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Sunday, March 26, 2017

A Viewer Writes: Wicomico County Volunteer Firemen's Association Meeting held March 21, 2017

Here is a brief synopsis of the Wicomico County Volunteer Firemen's Association Meeting held March 21, 2017 concerning allowing the Station 1 Volunteers to stay a corporation and to vote on giving them territory

It was apparent that the majority of the volunteers in Wicomico County overwhelmingly support Station 1 and their secession from the City and the Salisbury Fire Department? It appeared that the county volunteers and the county fire chiefs association are going to support Station 1 on their quest for the County portion of the Salisbury Station 1 fire district.

It was obvious that Rick Hoppes had his paid Flunkies in their to speak for him to fight his battle. The biggest loudmouth was paid paramedic Tony Webster who shouldn't have been allowed to speak since he was a paid paramedic with Salisbury and it was obvious this was about his paid job. He was sitting with the Pittsville Volunteers, but he doesn't even live in Pittsville anymore. I don't think he even owns property in Pittsville any longer so is he still a member??

Then Cherry Cheeks Tri Townsend got up to the podium several times and asked multiple questions to the fire chiefs committee who is ready to support the Station 1 volunteers. This was wrong because it was supposed to be comments only, but then it went back and forth between Cherry Cheeks Tri Townsend and Chief Joe Morris from Statino 74, Delmar.

At some point Rick Hoppes got up to the podium and told some flat out lies and even said that he didn't want the Station 1 volunteers and said they made that decision to leave and he accepted it and they were on their own. Rick Hoppes should not have been allowed to speak because he to is not a volunteer firemen and it is obvious that he is concerned about his job and the jobs of paid firemen in Salisbury, not the volunteers.

Then Mark Cotter who is supposed to be a "retired" volunteer from Salisbury Station 16 got up to speak. He tried to make a motion to have this "bad family fight" remanded back to Salisbury to let them work it out on their own. It was seconded by Tad Farlow from the Pittsville Volunteer Fire Company with Tony Webster who was sitting at the front table as an officer for the Firemen's Association. Then it got contentious about the bylaws of the association.

Station 1 Chief Cory Polidore got up to the podium again and this time explained that the Station 1 volunteers didn't want to go back to the City Fire Department under Chief Hoppes and explained that it was like trying to go back to a relationship where you were constantly getting abused and beat up.

It was pointed out from the bylaws that the Station 1 members had to own a Class A fire engine to be a member of the Firemen's Association. So discussion went back and forth about owning the engine at the time of application to the firemen's association or currently maintaining one. Then it was found in the bylaws that you currently have to have one to be a member volunteer corporation of the Wicomico County Volunteer Firemen's Association.

Now here is the kicker. Cherry Cheeks Tri Townsend, Mark Cotter and Tony Webster didn't know they wold open a can of worms. IF the Station 1 volunteers had to currently own a Class A fire engine then so does the Station 16 and Station 2 Volunteer Corporations. WHOOPS!! There was a Hostile Takeover when Station #2 tried to secede from the City in 2003. Barrie Tilghman, the City Council majority, Chief Steve Brezler, Deputy Chief David See, Volunteer Deputy Chief Bill Gordy and Rick Hoppes forced the volunteers at Station 1 and 2 to sign over their fire engines and all equipment to the city via a new charter change. All fire engines, capital equipment and capital apparatus purchased by the Salisbury volunteers with Wicomico County Funds given to the volunteers by the county had to be given to the City of Salisbury, per that charter change. So now Salisbury Station 2 and 16 are NOT and have not been members of the Wicomico County Firemens Association since 2003. This may have made them ineligible to be members of the Maryland State Firemen's Association since 2003 as well.

Here is another kicker, out of the 14 volunteer fire companies at the meeting only 4 departments were paid up on their membership dues which technically made the meeting null and void because there wasn't a quorum. So they somehow suspended the bylaws to let the executive committee members decide to go on with the meeting.

Then a motion was made to the affect to give Station 1 volunteers along with Stations 2 and 16 until July 1, 2017 to purchase the "required" Class A fire engine. That meeting went on for nearly 3 hours from 7:30 PM until approximately 10:30 PM.

