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Sunday, March 26, 2017

I'm Officially A Senior Citizen Today?

Well, it's official. I received my AARP Card and today I turned 55 years old. 

How come I keep hearing 70 is the new 50? How come when I was younger, a senior citizen was 65 years old? 

If people are living longer and we're in much better shape these days, why on earth do they want to make me a senior citizen at 55?

So I was thinking, once Gavin turns 18, should I move into one of those over 55 communities where things are much less expensive? 

Should I start asking for discounts at restaurants and stores? 

Should I officially retire and give it all up? Should I apply at WalMart and start handing out smiley face stickers? Will my insurance rates officially go way down starting today?

Am I really "OLD" (a senior) as of today?

Well let me put it to you this way. I will FIGHT this "old" thing as if it were cancer. When I start feeling old, walking like Fred Sanford and a Police Officer asks me my name and I hesitate, asks me where I'm headed and I simply smile, then and only then will I consider myself a "senior citizen". 

So AARP, take this Card and shove it. I'm nowhere near ready for you. 

Oh, to all of you who sent me Happy Birthday wishes this morning, not only do I have no clue who the hell most of you are, I really don't give a sh!t. Uh Oh, am I becoming a senior?


  1. I joined the 55 club last January. Happy birthday! Think of it this way, you get a free donut and coffee at Dunkin Donut for showing your AARP card. I took advantage of this when I turned 50. Also get reduced stays at hotels. To me it's just a number! I still do as much as I did at 25, I just feel it more at the end of the day!

  2. Happy Birthday Joe

    Welcome to the Old Fart Club

  3. Also look on the bright side, You now qualify for the 55 and over senior housing!!!!! You now qualify at my church for the once a month senior social! They have board games and serve free refreshments!!!! Join the MAC senior center for bus trips to fun places. My in-laws tell me they have a fitness center and a place for those 55 and over to meet and greet! I'm 55 and still consider myself young, but why not take advantage of the benefits you have worked so hard for a lifetime to achieve?

  4. Happy Birthday Joe. Have a great day!!

  5. LOL! Happy Birthday, Joe! It only goes downhill from here!

  6. Happy birthday old man ha!!

  7. I don't use the word " old " in connection to my age. I like to refer my age as a level like you would reach in a game. Saying that I am at level 63 in life sounds way better than saying I am 63 years old!

  8. Trust me not much gets cheaper. LOL!!! Happy Birthday!

  9. AARP should have joined in the Bin Laden search.They would have located him years earlier.I got my AARP card when I turned 50,so maybe it's changed to 55 now.Now that every restaurant in town knows who I am I never get asked for it.I'm sure I would be asked for it if I stayed in a hotel like 8:01 stated,but locally I just ask if they give a senior discount.They need only take one look at me.I rarely got carded at liquor stores when I was 18-21.

  10. Happy birthday, you old fart!!
    Now put on your terminator glasses and get in the left lane with your turn signal on.

  11. AARP supports the left and their political agenda.

    But there is an alternative that is represents conservative values, the organization is ....sorry cannot think of it right now.

    Please consider this before joining AARP.

    1. AMAC Association of Mature American Citizens

  12. AARP is just an insurance company for an older demographic group market. Senior benefits from the government don't start until one becomes over 60. At 62, one can get a lifetime national park pass (normally $80 annually) for just $10.00. For a nominal one-time fee, you can get a lifetime MD state park pass (free boat launching, to boot) at 62. Md will give you a consolidated fresh / saltwater crab and fishing license for $5.00 when you turn 65. Of course there Medicare at 65, as well. As for Joe's social security, heck, it'll be 70 before he gets that, it they change it like they say they will. He'll be at least 67, as it stands now. So Joe, nothing changes because you turned 55 today, you're just another year older. And AARP wants to sell you something!

  13. 8:55 you are correct. They are liberal and left leaning, and there is a conservative based card for seniors called the American Seniors association. Website is: americanseniors.org. I have AARP because it is recognized and honored in more places. I use the discount when I travel, and I get a discount each month on my consumer cellular cellphone with them. For only around 15 per year, if you take advantage of the benefits, it's worth it.

