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Monday, March 06, 2017

Law Group Finds More Illegal Aliens on Voter Rolls in Virginia

A public interest legal group has discovered more illegal aliens on the voter rolls in Virginia.

The Public Interest Legal Foundation, an Indiana-based group that litigates to protect election integrity, provided the Washington Free Beacon with several examples of illegal immigrants on the voter rolls in Virginia. The examples were unearthed as a result of the group's efforts to ascertain the total number of non-citizens on voter rolls.

PILF provided a voter registration form showing that the registrant answered "No" to the question, "Are you a citizen of the United States of America?" All personal information on the form has been redacted.

In a second example provided by PILF, the registrant did not answer the citizenship status question.

In a third example, the registrant did not answer if he was a U.S. citizen, did not mark his place of birth, and refused to say if he had been convicted of a felony.

All three voters were found on the voter rolls in Manassas, Virginia.

More here


  1. The tip of the iceberg.

    Arlington and Rosslyn in northern VA are like a third world country, there are so many foreigners.

    I wonder how many languages they have to use to print ballots there..

  2. Anonymous Jim said...
    The tip of the iceberg.

    Arlington and Rosslyn in northern VA are like a third world country, there are so many foreigners.

    I wonder how many languages they have to use to print ballots there..

    March 6, 2017 at 11:26 AM

    Go to Walmart at night in Salisbury and Fruitland and you will see what a 3rd World country is like with the exception of shopping with our EBT Cards and WIC checks.


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