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Sunday, March 05, 2017

Local Law Enforcement Covering Up Major Crime: How Many Women Will Get RAPED Before They'll Finally Tell You About It

Editors Notes: This is the third message/source I have received on this exact matter, so it's REAL. I have been told there may have been some FIFTEEN rapes so far from Pocomoke to Delmar, yet no one is hearing about them, HAVE YOU?

So here's how I feel about this. I could give a rats a$$ about allegedly impeding on their what, 15th investigation, all of which we have not heard about. Typical of law enforcement on the Eastern Shore, cover it up and in time everyone will forget about it. NOT when it comes to women and their safety! Or shall I say the lack thereof!

What you are about to read is extremely disturbing. Ladies, you need to make damn sure your vehicle doors are LOCKED at all times. In fact, until this group is caught, I'd warn that every women traveling between Pocomoke and Delmar find a male escort to travel with them and SHAME on local Law Enforcement not suggesting the same. 

More to come at the end...

Last Sunday, a woman went to Exxon Punkin Square & was kidnapped by 4 black men around 5:30 p.m. (assumed black as all were totally covered with black including gloves & they talked about "Homeboys.)
They had guns.

As she pulled out of the station at the end of that little street before turning right, 1 man jumped in drivers side & hit her with a gun.

Then a second man got in riders side & hit her twice with a gun then put a bag over her head & tied it around her neck. Two other men got in the back two side doors of her van. They kept hitting her. 

They raped her & left her for dead out on Rt. 50 near Wor-Wic. 

They took her coat & had cut all of her clothes up. She woke up at dawn, was able to untie the knots around her neck. She could see her van sitting on the side of the road WITH ALL 4 DOORS OPEN.

She stumbled to the car... cars went by her & never tried to help her. She found the keys. They broke her glasses in half & broke her cell phone. They left her handbag but took the $150 she had in a bank envelop & her wallet. They left her paycheck in the bank envelop.

She drove home, they took her to the hospital where she stayed overnight. She was so badly beaten both eyes were closed & totally black & blue from head to toe. They hit her so many times on her head that she has blood clots all over it.

Salisbury Police area. YUK!!! However 4 Detectives have been working on this case with her & have been helpful.

They said it was a professional job.

I called the Salisbury Police & asked why it wasn't in the paper. They told me with an ongoing investigation it could hamper progress.

However, they told her she is the 15th VICTIM. Two in Delaware & the others around this area. One woman in DE is still in the hospital.

Why has this not been put in the paper to warn people to lock their car doors?

The detective assured her yesterday (Friday) that he was going to do something about publication.

She met him at Salisbury Police Barracks but the other times at her home.

They really thought she was dead but GOD saved her for her grandson she is raising. His father was killed in car accident in the summer.

Notes: Now look Ladies, only travel in pairs to the store. Obviously this is a very serious matter and as I have stated above, I have multiple sources telling me the same story over and over again. 

As for Law Enforcement, SHAME ON YOU! This is about giving the heads up to women being RAPED and assaulted. FIFTEEN, SERIOUSLY? And you wonder WHY so many Americans have become disrespectful towards Police Officers? One, maybe, but FIFTEEN and you're still keeping your mouths shut? Makes me sick to my stomach! 

Your Boy Mayor obviously doesn't want you to know and he is one of the Liberals running around saying SBYNews doesn't get anywhere near the amount of hits I claim we do. Let's see how you feel about my HITS after the public gets their hands on your crime cover ups today.

UPDATE: Another source said: Joe, I have something you need to check out. My wife works with a lady who last weekend was carjacked in Salisbury on route 50 and the road that goes to the Exon and k-mart. 4 men standing at that intersection snatched open her car door jumped in took over the car beat her raped her left her on the side of road and took her car. the public has heard nothing in the news about this no warnings no nothing. I also have been told by another source that there have been 11 such incidents from Delmar to Princess Ann can you check it out. I have been told that it is being kept out of the news for a reason?

UPDATE #2: Salisbury News follows the weekly SPD calls for service regularly. We found it quite interesting this week that the SPD did NOT publish their calls for service, how convenient HERE. We did not pick up on the rape because they didn't publish it.

Go HERE as well.


  1. The media? Thanks for the information.

  2. In an interview with OC's Dispatch Nov 2015 this was said by Day-

    "So, one of the things we have to do right away is go through a branding process and bring people in and find out what Salisbury means to them. What makes us special? What is our brand? We have to identify that. Once we identify that, we have to turn that into the message, and then the layers of the onion that you have around that core, we’ll find the layers that resonate with people about this place. Is crime one of them? Absolutely not, and that will never be the message. So let’s eliminate that, and not talk about that, and talk about the good things. Hopefully, through proactive policing we’ll simultaneously continue to reduce the association of this place with crime."

    He wants and wants everyone else to pretend there is no crime. He doesn't want to talk about it, he doesn't want others to talk about it, he wants to pretend it doesn't exist. He said so in his own words.

