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Friday, March 24, 2017

Male Rapist Receives Gov’t Funded Sex Change- Now Approved For Transfer To Female Prison

This has to be one of the most disturbing things to come out of liberal minded politicians ever. A British man underwent a sex changing operation at the expense of the tax payers there. After having the surgery he changed his name and chose to be transferred to a female facility. It is nauseating that a man convicted of multiple counts of rape is now being allowed to live in a prison full of women.

Many women have threatened to harm themselves and others if forced to be in confinement near the transgender man. One of the victims recently had the courage to speak out about the treatment of the man who brutally raped her.

“He may have changed physically but his brain is still the same,” the victim stated. “To assume the identity of a woman after what he did is a kick in the teeth.

“There are not enough words to describe him and the evil he has done,” she continued. “It is diabolical they have allowed him to have a sex change and diabolical that he could be freed this year.”

“You can change somebody’s genitals but it’s not going to take away the urge and impulse inside them to do horrific things to children,” she added. “I feel like it mocks the people he offended against. It is a kick in the teeth for me and his other victim.”

He is preparing to be released on good behavior.

It makes sense, right? rewards the man who raped multiple women. Perfect.



  1. I'm sorry, but I'm getting tired of reading these stories! If I were togo to a medical facility and ask for a total sex change from being a man to a woman, which would involve removal and redesign of body parts and constant drug therapy for, say 40 years, exactly how much would I have to pay? I mean CASH MONEY, on my own because of my own personal DECISION?

    I'm going to guess more that 3 million dollars.
    And now these criminals get it on the taxpayer dime while committing crimes????????????????


  2. Man,, we are one f'ed up country to let this happen!!

  3. And the taxpayer will end up covering the lawsuits when he rapes again.

  4. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Man,, we are one f'ed up country to let this happen!!

    March 24, 2017 at 8:58 PM

    It's funny how idiots comment without reading the story. This didn't happen in out country, it was a British Mentally Ill Subject.

    "A British man underwent a sex changing operation at the expense of the tax payers there."

    It was only the second second Douche Bag! But I agree, it is F'd up!

  5. If we weren't all crazy, we'd all go insane!
    Our world is way past the tipping point. Darwin is rolling over in his grave.


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