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Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Recent immigrants accused of raping young Maryland classmate will be jailed until next hearings

Two ninth-grade students accused of raping a 14-year-old classmate inside a high school bathroom last week will remain behind bars pending court proceedings, a Montgomery County judge ruled Friday.

Henry Sanchez, 18, and Jose Montano, 17, were arrested Thursday at Rockville High School and charged with three counts each in connection with the alleged rape of a female classmate.

Judge Eugene Wolfe refused to grant bond to either during a Friday court hearing and ordered them to remain in custody until their next appearance.

The girl, identified by law enforcement as “Victim A,” told authorities that she was walking in a school hallway Thursday morning when she was approached by the two boys, according to police documents.

Montano asked Victim A for sex, which she refused. Montano asked again, more persistently, and pushed Victim A into the boys’ bathroom,” police wrote in a probable cause statement after interviewing the girl.



  1. Still trying to wrap my head around how you associate rape with nationality..

  2. It's a cultural thing 1:02. In some places in the world might still makes right.

  3. Because in their culture it goes unpunished and we all know American girls are the hottest.

    1. Wait till Islam tries to move in under the DEMS open boarders ?

  4. WT fishwrap has changed the word ILLEGAL to "Recent"

  5. And we are now going to be a Sanctuary City, WHY??? How dumb is this...Muslims should NOT be in this country. period. YES, this is what I said ... They will NOT assimilate, their culture is low life, dirty and common. Keep them out...Get them out!!!

  6. Could have Saved a victim if these idiots were deported. The state of maryland is aidding a abetting criminals. Not upholding the constitution or there sworn oath to protect and serve. All including law enforcement should be fired for incompentence...

  7. Rape has NOTHING to do with sexuality....it is a hate crime. Power, submission, possession, and hate. Some countries have more of this because women are still considered nothing more than property of the male.

  8. "Anonymous said...

    Still trying to wrap my head around how you associate rape with nationality..

    March 21, 2017 at 1:02 PM"

    You are kidding right? You clowns need to get off the Eastern Shore and see what goes on in the real world. You ignoramuses are too much. Save your money start traveling the world then maybe you will be able to comment intelligently.

  9. Wait until muslims run the BOE.

  10. Ha 914pm. As the minority, they call US the infidels! That's funny and want to know why?

    Some probably have already infiltrated into local BOEs - right under our noses.


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