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Thursday, March 02, 2017

More Fake News From Liberal Salisbury Independent

"Salisbury’s air quality ranked 9th best in U.S."

Will the Liberals be bringing torches their building after one of their own feeds a total line of crap to their viewers?

The left wing will be saying the cows fart way too much and the smell of chicken sh!t multiple times a year is killing our tributaries, do NOT take a deep breath or you'll be sorry!

Next Bassett will be supporting Liberal legislation demanding we too start building emission stations to the Shore to SAVE our clean air, as there is always something up these Liberals sleeves. 

Hey Greg, why don't you tell your extremely limited viewers about how bad CRIME is in Salisbury instead of feeding them your soft Liberal feel good BS. Oh, that's right. Because Liberals don't tell the TRUTH, not the whole TRUTH anyway. 


  1. haven't been much of a Greg Bassett fan since High School.

  2. What I don't understand is that culver hired his wife... And about every article he publishes is about bob culver this and that... Salisbury Independent really I don't consider as a newspaper... I use the free newspaper for when it rains and put my shoes on so there's no dirt and mud everywhere.

  3. !:07,

    Agreed, and back then Bassett was a nerd and another term that rhymes and begins with T.

  4. Obviously the tests were NOT sampled downtown. My car is garaged at home, but when I park downtown in the city lot small white and yellow dust particles from that "clean Air" are on my car and windshield by the end of each work day. Over the past several years I have noticed these small particles on all the cars in the lot...If we are breathing this in over a period of time...is this contributing to the higher rate health issues in the area?

  5. Another BS story all the while Da Bury sinks into a slumhole.

  6. 2:38 out in the county it's terrible. Go out at night when there is no wind with a flashlight and look at the particles in the air. This is all the time. I noticed this years ago when I would take my dog out. What's interesting is I go visit relatives in AA county and those particles aren't in the air there at all.

  7. Look at all the black soot on all the buildings Downtown, especially on the concrete. Reminds me of NYC but if a LIBERAL says it's clean air, well, I guess we better believe them.

  8. I do believe before Bassett speaks he sucks on a lemon.

  9. My son was diagnosed with asthma last March (turned 2 in Dec). This led to my wife doing extensive asthma research and found that the air on the eastern shore of Maryland is in the top 5 for worst places to live with breathing conditions.

  10. so thats what clean air smells like? i thought it was coming from perdue all along! amazing the rest of the country does not get to experience this version of clean air. we are so blessed! thanks frank and jimmie!


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