  3. Oh local leos, you done really messed up now. How you going to explain to all the liberal snowflakes why you've been hiding rapes? We all know you cover up the real crime stats, but you atbleast had the courtesy to put out your standard release on how delivery drivers should stay safe and not become victims when the delibery robberies were happening, but you don't care about the safety of women enough to warn them about these thugs? Shame. Shame on you as human beings first, and even more for being someone who is supposed to protect the public, not your asses. But this is the liberal world we live in. Welcome to the 'bury! Where crime is nonexistent, ghetto welfare trash get free riverside apartments, and rape is condoned and protected by the police! Can't make this stuff up!

    1. Mike Lewis is not liberal

    2. Mike Lewis does not run the SPD. Barbara Duncan was hired to run SPD she can't do anything without the mayors approval. Ireton and Day do not approve of crime being reported to the public.

  4. I'm not trying to stir the pot. But this is really really bad and something definitely needs to be done I will say I do have firsthand knowledge of an incident that happened behind The hospital even the ones that work there and knew about it were asked not to say anything because of how bad it would look and how it would scare people coming and going from the hospital the girl was hit across the head and raped in the parking lot in the back parking lot it was Royal Street and old W. Vine St. the police knew about it they did the report even the lady that it happened to was asked not to say anything and this was back in November my daughter was born on the 19th this happened at the very beginning of November I know two nurses personally that knew of the situation as they were also asked not to say anything you would have to correct me if I'm wrong joe but I believe that the press and the news said that it was just a simple assault. I am so glad you've put this post up the public needs to know and what really is irritating the most is that other news agencies know but they just don't care and are too scared to put it out . P.s me and my wife have been talking you need a small half hour news clip on tv at least then people around the area would know the truth that's all I have to say

  5. wow you would think that something like this would be in the news. Yes i'm sure they are trying to catch these guys but women need to know that this is happening so that we can at least keep our eyes open. This kind of stuff happens as the dirt bags that represent us in Annapolis tries more to take our gun rights away. How do we protect ourselves when its limited as to whom can get a carry permit in this state, legally. Criminals don't care about laws. They will have theirs and we are left as targets on a fence post.

  6. What will it take for doj to come in and audit their records? They have been vastly under reporting crime for years and duncant has taken it to a new level. She belongs in prison along with the rest of her pizza party friends.

  7. You'd think with Duncan being a female, she would be more vigilant about getting these rapists off the street. Your best bet is go to the Maryland State Police. They take crimes seriously. The Salisbury Police Department just smacks of some Keystone Copdom. Don't waste your time. MSP and possibly the Wicomico Sheriff Department would be better alternatives.

    1. If this goes from Delmar to Pocomoke then the MSP is already investigating.

  8. Jake you need to FIRE Barbs. City council you need to push this with the mayor. This all impacts your vote as well.

  9. Anywhere else they would be telling the public immediately and asking for anyone who had seen something suspicious to come forward. The mayor, SPD leadership and council all need to be asked to step down. The city needs to be reorganized. I have been a supporter of SPD and have tried to give the mayor the benefit of the doubt, but this has gone too far!

  10. Where's Molly on this?

  11. "Hopefully, through proactive policing we’ll simultaneously continue to reduce the association of this place with crime."

    Day can't even bring himself to be honest and say there is a crime problem. All he can say is the city is associated with crime as if it's a figment of the public's imagination.
    The only way to 'reduce the association' of any place with crime is not informing the public.
    Thank You Joe for this very important and potentially life saving information.

  12. Hey 8:46
    Duncan a female , I don't think so.

  13. Sounds very Clintonesque. Cover up, cover up.

  14. That's horrible. How could publishing a rape incident possibly impede an investigation. It's not war strategy or stating they think police know where they will strike next. Horrible.

  15. Does Jake Day have a wife? A daughter? Jake Day you better start opening your mouth about crimes like this, it could come home to roost, then what?

  16. They don't call it Little Baltimore for nothing. Just about as much a chance for cleaning up as Big Baltimore.
    Zero - out of control.

  17. 1003 good to hear. Hopefully the FBI has been called in if they're crossing over DE line. Should be called in at any rate. For 15 incidents to occur, that's not good given the population size. Of course, nationwide conceal & carry would also nip this is the butt as well. Any woman who can shoot, can change any man from a rooster to a hen in one shot.

  18. 10:03, NO ONE said this, (or all the others) aren't being investigated.

    HOWEVER, where have you heard about ANY of them???

  19. Not just black, it all colors.... Even close family members... Never trust anyone.

  20. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    They don't call it Little Baltimore for nothing. Just about as much a chance for cleaning up as Big Baltimore.
    Zero - out of control.

    February 26, 2017 at 10:02 AM

    well you defeated yourself before you even began.

  21. I wouldn't say just between Delmar and pocomoke,I would say anywhere

  22. wonder how the officers would feel if it was their wife, mother, sister, or even a female who was close to them or someone they knew. Karma might bite them in the a$$ (praying not)

  23. There is absolutely no excuse for not reporting this and reporting this as it actually happened. How are we to know what to watch out for and to keep our doors locked and be especially careful if we don't KNOW what is going on out there. I read the news all the time. I know that things are not good so I already don't go out much at night. Rarely ever as a matter of fact. But if I don't know about these things happening how can I know to watch out for four three or four people apparently loitering at a gas station or an intersection. Thank you Joe for getting the word out. This does not compromise any investigation. It may actually save a life. Thank you for what you do.

