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Sunday, March 26, 2017

In Wake of Rockville Rape, School Superintendent Accuses Parents of Racism

In the wake of an alleged brutal rape at Rockville High School in Maryland by two illegal aliens last week, Montgomery County Superintendent Dr. Jack Smith is accusing parents of racism and xenophobia. He also claims threats are being made against students and schools.

"While I know this tragic incident has become part of a national political debate, I want to remind community members that the lives of real students have been forever affected," Smith sent in an email Thursday morning. "While many have chosen to engage civilly in the conversation, far too many have crossed the line with racist, xenophobic calls and emails. MCPS is working with law enforcement to identify those who are making threats toward our students and schools. This behavior will not be tolerated in our community."

Nowhere in the email was it mentioned the suspects are in the country illegally, with at least one facing deportation.

Parents have been protesting outside of Smith's office in recent days and did not mince words about the situation during a public meeting Tuesday night. One parent said he took his daughter out of school last year because of an unsafe environment.



  1. Reacall this POS.

  2. He should be fired! Him and anybody else that has the attitude that he has!

  3. So he's in charge and it's the parents fault, how much you want to bet he's a democrat. I wonder what his comments would be if it was his daughter?

  4. It's not racism it's common sense and truth both a democrat alive doesn't have. It's not okay to have MEN in high schools. They should be out working and taking adult night classes not enrolled as freshmen in public high schools. The only hate I have is towards democrats. I can't stand any of them. They are a sub species of human beings who never evolved into civilized ones-and this goes for all of them. Sick nasty foul degenerates is all they are and beneath republicans-the party of truth and righteousness and decency.

  5. What is Dr. Smith's PHD? Head-up-rearology?

  6. but rape is tolerated in his community?

  7. Try reading past the headline, then comment.. smh

  8. Just one of the many reasons we left Maryland....

  9. Any time I had dealings with the local schools about my children the parent (me) was always treated like a setback to their original plan. Input was always not wanted and viewed as threatening to their master plan. Finally speaking to the class teacher she explained their thinking to me and I understood what I was up against. Sadly the teachers are treated the same way.

  10. Typical democrat. Trying to deflect from the real story by lying about something that most like does not even exist. What is it with democrats. They all lie constantly.

  11. In Wake of Rockville Rape, School Superintendent Accuses Parents of Racism

    Nothing like a Liberal to drop the race card.

  12. we really need to thin the dumb herd. there are just too many of them in general and way too many in public office.

  13. He is such a Democrat mouth peice, admit it becalse of your policy's a 14 year old girl was raped , you Sr are a clown!

  14. He has the blood of that 14 year old's rape on his hands. No amount of name calling and accusations can change that. He is trying to deflect the attention away from the fact that the rape was a direct result of his policies for the school district. He has put the lives and safety of the students at grave risk with his liberal and illegal policies. I am certain that he is a grossly over paid bureaucrat, who deserves to be fired over what he allowed to happen on his watch. But keep watching as the liberal county and state legislators circle their wagons around him. If Hogan is any good as a politician, he can turn this one issue, and the democrats attempt at turning the state into a sanctuary state that endangers the lives of all Marylanders, into one that gets many of the corrupt democrats currently running this state, thrown out of office in the next state election. He won the governorship with the help of some of the blue counties and Baltimore city. If he stays on point with this issue, he can get the support of many more in the populous areas, and lead the charge in turning Maryland RED. Maybe this issue will open the Baltimorons eyes and let them see their politicians are not concerned with their safety.

  15. Maybe this flake can let some of the accused friends move in his house with his daughters.


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