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Friday, March 17, 2017

Hillary Clinton is ‘Thinking’ about Running for NYC Mayor

Former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is considering running for New York City mayor, according to a reportby TMZ.

TMZ reports that a source who was at a small gathering last month with Clinton and “some politically connected people” from New York said the former presidential candidate “has not ruled” out the possibility and is “taking a real look at it.”

Clinton also told the close circle to measure “the level of interest and support” to a potential Clinton candidacy.

“Hillary says the people in the room were supportive of a run, and she said she was talking to people in her close circle to gauge the level of interest and support in a Clinton candidacy,” the source told TMZ. “Judging from the meeting, so far it’s just talk.”



  1. I'm sure the entire discussion centers on 'cashflow'.

  2. Do you actually need to live in the city to be mayor?

  3. A poll was taken of NYers and 57% say they've don't want Clinton to run for mayor of NYC. Her polls there are highly unfavorable.

    Furthermore, she couldn't get clearance to be Mayor of a major city given her mishandling of classified information as Secretary of State. The Trump Administration would never grant her the clearance needed for such a position. After 9/11 clearance was required for mayors of major cities due to the massive population and terror threats.

  4. NYC deserves her!!!

  5. It is amazing to me that Hillary has this schizophrenic delusion that she should be in charge of others.
    Hillary, listen, YOU SUCK! go back to ironing Bill's shirts.


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