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Monday, March 06, 2017

Photo Contradicts Pelosi's Statement About Not Meeting Russian Ambassador Kislyak

By Kyle Cheney, Politico

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Friday that she's never met with the current Russian ambassador, Sergey Kislyak.

"Not with this Russian ambassador, no," Pelosi told POLITICO's Jake Sherman and Anna Palmer during a Playbook interview, when asked whether she had ever met with the Russian envoy.


  1. Give the old hag a break, after all she don't have a brain

  2. She better get her lies straight

  3. She surely has no memory of the event(s). Standard Democrat-in-the- cross-hairs answer, along with "My legal counsel has instructed me..."

  4. She needs to resign, she seems to suffer from CRS syndrome! And she is a supposed Senators, someone voting on matters of running this country! No wonder we are in such deep ....@

  5. I think you could probably just end the statement with "she has no memory"!

  6. It's a definite that she was reminded by an aide that she did meet him, but chooses to stick with the untrue story. There's some cheese on the floor... I think it slid off that 80-something cracker.

  7. I'm sure that he was introduced as "Fred Smith", from Wisconsin.

  8. Typical politician lying again.

  9. Hell she's just a senile old witch who should just get on her broom and fly away.

  10. YEA time to Investigate her Now ............

  11. Time to call for her to step down .....Long overdue


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