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Thursday, March 02, 2017

Md. House approves bill limiting test taking in school

ANNAPOLIS, Md. — Maryland’s House of Delegates has voted overwhelmingly in favor of a bill that would limit the hours students spend filling in answer sheets with No. 2 pencils.

The House approved what supporters call the “Less Testing, More Learning” bill that would limit the time spent on testing during an academic year to 21 hours from elementary through middle school and 23 hours in high school. That includes time spent on school district, state and federally mandated exams.

The bill is also designed to give a voice to parents and teachers: Each school district would have to create a committee on assessments to oversee compliance on the issue.



  1. I have a better idea. No tests at all and no home work either. Then in May of their Senior year give them a 1,000 question test that they have to score at least 70% on to get their diploma and have to score at least 85% on to go to college. Anyone scoring less than 50% is ineligible for government benefits.

  2. Well, there goes my stock price in #2 pencils! Thanks a lot, government.

  3. Let the Democrats just ban schools.....hell, they are just ganstas that form in those classrooms anyway...

  4. No Zorro we have to keep the schools open so we can keep at least some of the little thugs off the street during normal working hours. Otherwise street crime would triple.


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