  24. Joe a few weeks ago our next door neighbor had her purse snatched at the Food Lion on the east side (tilghman rd) A black male was hiding in the trees between the McDonalds and the Food Lion parking lot. This is in the cities district, after the officer showed up and did the investigation he gave her his card and told her he would get back to her. A week later she saw the guy in a most wanted show on Pac 14 she called the officer several times to report this and he would not return her call. So much for good police work.

  25. Ok..i hate what is going on..Women do everything you can to be safe..but if you arent positive about their skin color..why automatically say black rapist..??anyone can /does wears black..and white men refer to friends as homoes..homeboys..so......and i have seen more incidents of white rapist and sex offenders than blacks..I work in the field.Im sure if it Really was believed to be blacks...IT WOULD HAVE BEEN REPORTED!!!!vastly

    1. No maybe they didn't want your racist protests

    2. They don't report the race unless they are sure. Somebody who has been raped by four men will definitely have an idea of their ethnicity from the voices, the way they talk and many other factors. Hispanic men are often described as "white".

      Not sure where you're seeing more reports of whites than black rapists, although white men supposedly outnumber the blacks. It's usually blacks especially if it is a gang rape, and there are disproportionately more blacks on the sex offender registry. Check the Department of Justice statistics on their website, black men are far more likely to commit a sexual crime, especially against white women.

      Black women appear to be more likely to be raped, probably because of their proximity to the worst offenders. But they are almost never raped by white men, just blacks.

  26. Interesting that SU hasn't bothered to inform the student body of this situation. Why isn't Janet Eshbach looking out for the kids? Wonder how many parents of students would be alarmed by this going on? This should be on a bulletin and advertised throughout the campus. Why isn't it?

    1. Parents really don't care about where they send there children.... So I would just put that to rest about how SU parents would change there mind... A lot of the kids are coming from across the bridge and when they see crime around here it's a joke.

    2. I'm from across the bridge and I don't know why you would think anyone from there thinks crime here is a joke. Unless you are from the ghetto (most of what's across the bridge is definitely not ghetto) Salisbury is shocking. My parents would have never let me go to school here if they didn't live here. My father met with the chiefs of police and heads of college security in each college town before myself or my sisters moved in. On every tour, he asked about violent crime rates. When my sister was assaulted in an elevator at JMU, he drove down there with his lawyer in the middle of the night. Normal parents do that. They make sure their kids are safe and if someone hurts their kid, they turn into raging lunatics and show up to demand answers and a reaction.
      When I moved here (after college) I never felt as safe here as I did and do across the bridge. I've never seen so many drug addicted and uneducated people in one place. Say what you want about the western shore but they have strong police departments and cameras everywhere. The Eastern Shore is the most beautiful place on earth but I sure don't go out alone here!

  27. This is why we should b able to carry hand guns

  28. At the very least maybe having these incidents reported on all media would make these Rapist feel the heat is on them and discourage them from attacking again.

    As it is now they probably feel like since no word has been reported on these attacks that they are getting away with it and this will embolden them.

    Hell for all they know none of the women even reported the crime so they feel that they can continue these horrific acts.

  29. Predict these four urchins will at some point meet with the wrong person should the long arm of the law doesn't catch up with them quickly.

  30. Don't think for a second this lack of exposure is anything new with the Salisbury Police Department. Several years ago we exposed a story about a local woman who had been murdered in Salisbury and the SPD attempted to cover it up in a sense. You see, what was important to me about this murder was the fact that the woman had been abducted at the Salisbury Mall. The SPD knew the year, color and make of the vehicle involved, the suspect and the fact that this vehicle had temporary tags, NONE of which had been exposed to the public.

    My problem was the fact that every woman should have been made aware of these details while the suspect was still out there, yet they refused to do so.

    That being said, rather then keeping this particular situation quiet as to not impede in their alleged investigation, we're exposing it. Enough people have been assaulted and the public needs to know, period.

    The last time we exposed such information I was surrounded by the State Police, Sheriff's Deputies, States Attorney and SPD in which I was threatened to be arrested if I did not give them my source, I REFUSED.

    If it happens again, I will refuse to give up any of my sources.

  31. When they said it might possibly impede an investigation, what they meant was it might scare these animals away, it might make them stop. They need them to continue these rapes until they have collected enough evidence. They also need the women unaware, to be bait.
    Clearly most law enforcement depts consider citizens and their families to be expendable, mere disposable tools to complete their job duties...and to fund their needs and wants.

  32. This is beyond investigation by local state attorney have to call in the DOJ for this obviously major incompetence on the local police departments here.