I believe a letter will be going to the Volunteer Fire Chiefs Committee for their meeting tonight, Wednesday 3-22-2017. This may be where the volunteer fire chiefs will decide on splitting the Station 1 fire district.

It should be pointed out that Rick Hoppes tried to stack the meeting with as many faces from the Salisbury Fire Department in order to intimidate the crowd just as they did during the meeting with the county council. In the audience there were many paid firemen both on and off duty.

It should also be noted that Cherry Cheeks Tri Townsend and Marc Cotter and a few others were very disrespectful to the President of the Maryland State Firemen's Association. During the meeting there were several ambulance calls with fire engines running a medical assist so the large overhead doors had to keep going up and down while guest were speaking and the meeting was going on. The meeting was held in the fire engine bays at Station 16 and there are no doors to let people in and out to access the fire engines and ambulances so they had to use the loud and obnoxious overhead doors which ruined the meeting. Also the building is so large that even with the portable speakers it was difficult to hear what was going on. Most stations are designed with a large banquet room for these types of meetings, but not in Salisbury. At the 3 Salisbury fire stations the County firemen's association meetings have to be held in the engine bays. What does that tell you about the fire stations? It proves that the Salisbury fire stations were designed to be paid fire stations and not for the volunteers.


  1. God bless the vollies

  2. Who the hell cares about these complainers. All this sounds like a good reason no to be a fire fighter.

  3. I was very impressed with Chief Barry Beachamp's speech from Station I. That man got a standing applause when he walked away from the podium.

    Chief Polidore needs him by his side through this messy divorce from the Rogue Salisbury Fire Department.

    1. What was the crux of his speech? Something we haven't heard?

  4. Anonymous said...
    Who the hell cares about these complainers. All this sounds like a good reason no to be a fire fighter.

    March 22, 2017 at 6:36 AM

    Why are they complainers? Which station are you from??

  5. Will be a shame when Bob Culver makes county FD to run calls in the county instead of SFD going anywhere in the county and SFD's numbers fall so much there won't be a need for all those paid "firemen", guess maybe Bob can give them jobs in the county. Let's see how far being one one of Dickhead Hoppes' flunkies gets them. Most of these paid firmen are also volunteers somewhere in the county yet think they are so much above other volunteers within the SFD they won't speak to them when they enter a building. Grow the hell up guys! You are supposed to be adults but are being lead by the biggest baby of them all, he doesn't know how to handle his authority being questioned! As far ToNY Webster that self absorbed "ladies" man is a waste of air space, get off it Tony you are old, washed up and getting a little pudgy (heard he hates for people to think he is fat).

    God bless the men and women who put their lives on the line even those who have lost sight of the bigger picture!

  6. The the 3 misfits from the Salisbury Fire Department spoke.

    Tri Townsend, Mark Cotter and Tony Webster. Now that is a trio. Those 3 Stooges have never ever fought fire in their lives. All 3 of them are scared of fire. Tri Townsend has never held a fire officers rank. Mark Cotter did, but didn't even know when it was appropriate to call for a fire marshal. Tony has been begging Hoppes for years to be promoted to Lieutenant, but he was never qualified and he still isn't but he finally got promoted. He is scared to death to ride the fire truck so he stays in his office and watches the stock market on the city computer all day.

    Tony Webster was one angry person and said some nasty things. The fact that Tony wore his paid fireman's uniform last night proved to he was only interested in preserving paid fire jobs, especially his own. He should have stated he was speaking on behalf of the paid firemen, especially after saying that the citizens deserved a paid fire crew 24 hours a day.

    Then they were using scare tactics like some insurance rates may go up since the new territory won't be serviced 24 hours a day by the paid heroes of the Salisbury Fire Department.

    Did it occur to those paid thugs from the Salisbury Fire Department might prefer a volunteer fire department because their taxes would be cheaper. DUH!!

