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Monday, March 06, 2017

Obama Officials Are Waging War On The Trump White House

NOAH ROTHMAN, Commentary Magazine

For a president who has a uniquely hostile relationship with the press, positive news cycles are both rare and fleeting. The Trump team displayed remarkable discipline by refusing to step on the president’s well-received address to a joint session of Congress. A lot of good discipline did them. Just 24 hours after Trump’s address, a series of troubling reports involving links among those in Trump’s orbit to Russian officials reset the national discourse. Those stories make for a trend, though, that has little to do with Trump and a lot to do with his predecessor. 


  1. OK..boys and girls...put on your tinfoil hats and gather round in the circle.

  2. I think these treasonous turds should be arrested and tried for their efforts to overthrow the government.

    History should soon show the first time a peaceful transition of power was prevented by the outgoing POSPOTUS!

  3. It is the core of the job of our top officials to keep up with relations with all other countries on the globe. So, they are just doing what we, the People hired them to do. Now, the Dems want an "Investigation"? Why? Just come out and say everyone was doing their jobs?

    Fake news at its best.

  4. Bring it > we Not afraid !!! Trump either !!!!


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