  33. Carry a gun.

    Don't ever think you need the PERMISSION of a cop or a politician.
    Serve and protect? WHO are they serving and protecting?
    Use rounds with the highest penetrating capability.
    Unless the police and the government start riding along with you to make sure you are safe, YOU are responsible for your safety.
    No pepper spray is going to help you against 4 men who are willing to kill you.
    I just can't fathom the police, who use every possible means they can find to prevent citizens from possessing a gun, STILL claim that "it's too dangerous" for "we, the people" to own a handgun.
    I say it's too dangerous NOT to own one. And carry it all the time.
    I imagine Hogan reading the police reports and thinking something like "Boy oh boy, that was a TERRIBLE crime!! Those men didn't have to beat her like that. I'm just glad she didn't have a gun. Who knows what terrible things would have happened to those men."
    It's EASY to talk that smack when you have a small army of men armed to the teeth and ready to kill you for just getting too close to Hogan.

    1. I bet you have NEVER shot a pistol.

  34. Good for you Joe that's why we come here first. I don't know if you realize what a huge service these stories and your blog does for our community.

  35. @ 9:06 AM
    Molly is still looking for someone with a phone book so she won't have to ask her Mommy how to contact the Board of Education!

  36. In a normal city, a press conference would have been held right away so that the public could exercise caution as well as report information that might be helpful to the police in apprehending the thugs. How many of these rapes might have been prevented had the public been aware. Mayor, police chief and city council all need to go! Could the city be sued by victims for failing to notify the public in the interest of public safety?

    1. Amen 10:56. We need people to go to the council meeting this Monday at 6. We need to voice our concerns bc they will never make a change until you face them face to face. People wake up and speak up

    2. Its all about SU they don't want to loose all that tuition no Salisbury is safe ha ha

  37. I've told the women in my life to carry a gun legal or not , I'd rather them be charged with a BS gun charge than to be a victim of rape and murder.

  38. Hey, Molls,
    I would bet the BOE's # is on line too...check that out..
    Reference James Ireton for more info

  39. Remember FBI has to be invited by local law enforcement in most cases. Wouldn't hurt to call their hotline and let them know about the situation. Its in a border state to DC even though the legislative body and former governor are all pinheads. Worth a try though.

  40. 1039 just goes to show how little SU cares about their female students. They give self-defense classes to faculty ONLY. Got that email last spring semester and tried to join but of course, was turned down for not being faculty. What I don't get is, without students, there's no reason for SU faculty to be there but they deny students self-defense classes. Make sense? They're just a joke.

    1. Not true. It is offered to all. Took the course as a student. Many female undergrads still take it

  41. All my prayers go out to these women & their families and yes should have been reported the first instance. You have no need to ponder people when we have over 20 unsolved murders and as many missing, I know I'm beating a dead horse over this but their families before they die want answers to. All murders, missing and rapes need attention. Can we get rid of Duncan yet people?

  42. Take a Gun safety course and CAP those Bastards next time !!

  43. @ 10:28

    "Im sure if it Really was believed to be blacks...IT WOULD HAVE BEEN REPORTED!!!!vastly."

    Seriously? The media and liberal half-wits all over the country protect blacks under the guise of political correctness. When they fail to give a skin color when describing suspects they are doing a vast disservice to the innocent public.

    You say you work in the field? What are you, a farmer?

  44. The police cannot protect the people from these violent crimes we need to do it ourselves.

  45. Congrats Salisbury, you have now officially become Sweden. Keep up the good work! (Said with great sarcasm)

  46. Need a Dirty Harry (like Clint Eastwood) to Smoke these
    Punks with a 45 magnum !

    Police should set them up with a Female cop to Smoke them...

  47. "Better to be tried by 12 than carried by 6!"

  48. If this is true- 15 rapes, some heads need to roll. How many of these rapes could have been prevented had the word gotten out? This is BS.

  49. I work in an office near this location on Route 50 and leave there many evenings after 6pm in the dark. It's very unnerving to walk out of there because never know who is lurking around the building. SBY has become crime haven and the mayor and his cronies just turn a blind eye to it. Wonder how he feels about his wife and children going out in SBY ?

  50. I agree that the public should be informed of what is happening around us. Also, agree that the public should carry themselves at all times as they would after hearing such information. You don't just watch your back when knowing of dangerous incidents.

  51. These Criminals will Inspire some Vigilantys to hunt them
    down...just like in the movies ......

    They deserve to be sent to Moscow to let Putin Torture them !!

    These types are the Worst of the Worst !

  52. I have said it before and will say it again...the police CAN NOT become involved until AFTER a crime has been committed. This is a matter of fact and a matter of law. The police can not prevent crime, they can only react after you are already injured...or dead!

  53. Thank You Joe for this warning. I travel from Fruitland to Delmar everyday to work. I have 2 grown daughters, one is a student at Wor-Wic and one works nights. Women need to know when there are multiple attacks! Shame on the police for this cover-up. Putting women at risk to protect Salisbury's image.

  54. GREAT POST! Thanks for making so many of us aware of what's going on because I hadn't heard a thing until now, and I imagine I'm not alone with having been so clueless. Can't we all band together and blow the phones up with calls at SPD?.. Who should we direct them to?.. Their lack of honesty on the calls of service since no rapes were listed and their lack in making sure their community is well informed of serial crimes happening in their area so their citizens can be prepared is disturbing. Anywhere else there would have been a press conference. If you can own a gun, carry and conceal! CARRY AND CONCEAL! We must protect ourselves. What a shit-show of a department SPD!