    1. It's quite apparent you don't know anything about these men. If you did no you certainly wouldn't be saying some of the things you were stating. I personally see a lot of bitter jealous People. At least Tony was man enough to get up and speak instead of hiding behind a keyboard

    2. All three of these men have more knowledge and experience than you do obviously

  7. Thank you for posting this. It was very informative!

  8. For the sake of those of us who have no idea in hell what this is all about, please (briefly) highlight or explain the historical timeline in this event? A few "bullet points" might be helpful. How about starting out why station 16 is no. 16 instead of 3 or 4? Why did you skip all those numbers?

    I have no idea what half of this story is about other than some personal grudges from some people against another group of people. Getting personal with some of those comments.

    So lets back up and explain WHEN, HOW, and with WHOM this evolved to the point it is today. The first time you get personal with criticism to people involved to the point of called them names, I will delete the article. I don't want to hear it. Just the facts.

    1. Station 16 used to be called Headquarters. I believe it was when they moved to the new building it was changed to 16 which was the next number in line. Station 3 is Fruitland. And Delmar who is Station 74 since they are in Sussex but service both the Delaware and Maryland side of Delmar was out in the #4 slot 7(4). The number 13 is not used. For the of the stuff going on and how it came about is way way too long to try to explain. At least back to the 70's that I'm aware of. There has always been a volunteer vs paid issue with Salisbury sometimes it gets do nasty the public becomes aware. Station 2 tried at least twice to leave the city, but didn't have all their ducks in a row.

    2. OMG, please don't give Bryan Records a platform to explain SFD "history". That clown has ridden that horse for all it's worth. Hey Bryan....nobody cares about how the firefighters used to hand carry buckets of water or how, when and why the bell got cracked. Twenty years from now he will be spinning a yarn about how the floors got cracked in the new fire palace. It will have nothing to do with "poor engineering" but rather will be explained as an inconvenient "happening" that occurred when there was a "massive fire" where SFD saved thousands of lives. His hyperbole is second to none.

    3. Sorry I'm not Bryan not even close...lol

    4. No one said that you were. The original post asked for a "historical timeline". That is usually the point where Mr Historian Extraordinare Bryan interjects his completely thorough and useless knowledge of any and all things related to SFD. The person was just groaning "oh please, don't give Bryan the platform to dazzle everyone with his worthless history lessons"

  9. Who's going to take care of that unincorporated circle right in the middle of Salisbury?

  10. What a mess, the reason to organize a fire department is to provide fire protection services to an under served community. Is there need for another fire department within Wicomico County? Is the area that is being looked at to support another fire department under served with fire protection services? What needs are lacking in the area that these volunteers want to serve. I have been involved with communities that have developed new fire departments. It is a struggle even in tight knit communities which is not reflected in the area being discussed.Without over whelming citizen support, and by support I mean many many hours committed to raising money, building that deeper community support, and recruiting volunteers. Over whelming tasks all of those, I am not sure the people named as the leadership of this movement have a true understanding of the work, time, or money it will take to develop a new fire department. You will need a roster of at least 50 truly dedicated people who will commit to becoming active volunteer, 75 to 80 will increase your odds of success. By the end of the first year you will be lucky to have 25 to 30 core people still committed to the goal and working hard to be successful. Within that first year you will still be another year or two away from be organized well enough to respond to calls. With the history I have seen you will be 5 to 6 years before your FD will be truly self sufficient able to sustain reliable service. Check the ideas I have offered check with Allen VFD, Mt Vernon FD, Fairmount VFD, even Ocean Pines FD . It takes a lot more then standing behind a podium talking, complaining about how you been treated. Lastly I do not believe that this is a VOL vs Paid situation it is more about ego'

  11. This is a confusing mess to say the least.

  12. HOPPES was the volly boss so get OVER IT.

    1. Yes he was. However, he only took that position as a "means to an end". He had to take that step to get where he is today. Where he is today, allows him to destroy the department through total control.

  13. Once again Jake Day has someone in position like Hoppes who is destroying the department. SPD is on the same road and Jake fails to see he needs to make some changes. Wake up Jake.

  14. Confucius think always mess when difference of opinion. Opinion like onion, more peal make more stink.

    HOWEVER = after a lengthy recovery, TIS NOW ONLY 2 days until T.G.I.F!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BRING IT!!!!!

