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Monday, March 06, 2017

New Bill Would Give First Responders Freedom To Save An Animal’s Life

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — It’s currently a crime for firefighters to give medical aid to pets rescued from burning buildings.

If a new bill in Annapolis passes, it would give immunity to firefighters who make split second decisions for their primary duty: to save lives.

A standing Maryland law prohibits first responders from rendering emergency care to animals, only a licensed vet could do that.

If firefighters gave medical care to a pet, they’d be breaking the law. Various groups want the rule to change so firefighters will have immunity.



  1. Why is it illegal to help an animal. who really thought of that law?

  2. That should be a given not needing a bill to enforce.

  3. Good Grief - as in its hard to believe a crime would have been committed if a first responder rescued and animal. I "git" the supposed rationale, i.e., rescue the human first...but did a law really need to say so? Unfortunately I, like many others are thinking in 2017 terms - whereas this "law" could be very old and needed explanation back in the olden days.

    Even still, legislature making it a crime is a bit uneasy to grasp.

    Ever forward, wire taps, laws to allow pet rescues...its good to know only FOUR days until TGIF!!!!

  4. Ohhhhh

  5. There should be a law that says you can break the existing laws if you're not doing anything morally wrong.

  6. I would try to save an animals life before many "humans"

  7. Would that imply to the cops who shoot at dogs after they call them to them???? Because I have seen that time and time again, the cops is like "here doggie doggie" then the dog comes all happy and wagging tail, and then the cops shoots it and says, I was in fear of my life, as if a dog can kill you first off, and secondly, as if you are in fear after you called the dog to you... If you cops are that much of a pussy, then I strongly suggest you get a other job... Maybe get a job as a skyscraper builder or steal worker, THEN you can actually claim you have a high risk job and that your fellow co workers die more often than what you claim as a cop...

  8. Let's hope this law passes.
    Md Laws----Really!!

  9. It's difficult to believe some of the frivolous laws that are on the books across this land. Some are so petty they are laughable.

    To change the subject a bit, our good president has stated to add a regulation, two must be removed. Maybe try that with these silly laws.

  10. What happened to Common Sense ??

    Why the hell could not > Animals be helped > Stupid !!!

    These Dumb Ass Laws should be thrown out ...call Trump


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