    1. AMAC Association of Mature American Citizens

  14. Now you ban say you're 30 years old with 25 years of experience. 🤣🤣🎂🎂

  15. AARP supported Obama care, that is all anyone needs to know. I tore my card up a long time ago.

    1. AMAC: Association of Mature American Citizens instead of AARP

  16. That was really funny. Thanks for the laugh this morning and happy b-day.

  17. Happy Birthday Joe!!!! We really do give a shit about you. Keep up the good work as you are the only reliable source for both local and world news. May you have many more you old fart. LOL.

  18. Don't take it personally, you're only as
    old as you think you are. For my way
    of thinking ----I don't want to ever
    grow up. However, when I got my
    AARP card, I was elated to get discounts
    that others don't Not all of us are
    wealthy, so it was nice to get a few
    perks. In my mind I'm still 30 and no
    Card will ever change that ! So there
    you go Joe, it's all in your thinking
    & it appears you will never grow old
    either ----regardless of "THE Card!"
    Happy Birthday----Many more & keep that
    mind as young as it is now! Speaking
    from experience-----keeping the Body
    young is a whole nother conversation .

  19. since I'm almost 70, you are still a child at 55...tore up my aarp card many years ago. joined AMAC as they are Conservative and they fight for Seniors. Grow older not old and do it gracefully. YES, ask for every discount you can get as you and the rest of us earned this and if they(whoever) are willing to give a discount we would be stupid not to take it.

    Have a Great Birthday Joe...

  20. Before everyone continues the rampage on the AARP thing, I never signed up for anything. It was simply sent to me. My point was, I'm now considered a senior citizen, that's all. I get the whole Liberal background, hopefully you see the HUMOR of this post.

    As for the last paragraph, again, if you can't see the "senior" humor, well, perhaps you are a little slow.

    Nevertheless, Thank You for all the kind wishes, including Facebook.

    Now, if you don't mind, I'm late for my 10:30 AM nap. Hopefully my noon nap will make up for lost sleep. Besides, I have to be a Happy Hour at 3 PM for my Birthday drink and then I'm off for the night at 8 PM. I have to get used to my new senior mask because I think it will still be light out at 8 PM from here on out.

    Man, it's tough being 55!!!

  21. My thoughts, 8:55 is the comment I consider correct.
    Should you ask for discounts or retire?
    To start with, I am 72 and received this card at 40. Years ago I joined because I heard they fight for the aging population. It was not long afterwards I found that they are a left wing outfit and didn't renew. I don't open the unwanted trash today that arrives in the mail. As far as discounts, I'm not wealthy but don't ask for any. If "they" show it on my receipt, I don't argue it. If things were different and I could use it or needed it, I would have no problem using it. I have tight a-s friends that are loaded and would travel a hour for a free coffee, etc.

    1. AMAC: Association of Mature American Citizens instead of AARP

  22. I get your sarcasm. If you think its tough being 55, you ain't seen nothing yet!

  23. If they thought they could get away with it, AARP would call you a senior at 30. AARP is just a marketing operation. THAT'S why you got a card.

  24. 11:15, I'll give everyone ONE guess who you think would've said that.

    Nevertheless, I've been to class reunions and one thing is for sure, I've aged very well compared to all the other men my age.

    If you think you've hurt my feelings, you are seriously mistaken. I'm 55, I'm wrinkling, I've gained weight, I can't do anything I used to be able to do sports wise when I was in my 20's but let me tell you this...

    I have the most beautiful Wife in the world. I'm so proud of my children, including my Grandson. My heart is always in the right place and I highly doubt a comment like yours will ever change who I am and what I'm all about.

    Isn't it interesting how a troll like you continues to come here every day to spread your hate. Just remember one thing, it's people like me who help pay for your EBT Card. You're welcome.