  15. There is always three sides to every story, each side and somewhere in the middle is the truth. You are only reporting one side of the story. Go get both sides then you will have an unbiased opinion.

  16. 8:07, This is exactly what makes Salisbury News so perfect for this community. YOU and everyone else has the opportunity to voice your opinions through comments. If there is another side, (as you suggest) please feel free to share it. This information came through as two comments of which you can see on our Library article earlier today. I chose to make it a post.

    1. Then ask to interview the chief or career staff.

  17. Where is the leadership from the County? It is time to get with the times and have county departments for fire and police. Salisbury is ruining the county. The county should take it over and do away with duplication of services. Now is a good time to make that happen.

    1. I agree. Also get a county fire commissioner who oversees all the departments including Salisbury which is in the county. And then maybe it will end this crap Salisbury is always creating. And stop Salisbury from trying to steal more funding on the backs of the county.

  18. This has always been about a worthless lard ass egotistical Chief with his minions that hate volunteers. Plain and simple.

  19. It will be interesting to see if the volunteer County Chief's, along with the Maryland State VOLUNTEER Fireman's Association will support thier own. Tick tock, getting ready to separate the men from the boys.

  20. 8:29, I'll tell you what. Why don't YOU start your own news organization and share what YOU want published. I don't tell you how to fight fires, you shouldn't tell me how to do what I do.

  21. This mess belies lack of leadership will and ability to put service above self from ALL involved
    Infantile and sad.

  22. I bet Darrin Scott can "swing" this thing to his advantage! lol

  23. The volunteers want to separate from the city , I think it's a good idea and would be good for the county and the city. #1 the city firemen would have to learn the methods of firefighting instead of playing pool. #2 The volunteers are the ones with a set of balls and want change , embrace it guys , I hope you get your station.

    1. The career staff at SFD along with some dedicated volunteers are the only ones there consistently keeping it together. There are volunteers that are on board with the idea of actually being firefighters instead of t shirt wearers, but they are few and far between anymore.
      As far as what's better for the community you serve? The average citizen doesn't know or care that you are career or volunteer when they call 911, they simply want a prompt, professional response to their problem. They are the reason a fire department exists. It is a fire department not a social club. Your job is to serve the community, not yourselves
      The volunteers that left weren't able to answer calls and serve their community as part of the SFD. Their success rate in doing so is less than 50%.
      They could, however, be counted on to not train, not learn their equipment, only do the minimum (when pushed to) and they are usually the ones that were real proficient with an x box controller or the pool table but didn't know one end of a fire engine from the other. They can not be counted in to serve the community better now on their own.

    2. So says the paid guy,, insert sarcasm

  24. Jay Jester may need to look at Ocean City too. I don't think they can be a member of the state association either. All their fire trucks are titled to the Town of Ocean City too!!

    1. Try again Troll, quite the opposite, every red truck to the volunteers. Even that shiney rig he drives to work.

  25. The change in the Charter should be fought because there was no reason for the Charter to be rewritten. This change was a reason to confiscate all the equipment that was paid for by the Volunteers. Salisbury and the paid individuals did not have the money and IMO they illegally confiscated Wicomico County property. A lawyer needs to be involved to investigate the legality of this Charter change. Also how is the City authorized to spend the money designated for Wicomico County Volunteer Fire Companies? This money is for County expenditures not City expenditures. That is another legal question. Who authorized the City to spend this money that is designated for Wicomico County? Culver needs to be on this like white on rice. That money that Salisbury has spent since this, IMO, illegal confiscation of equipment / property / money should be repaid with 10% interest to Wicomico County designated for Volunteer Fire Companies. Then lets see the egos of SFD will go. No one will want them since they have established themselves as trouble makers. Volunteers have my full support. I donate to 2 Volunteer Companies in Wicomico County and will add one more Volunteer Company when they split from SFD.

    1. Isn't the City of Salisbury in Wicomico County? So isn't the money spent by the City on fire equipment being used for County taxpayers that live in the City limits? Just like Delmar, Fruitland, Hebron, Sharptown, Pittsville, and Mardela have City/County boundaries and residents pay taxes to both?