  55. well now if these perps would just target the wives and mothers and daughters of said police officers, judges, mayor, AG's, etc. maybe then something might be done!

  56. Time to start "Packing" and I don't mean a suitcase !!

  57. Molly, here's a real problem, one that should hit home with you and that can be a mission to address, rather than an imaginary one. Please leave behind specious affronts to humanity that you've been raging on about and grab this one by the b**ls. If you're not angered by your own alleged rape and not willing to do anything about it for yourself and others (of all genders, it should be said) who share the same injustice, then please don't bother us with any more of your empty and time-wasting inflammatory rhetoric.

    Get behind something that you can change instead of shuffling dust. We'll all be better off for it.

  58. The a-holes who did this to these women Will one day be
    Carried by six ........

  59. If you really are concerned about this, here is what needs to be done.Contact every news agency in this area and demand to know why this is not being reported. Contact the sheriffs dept. and demand to know why it's not been reported, and all local police departments too. While SBYnews will report things like this, it's our duty to ourselves to demand better from everybody else. Don't always depend on Joe. We need to demand better from everyone else.

  60. Just FYI, police feed on broadcasting, the app your can hear fire, EMS and previously all local police feed...Has been removed. It now is only fire and EMS. Coincidence or no?

  61. If I had a child at SU i would be sounding the alarm by posting this under comments on the SU Facebook and calling the school. Also, the SPD better put out a formal statement on these rapists so people can protect themselves. To keep this a secret is negligent. Joe, thank you for posting this.

  62. All I can say is always check your surroundings when ever you are out and about. Don't anyone, and that goes for men and women. When my wife wants to go shopping at night, I go with her. There is safety in numbers.
    I know I have been approached more than once for money when I went to get gas at Gordy's Exxon, and Royal Farms. Both black and both cussed me out when I told them no. Called Salisbury police about it, and was told if they didn't do anything to you, they weren't going to do anything about it. The fact is they are harassing customers.

  63. The refugees in Europe are spreading an Arab rape game called Taharrush across the world. Google it but beware... It is the most barbaric thing I have ever witnessed occuring against women across the world... The women are literally being raped to death and the rape does not stop when they are deceased. You will find footage of women being dragged away by mobs of refugees.

    As a woman, I'm pleading for help from the men in this community. Please keep your eyes out and step up when you see something. If a woman is walking alone in a parking lot, take a minute to make sure you see her get in the store or car safely. Consider arming your wife or girlfriend and please keep your children close to you.

  64. 1. Stop cursing in your comments, they're being rejected.

    2. Are any of you wondering how the Mayor and Police Chief are going to spin this?

    1. It's time for a doj audit. Come in, contact the victims of reported crimes, ask them what happened and see if that matches up to what they reported to UCR.

  65. Joe said " 2. Are any of you wondering how the Mayor and Police Chief are going to spin this?"

    What is spinning right now are their heads. The mayor doesn't want Sby associated with crime so what better way to do that then to keep the violent crimes that ARE occurring from the public's purview.

  66. WBOC,WMDT and Daily Times all over this,NOT!It's if there is some type of minority involved they stay away from it.

  67. OH HEAVENS!!! I have a 2014 car and the doors do NOT automatically lock. I will have this fixed this week. Cannot believe it came without automatic locks and it is suppose to be one of the safest on the road!! Subaru why???? When I was younger I told my daughters to always lock your doors the same way my mother lectured me. It came to my rescue more than once when men tried to get into my car at stop lights.

    Today I will be packing. I'm not fooling around. If I get caught carrying a gun the consequences will be far easier than being jumped by 4 men that are looking to kill me or rape me. Thanks for the information and letting women know that we have a very false sense of security due to FAILURE TO REPORT!!! Thanks Cops...thanks a lot!!

  68. I don't know how they will spin I just want them to acknowledge it.

  69. Unbelievaby irresponsible to not report this. Joe, is there a way to get the mayor and chief to confirm or deny the report of the serial rapes? I definitely want to hear an explanation. I feel they put my family at risk! Knowing this information, I would have totally changed some decisions I made over the past few months. I definitely wouldn't let me family members go out unaxcompanied. This makes me very angry. There needs to be an explanation given by both chief and mayor!

  70. I don't care what color the perps are the women of the eastern shore are being abused by them. I want all of our women to feel safe and be protected.

  71. Call the local stations....go to the city meetings. SPEAK UP!!

  72. If they break into your car while you are in it and try to
    kidnap ,beat, and Rape you .....Shoot them first if you have
    the chance.....it's them or you

    You Feared for your life ...and justified shooting !!

  73. 1st thing. Prayers to the victim. Hopefully a fast recovery and mental stability.
    2nd thing. Crime is the same here as it has been for 25 years. So all the Salisbury has become.....not it always has been.