    1. doubt it was him Joe - he's been in icu at PRMC since monday night

    2. I knew sonething was up.

    I will soon be 69 and age doesn't bother me anymore as long as you have God, family and friends you have everything.

  26. what gets me is they post the ahole muslims name that killed those people in london but No Picture ? $1000 he has one of those special muslim beards ?.

  27. 11:56, That's a shame. ICU is serious. What's wrong with him?

    1. I was going to tell u that no posts on his site since monday how do you feel now ?.

    2. Something is up but he isnt in prmc.

  28. "Oh, to all of you who sent me Happy Birthday wishes this morning, not only do I have no clue who the hell most of you are, I really don't give a sh!t. Uh Oh, am I becoming a senior?"

    No that makes you a Grumpy Old Man! :)

  29. Happy Birthday. You just joined the "Old Farts Club". No membership fee required to join with a lifetime membership.
    Get AARP junk all the time and trash it. Look into AMAC a conservative group that offers same thing. Their dues are a lot cheaper and includes your wife. Not like AARP where you both have to pay individually.

  30. Sorry for the anti-Trump sentiment, but if he has his way your age group will soon be paying lots more for health insurance.

  31. Happy birthday, Joe! Hope your day is wonderful! :-)

  32. Even at PRMC they have internet access. Nice the the EBT guy took time out of his busy schedule to wish you a happy birthday!!!!

  33. 11:39 ....Now, Dr. Wood is enjoying his time in The Villages - hopefully flirting with younger women!
    What a great doctor and even greater man. Heart of gold.

  34. 11:39
    Nice compliments, agree 100%. Although he won't need to flirt far, with his bride beside him. I won't mention her name, but we talked politics at Scott's Fitness. Was sorry to hear our friend Scott passed. I know you were like a mom to him and you were appreciated. Miss those days, hope you both are doing fine...enjoy. J

  35. 4:57, Dr Wood is loving his retirement but I seriously doubt he is flirting with women. He's happily married. Right on about the heart of gold though.

  36. This is 6:17 PM, I made a mistake addressing 11:39. It should have been to 4:57. I would think 4:57 was joking about flirting. Thanks

  37. Joe, Glad you tossed the AARP card. They are just another bunch of liberal snowflakes.

  38. Dr Wood is awesome! He is dearly missed at Peninsula Cardiology, but we are glad he is enjoying his retirement!

  39. 1249 that was 100 percent incorrect but it doesn't matter now. Let's see how much worse Obamacare gets. I personally have cancel my family's and mine in July... I voted for Trump for more healthcare options and taxes. I'm sure his tax plan will get blocked Also. I WILL. Vote for TRUMP again. You liberal snowflakes will NOT intimidate me.

  40. hope you had a happy double nickel birthday - go ahead and join AMAC - you won't be sorry!

  41. Obamascare will fail then the dems will look like A..Holes.

  42. I don't personally know you Mr albedo but hope you had a happy birthday. I respect the fact you stand up to all the "so called" leaders in this area and call them out on their self serving agendas. My question is to a lot of the people that as they've gotten older they refer to having god in their lives. What exactly does that mean? As you face mortality now you feel a sense of urgency to do the right thing as you face mortality. Or is it it took 60-70 years of rebellious living and all the mistakes that go with it to realize your way wasn't working? I'm amazed at the mentality of society to think you can live like hell all those years and now you go to church one hour a week and you've found god. Let's be truthful you can't do the things you used to do if you could you probably would.

  43. Happy Birthday! It is all just a number until your health starts to slip and then insurance has your number and all your bank numbers too.

  44. 11:55 AM, some of us didn't wait until we were older to "discover" God. There was a time and place He met us in a personal way and wooed us to serve Him. We responded when He called us out. But others don't respond right away. They wait until they are older. But if and when they do answer God's call to service, we experience a new spiritual life we don't realize exists until that moment our spirit is awakened to God and His truth.

  45. Joe go to Dunkin donuts order a large coffee and get a free donut just show your AARP!

  46. 15%off at Denny's

  47. Happy Birthday Joe........age is but a number


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