    2. You are correct the city changed this when station 2 tried to leave the city. So this is how the city stopped future attempts. Did you know station 2 volunteers bought equipment for their station and then the chief put it at another station another way the city tried to Control things and keep the volunteers in line. As for as the other comment about the other county stations the difference is these fire stations buy there own stuff and maintain it and the towns do not take it away from them.

  26. Barrie Tikghman and her minions knew precisely what they were doing. She's laughing right now and you continue to elect her cronies. When will you learn, Salisbury?

  27. This is and always will be about MONEY - the one who has the biggest area wins. Its not about service to the public, its about more money, bigger budget and egos. Other than Ocean City, Salisbury FD is largest on shore. Anyone review the budget? I could care less if Salisbury 1 volunteers go off, and no one else should care either, but it may take MONEY away from SFD - so THAT is the REAL reason the fight is on. No more, no less.

    1. Correct that is also why they annex property out in the county for the taxes base.

  28. Well well well sounds like station 2 may be discussing jumping ship as well . Just saying there was a phone call this morning talking about this issue .

  29. Rick will go down in history in the SFD

  30. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    For the sake of those of us who have no idea in hell what this is all about, please (briefly) highlight or explain the historical timeline in this event? A few "bullet points" might be helpful. How about starting out why station 16 is no. 16 instead of 3 or 4? Why did you skip all those numbers?

    I have no idea what half of this story is about other than some personal grudges from some people against another group of people. Getting personal with some of those comments.

    So lets back up and explain WHEN, HOW, and with WHOM this evolved to the point it is today. The first time you get personal with criticism to people involved to the point of called them names, I will delete the article. I don't want to hear it. Just the facts.

    March 22, 2017 at 7:18 AM

    Um... I've got a feeling you already know the story. You didn't just happen to be TROLLING this morning and come across a story on the Salisbury Fire Department without already being well informed. Anyone who follows Mr. Albero's SBYNews knows a lot about the history of the Salisbury Fire Department. You are a Troll more than likely from SFD Station 16. Sounds like Cherry Cheeks making this comment.

    "I will delete the article." Bahahaha!

    WTF do you think you are placing demands and using caps. You can't delete this article no matter how much you try.

  31. Poor Darrin. He was at the meeting last night hating on Joe Albero. His panties are still in a wad after that flaming article on him with his picture.

    1. Darrin and "flaming" used in the same sentence. I see what you did there!!!

  32. Heard station 2 may be considering leaving .


  33. Rick Hoppes said...
    What a mess, the reason to organize a fire department is to provide fire protection services to an under served community. Is there need for another fire department within Wicomico County? Is the area that is being looked at to support another fire department under served with fire protection services? What needs are lacking in the area that these volunteers want to serve. I have been involved with communities that have developed new fire departments. It is a struggle even in tight knit communities which is not reflected in the area being discussed.Without over whelming citizen support, and by support I mean many many hours committed to raising money, building that deeper community support, and recruiting volunteers. Over whelming tasks all of those, I am not sure the people named as the leadership of this movement have a true understanding of the work, time, or money it will take to develop a new fire department. You will need a roster of at least 50 truly dedicated people who will commit to becoming active volunteer, 75 to 80 will increase your odds of success. By the end of the first year you will be lucky to have 25 to 30 core people still committed to the goal and working hard to be successful. Within that first year you will still be another year or two away from be organized well enough to respond to calls. With the history I have seen you will be 5 to 6 years before your FD will be truly self sufficient able to sustain reliable service. Check the ideas I have offered check with Allen VFD, Mt Vernon FD, Fairmount VFD, even Ocean Pines FD . It takes a lot more then standing behind a podium talking, complaining about how you been treated. Lastly I do not believe that this is a VOL vs Paid situation it is more about ego'

    March 22, 2017 at 7:44 AM

    I knew this was you commenting Rick. You are so scared to death that you are going to lose funding. I would be scared to death also after I just convinced the Mayor and Council to buy into your hiring of 4 more firefighter/EMT's and 2 more captain's positions. I would be scared death after requesting 6 more firefighter/EMT positing in the next fiscal budget beginning July 1, 2017. I would be scared to death after applying for the Federal SAFER Grant for 16 more firefighters.