  74. Thank you Joe. The rest of you, do something on Monday. Get organized, demand answers AND resignations (Day, Duncan, and Lewis), then stop all patronization of the local media (TV and newspapers), contact their advertisers and thank them for supporting (by not reporting) this crime wave...and stay on it until you have results. Has anyone contacted Hogan about this very dangerous public safety issue that has been hushed up????

  75. MSM is fake news and the Eastern Shore is one step lower No News. Thank you Joe for helping people keep their families a little safer.

  76. 3:50 You should call Trump too since the shore got him elected and all. I'm sure he will send the FBI and National Guard in.

    1. Better than oboma who let them in and hillary who wanted open boarders thats why trump won now everyones hiding lol thats when you no hes doin his job

  77. I understand the reaction by many to say this could be prevented by carrying a handgun, but from the description of the attack it most likely would have resulted in just another stolen gun on the streets. Most women can't find their keys, cellphone, wallet, etc. in their pocketbooks. Ever been behind "this lady" in the checkout line? Been standing there for 10 minutes and when it is time to pay, she is all surprised and can't find her money/cc. It takes them 5 or more minutes from the time they get in the car to get it started and pull out of parking spot. As quick as this happened, it is doubtful she or any other woman would have reacted fast enough to prevent it.

  78. 2:07, Posting this article will force their hands. One of two things will happen. Either they will finally expose these multiple rapes or they will completely deny them.

    And people wonder why rape victims refuse to come forward! How many other victims are out there that were told to keep quiet about their attacks??? I'm counting what, FIFTEEN so far!

    1. You need to do a live facebook post once a week for 20 min ?.Its easy.

    2. You get victimized twice for each incident in Salisbury, once by the perp and again by the pd.

  79. There is a city council meeting On Monday night at 6 at the government office building third floor. Everyone possible who is concerned about this needs to one in and address the city council. Jake Day usually attends as well. If you want answers, come ask questions tomorrow night. You should go to Joe.

  80. Crime I see down in the area, cause Jake Day said so !

  81. 5:09, We're working on that and it will be coming very soon.

    5:12, Jake Day is a child. He is in denial, just like Jim Ireton always was.

    Count them, 15 rapes that were never brought to the press.

    Again, how many others have there been over the YEARS?

    As for attending a Council Meeting, no thanks. I'll not surround myself with COWARDS, (Council & Mayor) who refuse to PROTECT women in their own community. A real man might not be able to control them self. Not worth the risk.

  82. Don't walk home from the council meeting. Just sayin.

  83. Thanks for the information about this. I am a female and frequently am out and about shopping or at work, my car doors automatically lock but now I'll double-check they are locked with windows up. I always try to be aware of my surroundings and watch who is around when I head to my car, the wasp spray will be back in the car by morning. This needs to be publicized so women can protect themselves.

  84. If i find them first you will not need the police. Time for some good old American Justice. I have a nice spot on my land for all four. Just need a little luck finding them. Fisnd the first rape and I can assure you they will be from that area. This type of crime starts close to their rat hole. Then they spread out due to the heat. All Black male between 16 and 25 watch. All Democrats no doubt. All four should hang. We all know that will not happen so I guess I will hunt them like dogs. Wonder if all the victims are White??? Babs check you pizza party roster they may be on it.

  85. These PUNKS need to be Hunted Down....Hopefully will be Shot
    by the cops....doing America a Favor !

  86. 4:37
    Hold on to your - uh - horses!
    I am female.
    I have shot a gun.
    I am proficient in shooting.
    My -uh - protector is in the front seat pocket between my knees.

  87. It would be so nice if the next time these punks try that >
    that they get a BIG Surprise when the female Shoots EVERY
    one of them in the head !!! Before they get to do Anything

  88. 7:12 It sounds like you are breaking the law. Do you have one in the chamber or are you proficient at the israeli draw? I'm sure that you regularly train with your protector while 2 or more men in masks are attacking you and possible shooting back. It is a lot different than shooting paper targets in field while drinking beers.

  89. Thank you for all the men commenting and defending women. Not all of us are feminists and we need you. Society has tried to steal our men's god-given natural response to protect females.

  90. 4:37 PM quite the sexist comment

  91. Another example of Liberal media protecting Liberal politicians.

  92. Maybe a protest st the Mayors office is in order !

  93. 1:58 PM - try reading your manual. I believe there is a setting to activate this.

  94. Yes I noticed that. Black. Cause dressed in black. Duh

  95. 6:14 Thanks for the tip about the wasp spray; great idea. I'll be doing that one.

