about time we took care of the beauty we have here.

    1. Worshipping Earth is demonic....The Is demon BAL is who you serve>>> tree hugger 2:42

  4. the federal government has no right to arbitrarily grab land. period!! it is the states responsibility to protect their own land as they feel fit.

  5. Do it Trump, do it. These Freaking Tree huggers are trying to do that all over the country. It is happening in Wicomico County right under our own eyes by Bob Culver and Frank McKenzie.

    "Agricultural Preservation

    A landowner in Wicomico County who is interested in protecting his/her land from development by preserving it for agricultural purposes and/or is interested in preserving the woodlands on his/her property in this program, may submit an application for the establishment of an agricultural land preservation district in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 104 of the county code, the Agriculture Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland, sections 2-501 through 2-515, and regulations adopted pursuant thereto by the Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation.

    This means this land will never be sold again or developed. This is making it harder and harder to build in the unincorporated areas of Wicomico County. This means that we as citizens have to be stuck in the Ghetto of Salisbury because no land will be available to build on in the county.

    Bob Culver and the county council just approved this for hundreds of acres recently in Wicomico County. You people better wake up.

    This ruins the value of your land and Bob Culver is behind it.

  6. Anonymous said...
    Yeah, lets encourage the destruction of natural beauty..like Obama or not it was about time we took care of the beauty we have here.

    March 6, 2017 at 2:42 PM

    WTH!! Since when is it up to you or the county to tell us what to do with our land! If you don't own it then you don't have a say! Buy it at fair market value and do as you please.

  7. This was a horrible land grab by the Federal Government to keep out free range livestock off unused land, prevent the mining of our natural resources for the good of the country. Doing these things has always been done in accordance to updated regulations and preserving the land as it is.

    Repeal this robbery now.


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