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Monday, March 06, 2017

Help for helpers: Recovery center for firefighters opens in Md.

UPPER MARLBORO, Md. — Firefighters face a tough job. Sometimes they see tragedy unfold and put their lives at risk while working to save others. Such experiences may leave indelible impressions that can be difficult to process.

The International Association of Firefighters Center of Excellence for Behavioral Health was created to specifically help this branch of first responders cope with work-related traumatic stress.

“They have to be able to deal with it at a moment in time, but it doesn’t mean that some of these images and experiences don’t stay with them,” said Harold Schaitberger, IAFF president. “Sometimes they’ll use firehouse humor to kind of cover up their pain. Unfortunately, sometimes they turn to alcohol or drugs, other sources of addiction to try to tamp down that pain that they’re feeling internally.”

Bordered by tranquil forest and farmland in Upper Marlboro, Schaitberger says the recovery center is a place for firefighters to heal.



  1. International Associations of Fire Fighters? IAFF? More Union bullsh!t!

  2. I know for a fact, one AACFD member that's a local loser playing this angle. He says his drinking is all about the pain he's endured on the job. Complete BS, the real problem is his half wit wife, and his daily descions, another way to pass the buck. He posted after a hit and run, he's so sorry, blame the world.


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