    Yes you should be scared to death about the County territory of the Station #1 fire district. We also know that you are afraid the Station #2 Corporation is going to secede this time definitely. Then what if County Executive Culver decides to take over all control of the county territory in the so called Salisbury Fire District.

    Then YOU will own the 80 or more paid firemen you put in for with half of the territory you now have. Then you would have 80 or more paid firemen running half of the fire calls they are currently running. Yes I would be scared to death knowing that I was responsible for convincing the Mayor and City Council to hire 80 or more paid firemen with nothing to do. Eighty or more paid firemen getting paid to sleep every single night of the week. Eighty or more standing around doing nothing. I mean literally nothing during the day.

    You think you have a nightmare right now, you wait till the county takes away your county territory and your 80 or more paid firemen sitting around doing nothing. You know what they say about "Idle Minds." An idle mind is a devils workshop! You think you are hated now. Wait till you get close to 100 paid firemen hating you because they are bored to death and then they scheme to get rid of you. You haven't seen anything yet, Mate!

  34. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Who's going to take care of that unincorporated circle right in the middle of Salisbury?

    March 22, 2017 at 7:24 AM

    Please be more specific. That was a dumb comment. If it is unincorporated then I would give it to a county department whether it is Station 1 or Parsonsburg. Which ever county station that is closer should be the ones responding. The best thing for me as a county tax payer is to chose the best option that doesn't hurt my wallet. That is volunteers. The majority funding needed for any business or operation is manpower. Paying salaries. Guess how much volunteers cost you? $0!! Zilch, Zero, Nada! I am sick and tired of my county tax dollars paying for paid firemen in Salisbury. It doesn't help my home owners insurance so I am sick and tired of hearing those scare tactics. I have yet been asked about a fire department or even my closest water source for my homeowners insurance.

  35. Someone called Chubby Tony a ladies man? Bahahaha. That little Guido Turd Burglar. Did he ever become a paramedic yet?

    1. Sounds like someone may be a tad bit jealous. You must have failed his class.lol Better luck next time

  36. Anonymous said...
    HOPPES was the volly boss so get OVER IT.

    March 22, 2017 at 7:48 AM

    Yep you are correct. The key word is WAS!! GET OVER IT!! Was and never will be again. Who would want to volunteer under that Midget Mind. Heck who would want to work for that clown and get paid. He loves controlling people and he loves power. That dork would never have been a supervisor of any type in the real world.

  37. In the interest of fiscal responsibility and because the accusation has been made stating the city is stealing from the volunteers, let's get an audit going. Let's start with the Station 1 volunteer corporation and then work our way from there.
    The truth is, the city taxpayers also pay county taxes. They would be interested to know where there money went, and would be going with a new, unnecessary station being added where it isn't needed.

    1. It is not the money they are taking it is the equipment all of it!

    2. The county gives money to the volunteer corporations at all three Salisbury depts. The city changed the fire dept charter and made the volunteer corporations to sign over their equipment to them. This was to keep the volunteers in line and not try to go on their own. Which they have attempted on several occasions. The city keeps the volunteers around just for the money, as they want paid crews. The city has lost numerous volunteers over the years due to the city's actions. I remember when they had volunteers responding with full crews to the county areas in their district.

    3. The combined volunteer money coming to the SFD from the county is only a small part of the operating budget. I doubt it made much of a dent in the career staffing as is being implied.
      The combined effort of the department, all elements together, are the SFD. Which are supposed to share a common goal of serving the community. If you are part of that orginization you should follow the rules and policies that exist. The goal, again, is the best way to serve the public. Not the best way to serve yourselves.
      As far as the titling of vehicles to the city, wasn't that a shared liability? If the city is partially paying for them and responsible for what happens to them shouldn't they be titled as city vehicles?

