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Thursday, March 02, 2017

Jeff Sessions to target drug cartels, gun offenses

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Tuesday that he plans to target drug cartels and crack down on gun crimes to snuff out what could be the start of a national crime wave, evidenced by a recent uptick in homicides and other violence.

But left unsaid is whether Mr. Sessions also will direct the Justice Department to disrupt the legal marijuana industry — a move that critics say could undermine his goals and enable the cartels.

Speaking Tuesday to the National Association of Attorneys General, Mr. Sessions warned of the dangers posed by cartels that are able to smuggle drugs such as marijuana and heroin across the U.S.-Mexico border.

“The less money they extract out of America, that is sent to their organizations, the less power and less danger they present to their governments and their people and the fewer people are addicted,” he said.

The attorney general has been steadfast in his opposition to marijuana legalization, saying drug use and crime go hand in hand.

“I do not believe that this pop in crime, this increase in crime is necessarily an aberration, a one-time blip. I’m afraid it represents the beginning of a trend, and I think what really concerns me in the bottom of all that is also the increase in drugs in America,” Mr. Sessions said. “They tend to follow one another. That’s what happened in the ‘60s and ‘70s. And I think it could happen now.”

More here


  1. Going after rec weed smoking too. Yay, republicans!

    1. He didn't say that and his boss said it's up to the states. The liberals are making up things as usual. Again President Trump said it's up to the States and Attorney general is going after cartels. Unlike obama who said he would make it legal then did the opposite.

  2. The ideal approach, in my mind, is to encourage hemp farming domestically. Hemp has many uses and would be a great crop for the economy. Make good domestically grown marijuana readily available. It's healthier than alcohol or tobacco. It would force the cartels out of the business of bringing it across the border if they couldn't compete.

  3. With the help of his Russian friends. He needs to resign.

  4. Obama Crooked BastardoMarch 2, 2017 at 2:05 PM

    Sessions is leaving marijuana laws to the individual states. The feds main concern is heroin epidemic and millions of dollars pouring out through southern border.

  5. All we've proven is that as Republicans we've looked the other way on someone blatantly committing perjury. He was once considered too racist, I doubt much has changed.

  6. Democrats furious he wants to attack these issues it's their pet loves.

  7. Weed should be legal, it should be up to the states. It's less harmful than cigs and booze. People want to use it, why not make some money for schools. Let the cops focus on hard drugs or violent crimes and robberies.

  8. good luck raiding all the states that have made it legal

  9. On of the big weed festivals in CO announced that no weed would be allowed at the event. Feds have sent notices out of intent to enforce existing laws. 3:46 State laws do not supersede federal law.

    Trump doesn't drink and says has never done drugs. He is more anti drug than Reagan, who was the grandfather of the modern war on drugs.

  10. 3:46 State laws do not supersede federal law.
    March 2, 2017 at 5:18 PM

    Yes, I think we all know that. That wasn't my point. Does anyone really think the feds will go state to state raiding the ones that have legalized pot? And the other states who will soon make it legal?

    Good luck with that.

  11. Yes, I think we all know that. That wasn't my point. Does anyone really think the feds will go state to state raiding the ones that have legalized pot? And the other states who will soon make it legal?

    Good luck with that.

    March 2, 2017 at 9:17 PM

    and feds usually have to ask local police to at least help the feds, sometimes locals have to do it all for the feds. it's gonna be really hard to find cops doing raids in a state where it's legal.

  12. So you all are in favor of enforcing federal immigration law even if a city or state offers sanctuary but not federal drug laws? That makes perfect sense, NOT!

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    So you all are in favor of enforcing federal immigration law even if a city or state offers sanctuary but not federal drug laws? That makes perfect sense, NOT!

    March 3, 2017 at 1:07 AM

    doesn't make sense to snowflakes obviously. AMERICANS want to have marijuana in their country AMERICA. WE have that right to civil disobedience. What rights do ILLEGAL immigrants have in this country? There was once a law on a certain tea tax back in the day from high government. How did that work out?

    The people have to be willing to obey a law before it has any effect and the majority, and growing, of American people are not willing to obey that misguided, archaic and hypocritical marijuana law any longer. If you don't want to partake of marijuana you won't be force to, I promise.

  14. IDGF if you want weed or not. It is still illegal - Schedule I drug per US federal law.

    If you can disregard that law, then immigrants can disregard immigration law.

  15. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    IDGF if you want weed or not. It is still illegal - Schedule I drug per US federal law.

    If you can disregard that law, then immigrants can disregard immigration law.

    March 3, 2017 at 8:27 AM

    You just don't get it and probably never will.

  16. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    IDGF if you want weed or not. It is still illegal - Schedule I drug per US federal law.

    If you can disregard that law, then immigrants can disregard immigration law.

    March 3, 2017 at 8:27 AM

    You're comparing apples to oranges.

  17. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    IDGF if you want weed or not. It is still illegal - Schedule I drug per US federal law.

    If you can disregard that law, then immigrants can disregard immigration law.

    March 3, 2017 at 8:27 AM

    With all due respect, you don't know what you are talking about. Pot should never have been declared illegal. It has been used as medicine for 5,000 years. Our own doctors used to prescribe it. Pot has been found in mummies, it was used in anointing oil in the bible. Do a search for 'why was pot made illegal' and start from there. It was banned to control mexicans and blacks like opium bans were used to control the chinese in this country.

    It used to be taxed by our gov't. Like I stated, people have been hoodwinked about pot.


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