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Sunday, March 26, 2017

Md. Governor calls out MCPS' 'lack of cooperation' in Rockville High rape case

ANNAPOLIS, Md. - Maryland Governor Larry Hogan blasted Montgomery County Public Schools officials Tuesday, demanding that the district turn over information about what led to the rape of a 14-year-old girl in the bathroom at Rockville High School last week.

So far, Montgomery County officials have refused to provide information to both the governor’s officer and the state Board of Education. It’s rare to hear Governor Hogan as angry as he was about this story. He is angry, and he says it’s with good reason.

It’s been five days since the rape took place at Rockville High School. The public often has to press for answers from public officials, but in this case, Governor Hogan says he is beyond frustrated—just like everyone else. As he watched coverage of the story on FOX 5 Monday night, he shared many of the same questions we posed about the attack, but the public weren’t alone in not getting responses.



  1. Fire the superintendent.

  2. But hey guys - let's be a Sanctuary State because it is more important to be accepting and diverse and not offend anyone then it is to protect not only our own citizens but our teenage daughters!

  3. Absolutely since the Gov should have been kept in the loop. Another Dem County...reminds me of the Mayor of Baltimore and the Gov during the riots. The Gov got on the airwaves and said HEY MAYOR - if you need help let me know.

    Stupidity at the highest levels is ALWAYS unacceptable!! At least inform those in charge!!

  4. time to clean house! but that will never happen in such a democratic stronghold. The locals get what they deserve!

  5. What about the montgomery county police,was there an investigation,were charges pressed, what have the girl's parents said they must be livid?

  6. Making a case of this will possibly bring light to a lot of other issues they've overlooked? Just a guess.

  7. doesn't it make you sick when you realize that the people in MoCo who are responsible for this are OUR rulers? thanks, Party of Liberal Jim :(

  8. Sue these people into submission.

  9. Steny Hoyer, Chris Van Holland, Mike Miller, Busch and several more Politians will do nothing and do a cover up / justification since this is their voter base. Like to see the final vote on MD being a sanctuary State. Will Hogan veto it if passed now? Will Miller / Busch lead the movement to override this veto if Hogan vetoes it? If so I would like to see one news outlet to ask them what if this was your daughter would you still vote the same way?

  10. "Anonymous said...

    But hey guys - let's be a Sanctuary State because it is more important to be accepting and diverse and not offend anyone then it is to protect not only our own citizens but our teenage daughters!

    March 22, 2017 at 7:58 AM"

    What's important to them are votes--- democrat ones. A democrat will sacrifice their own child for a vote that is how evil they are. When they say they love their children they are lying because they lie constantly about everything. The same evil people will say guns have to be regulated because they may kill one child but are so sick they could care less if a little girl is brutally raped, sodomized and had a penis forced and shoved into her mouth because of lax immigration laws.

  11. 1017 - this won't be covered up...local DC media is chompin at the bit on this. Watching Channel 5 here in OC last night...they are hungry for a fight! Now the Gov may not have the authority, but he has the ear of the media too....as well as taking this national - which would make the state legislature look like fools. The power of the media and their adjusting to social media - NO this won't go away!

  12. If the Idiot Annapolis citizens vote for this then i sure hope it does not happem to there kid then the Hypocrites will start crying waaaaaaaaaaah .


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