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Friday, March 24, 2017

86-year-old man raises $400,000 and then gives it away

Thirty-two years' worth of recycled newspapers and magazines -- more than nine million pounds of it -- netted 86-year-old Johnny Jennings $400,000, all of which he gave away to those in need.

Recycling started off as a lesson to his son, Brent Jennings, about healthy money habits. Back in 1985, the Georgia native began collecting and selling paper with his only child, then put their profits into a savings account.

"The first memory I have of my Dad is of us recycling," said Brent Jennings. "We did that until I was about 17."

Years later, the money saved from recycling was enough for Brent Jenning's down payment on his first home.

Now that the son is grown with a family of his own, Johnny Jennings continues to recycle. Community members are involved now, sending books, food, clothes and other items his way.



  1. Hopefully not to BLM.

    1. Like why try to turn something positive to negative, like grow up for once

  2. Absolutely awesome the drive and determination of the older generations of Americans. Its a disgrace to people like this who have proven time and time again if you want it bad enough there's a way just go out and get it. My question though when and where can you get paid to recycle newspapers and magazines? Heck my poor father is relentless in his attempt at saving aluminum cans and he asked me to take our yearly trip to recycler and he didn't even get enough to cover the gas it took to take them over there


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