  96. As someone who was raped at 17 in western md I can tell you that all types of government officials cover up these things and pretend they don't happen. When I was taken to the hospital the first thing the "specially trained trauma nurse" said to me was that the states attorney wouldn't be happy to hear that the room had to be used...I was thinking it was because it meant someone had been assaulted... But, she continued with "it hasn't been used since last June and he's still talking about how that incident effected his career". I remember this so distinctly because I had grown up with this mans daughter and had many sleepovers in his own house and I didn't believe a word of it. Until I started talking to detectives who not only told me that since I was " basically 18" so there were no laws to help me with statutory rape in Maryland (which is NOT true!!!) And then later tried to persuade me away from allowing the nurse to take pictures of me (which she informed me that cases without pictures generally aren't taken seriously in court) because they "didn't think I'd want someone who I knew that well to see pictures of me like that". My mother at that point said he shouldn't be allowed anywhere near my case because of the relationship and it would be a major conflict of interest and both detectives at that point told me no, he would be literally looking at the pictures with a microscope... After a while of this it became very apparent where all this was going. They didn't want me to " complain " about what happened because a complaining woman means a court case and a court case means publicity. Unfortunately, many of these elected officials dont care if rapes happen- they just don't want them to become public knowledge because that could effect how people see them and trust them. Not surprisingly, a month later I got a call that all of my clothes, the samples they collected, nearly my entire rape kit, had been "misplaced". Because if you can't get the woman to quiet her voice that's the next best thing because prosecutors don't even like rape cases because of how hard they are to win- NO prosecutor is going to trial with an eighth of a rape kit. The detective acted like this was the best thing that could happen and told me he didn't think I could understand the " emotional turmoil" a court case could cause and that I could "finally start healing now"... He didn't understand why I started crying and couldn't talk until he awkwardly hung up the phone... By saying I could start healing now he suggested that I was safe, other people were safe from this man, and maybe I had gotten some type of justice. Instead, I had to withdraw from college, try to completely avoid an entire part of the county, and pray pray pray that this all hadn't just taught this man that he could get away with it so he'd do it again,and again, and again. But yet, maybe that's already what was happening. Maybe he'd already realized that these cases and their victims are generally not taken seriously and are pushed out of sight,out of mind. These officials are doing no one a favor by suppressing these stories...and this article really shows the proof of that. It says the police officer says it was a " professional job"...well with 15 victims and possibly more that didn't come forward I'm sure they've become quite efficient. The saddest part is that by not even giving some type of warning out to the public these officials are allowing these women to put themselves in dangerous situations and not even realize it. We need to open our eyes to the realities around us, no matter how dim and dark, and protect ourselves; because obviously no one else is going to.

    1. I am so sorry you went through this. My daughter had a similar experience. She was not only victimized by the rapist but revictimized by the MSP. No woman should have to go through this. No one really gets what this does to a survivor until it happens to them or they watch a loved one go through it. I will keep you in my prayers along with my daughter.

  97. Joe, thank you very much for this information. I always purchase my gas at the Exxon @ Punkin Square and will be extremely more careful from now on. I also often find myself coming out of Walmart and Food Lion into the parking lot (unintentionally) after dark; NO MORE! As a single female always traveling alone, I can't thank you enough for exposing the truth and the dangers we so desperately need to know about. We need many more real men like you looking out for the safety and well-being of others, especially children and women.

  98. We the women are going have to learn kuratie inself defense.

  99. 10:47 PM "So sorry" doesn't seem to cover it.

    I think to some extent, women expect a rape to either be ignored or twisted, to somehow being her fault. As with all crimes, we have a false sense of hope that it will be handled properly. Then we are victimized again by those whom are supposed to protect us.

    I think this administration has created a huge void between themselves and the public. Because after complaining to them about the drug dealer behind us and for YEARS they did nothing, we have begun to wonder. What is their purpose, because it certainly isn't serving the public. Its about serving themselves.

  100. This is news that needs to be addressed Live! In a news conference with all political figures and law enforcement. I am appalled to find out such horrific details are not being addressed on our local news. SHAME ON YOU THE OFFICIALS OF SALISBURY! I guarantee if it were the wife or children of the mayor...police chief...or sheriff...the tables would be turned!

  101. the only reason why i can think so many organizations would cover this up is because they are in on it. Thanks for letting the public know Joe.

  102. Couldn't have happened. Using a gun is illegal in Maryland, as is theft and rape. The laws are on the books, people aren't breaking them. That would be illegal. Thank you Maryland for your liberal views on concealed carry.

    1. Atleast we know Millinual snowflakes dont carry.

  103. Any word on why police were at Lowes in Pocomoke this weekend?

  104. Carry, carry, Carry, know yourself, know your gun. Carry at all measures.

  105. Where is the tiny sheriff? He is always first to put on his big hat and jump in front of the camera. Conspiracy at all levels. City, County, and State agencies all refusing to warn the public? Afraid we the public can't handle the truth of Black on White crime? Pretending that it doesn't exist or just afraid of, We the People draining the swamp? Yep, you all got to go. If you can't handle these little pretend ghetto gangsters, We the People can. Bulldoze and exterminate.

  106. Must be a bad keypad that was used in filling out those spreadsheets, Joe. Sounds like a new keypad is in order.

  107. Police definitely need to inform the public ASAP.... Thank you for stepping in! This is sickening news! I have always said it is best to travel with at least two people especially after dark, because there are so many bad people around, this us just terrible

  108. i expect this out of that worthless pos day, babs "donuts" dunkin. Lewis I expected more out of you! guess you are really no better then they are! you will not be receiving any more votes from this household! you always want camera time, what happened this time?

