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Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Maryland releases list of top tax evaders

WASHINGTON — The State of Maryland hopes a bit of unwanted attention will get some of the state’s more egregious tax evaders to pay up.

The Comptroller has released its 2017 list of the 25 businesses and individuals who are the most behind on their tax bills — in some cases, hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Maryland Comptroller Peter Franchot tells WTOP that the program has been very successful since it began in 2000, and has led to the collection of $43.3 million from taxpayers who appeared on the lists.

“It’s very embarrassing for them to have them publicly listed as owing the state money,” Franchot said.

Topping the 2017 list of businesses is NC Services Inc., which operates as the New Carrollton Shell, in New Carrollton, according to the state. Franchot said the business owes the state $926,464 in taxes.



  1. Tangier Logistics in Salisbury is listed on here...

  2. Who are the Robinsons in Cambridge? They owe a lot of money.

    1. Does he own a store in da bury ?

  3. If they know who they are, why isn't there a warrant for their arrest? If there are no real penalties, the crimes are ok to commit. Just like illegal immigrants. No penalty no crime.

    1. yup bc its was obama giving his libtards a pass it needs to change but it wont as long as there is liberal county council members.

  4. I wonder how many state employees owe a lot of back taxes.. should they keep their jobs?

  5. I am waiting to see the other list of those whom the state owes monies to, including the over $2000 owed to my family.

  6. i would be interested to see how many of these tax evaders are Democrats. Democrats always want more money in tax and fee's....and yet these fools always support these Democrats.....so if they are Democrats then pay the hell up, you supported our taxes being raised now suck it up and pay your tax bill...

  7. The list is not accurate......I know someone in Salisbury that owes a huge amount of back taxes and his name isn't on the list. Do like seeing the list though.

  8. This is most likely a list of Democrats and Liberals, who always want Higher Taxes but then refuse to pay any taxes themselves. I hope that the people listed on this list will soon be arrested and locked up, and then we can lower taxes for the rest of us who actually pay our bills!

  9. That's funny. When I got a little behind on my taxes, they came right after me. Sent me a letter and said get in touch with them or else they would garish my check and leave me with 25 dollars a week until it was paid. They did not fool around with me over a few hundred dollars. Why do these people get away with it year after year and owe hundreds of THOUSANDS of dollars?


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