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Thursday, March 02, 2017

Paid sick leave measure advances in Maryland House

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) — A measure to require paid sick leave in Maryland is moving forward in the House of Delegates.

Delegates gave the bill initial approval Wednesday. The Democrat-controlled House could pass the legislation as early as Friday.

The measure would require businesses with more than 15 employees to provide earned paid sick leave.

The bill advancing in the House provides required paid leave to more people than an alternative proposal by Republican Gov. Larry Hogan.



  1. Keep your hands off of the private sector. FFS, these morons have already made the public sector worthless.

  2. The Peoples Republic of Md strikes again. First 7% increase in electric rates and now this! If employees aren't happy they are free to find other employ. I will require a DRs note for my employees regardless of what the commies in Annapolis say. There will be widespread abuse especially in menial labor positions. Sad

  3. Sounds like a government take over. Is the good governor leaning left lately?

    Prayers continue for Hogan Strong!

  4. 3:25 D bag employers like you are why the government makes regulations.

  5. I will Move My Business to Delaware if this goes through!! I have supported Maryland for many years. I run a business that many of you probably know, but you will no longer be able to visit me in Salisbury if this crap continues!

  6. Load your lawn mower n weedwackers up in your pickup truck and seeya 6:33pm

  7. 5:07 I have at least 50 employees and most are very happy with their jobs and paid well above the normal wages for the jobs they perform. Looks like you are the D-bag for making idiot statements

  8. Then give them paid sick leave and don't be a greedy pos. You still have not said your business name. Scared of something?

  9. The Peoples Republic of Md strikes again. First 7% increase in electric rates and now this! If employees aren't happy they are free to find other employ. I will require a DRs note for my employees regardless of what the commies in Annapolis say. There will be widespread abuse especially in menial labor positions. Sad

    March 2, 2017 at 3:25 PM:

    Hard to believe you are a business owner with employees. If you are, your employees hate you if you view them so unfavorably. Most businesses NEED their employees to operate and make a profit. With your attitude, I'm sure there is no loyalty from them, and they probably feel justified in cheating you every chance that they get.

    And that DRs note requirement? I'm sure the legislature is going to address that. Regardless, if YOU require DR note to give the employee a paid sick day, then that will just cost your business even more money, as your health care costs will skyrocket. If you have enough employees to be covered under the sick leave law, you have enough to be covered by the health care laws. And the doctors will absolutely take your insurance money and give every one of the employees what you require to give them a paid sick day.

    I don't think you can possibly be an employer if you have that little business sense.

  10. March 2, 2017 at 6:33 PM;

    Must be a pawn shop.

  11. March 2, 2017 at 8:25 PM;

    Your employees might, just might, be happy with their JOBS, but I guarantee they have no respect for you as an employer, with the attitude towards them like you have. I bet they cheat you every chance they get. And employers like you deserve it!


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