  109. Victims should contact Fox News.

  110. This is FAKE NEWS and not true.

  111. Community leaders and law enforcement need to make a public statement on this issue.

  112. Spd needs to be Investigated by the feds i will be emailing them.

  113. 8;31 How do you know? Is there any kind of investigation of this incident? Where there is smoke.....

  114. did u see the story on Isis now teaching how to eat non muslims.

  115. Presuming all is true, the police agencies involved are all accepting liability by not letting the public know what's going on. This is gross negligence.

  116. 7:34....another cheerleader.

    Hint --- next time your are in traffic, take a look around.
    It's likely, very likely, actually, that there are one or more people with a handgun in their car. Its also likely they never bothered to ask a cop or a politician (who BOTH are armed or surrounded by men with guns) if it was okay with them. They didn't think the state had a right to CHARGE THEM a fee for using their rights or thought that making honest taxpaying citizens submit fingerprints and a picture or enduring a 3 hour adversarial interview to use your rights was anything they were interested in doing.
    Cop and politicians do EVERYTHING THEY CAN to allow criminals to victimize "we, the people". "We, the people" can't demean them, hurt their feelings, call them criminals, fight back, or shoot them.
    Oh, we CAN do those things, but then we have to face a militant State's Attorney. Hell bent on making sure an honest citizen goes to jail. You know, the one who was merely going out for groceries when assaulted by several men. The state is more interested in putting the SHOPPER in prison than doing anything about felons with prior felony convictions preying upon citizens.
    FIFTEEN rapes and vicious assaults and the police HAVEN'T SAID A WORD!!!!
    That's a confidence builder. WHO are they protecting here?

    1. Larry, if you would stop running your mouth, you wouldn't need to carry. The point of concealed carry is that nobody is supposed to know who is armed. In other words, stop bragging that you always carry. You are obviously not mentally sound enough to carry, let alone own firearms. There are years of dumb posts by you on here to prove it. It takes maturity to carry.

  117. In the Sheriff's response he didn't seem to like being bothered on the weekend...LOL Look out he might come after you.

  118. Really not like to say this. But it's going to take one of their family members to get beaten and raped before anything is done and to inform the public.

  119. Citizens of Salisbury you have no one to blame but yourselves. You keep electing idiots like Ireton and Day. You allow and patronize news outlets like the Daily Times and WBOC to endorse these idiots. It's not just the mayors office either. Remember the city council makes the final decision on the hiring of the police chief. Hold their feet to fire. Demand more from your leaders. Remember they are accountable to you the over taxed citizens of Salisbury.

  120. Well Joe you were right...heard on 92.7 yesterday that Jake Day says this whole story is untrue and the MSP backs him up. Complete denial. Funny how the report said the story was from a "local blogger"...one more radio station I won't be listening to anymore. Well, maybe when Rush is on.

  121. It's a cover up so people keep coming to SU.

  122. This is a trick question: Are many comments not being posted because of agenda issues?

  123. They are carrying guns and we can not. It's so hard to get a permit in Maryland and it is the only constitutional right you have to pay fee's for. High Fees! Disabled get free parking plackers. THANKS lIBERALS. WE live in this area and my wife at 105 lbs has to travel alone.

  124. its well known that the crime rates are skewed due to tourism and in Salisbury's case its SU. Look at all the money that would be lost in the economy if people kept their kids from SU. Look at the loss in revenue in Ocean city from tourism. Also look at the weather forecasts for the area in the summer. Many times its wrong so that people will still come and spend their money. For those of you talking about carrying your protection, i would be careful about advertising that. If you get caught you will go to jail. Know the carry laws for Md. Its all but impossible to get a legal carry permit within this state. Instead of sitting on the couch and complaining and letting Democrats keep controlling these issues, get up and get involved and fight for your rights and help make the change. Many won't even get out and go vote. Keyboard commandos are great but whats better is getting out and helping make the change and getting these liberal Democrats out of office! 2018 will be another important year of elections. we need to take back Democrat seats. Get out and go help make that happen! If you don't then things will not change within this state! Get up and get involved!

  125. The police in this town and this County for that matter are a joke. They are way to busy harassing people to get to the real issues and crime in this area. They can't be bothered to look for the real criminals taking part in serious crime. They are to scared of them, they are disrespected due to their incompetence to do their jobs. They profile, and they lie in court! Ridiculous!

  126. Don't forge the kidnapping of those to young girls from pocomoke area... Only heard about it on here...

  127. Joe,

    This just proves my point 100% every time... The police are not here to protect you, they are here to make money off of you and nothing else... They won't lock someone up for a break-in and theft, even when a gun is involved and they have the program EXILE... They won't even go lock someone up when they know where they are... They only care about, tickets and drugs, and this comes from the mouth of MSP...

    Lets see what the ass cheek sucking cop lovers have to say about all of this??? Oh wait, this doesn't fit in their agenda so we won;t be hearing then on this article...

    Also always remember, cops commit crimes and do illegal acts becasue of you, no one else, not even their own-self... It is all your fault always!!!!


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