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Friday, March 17, 2017

Report: Trump Orders State Dept. to Cut UN Funding by Half

Globalists claim UN budget cuts will lead to "chaos"

President Donald Trump has ordered the State Department to cut its funding for programs at the United Nations by half, according to a report from Foreign Policy.

Foreign Policy, citing three unnamed sources at the State Dept. as the source of its reporting, said the move constitutes “an unprecedented retreat by [the] administration from international operations that keep the peace, provide vaccines for children, monitor rogue nuclear weapons programs, and promote peace talks from Syria to Yemen.”

As the Trump administration is set to release its proposed 2018 budget, cuts of up to 37% at the State Dept., the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), peacekeeping operations, and other foreign aid programs are expected.



  1. Great move. It's about time the US has someone in office that understands a buget. You cannot spend more than you take in. Let the other countries feel the burden of caring for the entire world. America has always carried this burden. Make AMERICA GREAT again.

  2. Great move. It's about time the US has someone in office that understands a buget. You cannot spend more than you take in. Let the other countries feel the burden of caring for the entire world. America has always carried this burden. Make AMERICA GREAT again.

  3. This is my kind of Chaos

  4. The real savings are in entitlements which consume 75% of the budget. What is Trump afraid of?

  5. Great move. No accountability of these monies so they should be cut. This will stop these other nations from creating billionaires out of leaders of these other countries instead of taking care of our own US citizens.

  6. They want to cut it by ONLY half?
    I'd zero it out.
    The UN is worse than worthless.

  7. Several million dollars in unpaid parking tickets are the result of UN workers claiming immunity in this country. These cities suffer a loss of revenue by these unpaid tickets. My suggestion is that these cities be reimbursed by redirecting UN dues to pay these fees and let the UN figure out how to do with less money.


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