    4. Any amount of funding can make a dent in what can be accomplished. Yes the are supposed to have a common goal, but that only works if each side is at the table and treated equally, which is not happening here. I'm not part of their organization, but am aware of things that have gone on for years. And if you want to talk about budget that opens up a whole new can of worms. Why do they have between 8-10 chiefs cars. That is a waste of money and can not be justified. They don't utilize there budget well and are always trying to get the county to give them more money for their lack of management.

    5. The operating budget for the SFD is public info. You can access it anytime on the city website.
      As far as vehicles there are not 8-10 chiefs cars. The Chief and deputy chief each have one take home car, one of these is an old crown Vic. The on duty assistant chief has a suburban set up as a command vehicle, this is shared by all 4 on duty ACs. The volunteer deputy chief has a take hold me crown Vic (older) and there is an explorer that is for the second AC. This is shared by career and volunteer chief officers that fill that role as scheduled. Most of our vehicles have been around a long time and filled multiple roles. Some remaining vehicles are shared and used by the admin officers or by students taking classes as needed.
      There is little or no fat in the SFD budget.

    6. As far as the both sides not being treated equally you are right. There has long been two sets of standards.
      One for the career division with higher expectations and one for the volunteers.
      It has always been the volunteers that quickly go into "take my toys and go home" mode when held to any kind of standard.
      If you are part of the organization and that orginazation has rules and policies, you should follow them. It's not about you and your ego, it's about the citizens we serve. Those rules and policies exist for a reason.
      As far as volunteers go, no one is trying to push them out, they are excluding themselves.

    7. Well that's at least five vehicles for officers (even off duty) plus you said some remaining vehicles .....So I'm correct in saying 8-10 vehicles.. You don't need that many. You're validating my point. Wasted money.

    8. Every department has their own needs based on the district they serve. What works for one department might not work for another. Keeping a vehicle, using it to fill multiple roles and getting the most out of it before having to replace it seems sensible to me.

  38. JoeAlbero said...
    8:07, This is exactly what makes Salisbury News so perfect for this community. YOU and everyone else has the opportunity to voice your opinions through comments. If there is another side, (as you suggest) please feel free to share it. This information came through as two comments of which you can see on our Library article earlier today. I chose to make it a post.

    March 22, 2017 at 8:19 AM

    That you did and this is an eye witness report. I was there and it has nothing to do with telling one side or the other side with the truth in the middle. Read the eye witness report, it is just that a report.

    Report = give a spoken or written account of something that one has observed, heard, done, or investigated.

    So how does this report become one sided? It's a report and you are just attacking Mr. Albero, but you are using the wrong fodder you widdle paid fire girl!!

  39. I can't believe they even keep Tony Webster around. I had the misfortune of taking a class once. He was sickening. All the women were grossed out. He is a creepy guy! Is he still beating on his wife?

  40. Anonymous said...
    Rick will go down in history in the SFD

    March 22, 2017 at 11:14 AM

    You better believe he will. They will probably black out his name or his picture on the chiefs wall. They don't need a picture of his big fat head on the wall with the other chiefs.

    Good grief I have been following this blog since it was National Joe-a-graphic where Joe started out exposing the city of Salisbury on it's many failures. The Zoo, the wastewater treatment plant and the Salisbury Fire Department.

    The last 4 chiefs of the Salisbury Fire Department have been extremely pathetic and Rick Hoppes has been the worst.

    Steve Brezler
    David See
    Jeff Simpson
    Rick Hoppes

    All 4 have been ultimate FAILURES!

  41. Anonymous said...
    Where is the leadership from the County? It is time to get with the times and have county departments for fire and police. Salisbury is ruining the county. The county should take it over and do away with duplication of services. Now is a good time to make that happen.

    March 22, 2017 at 8:26 AM

    I have been saying this for many years now.

    Because the voters of Wicomico County voted to change the Council/Manager form of government to an Executive form of government your request falls on the Executive Branch. With that said the voters need to contact the County Executives office and demand to speak to Bob Culver and express your concerns to him. He is the only one that makes that decision.

  42. JoeAlbero said...
    8:29, I'll tell you what. Why don't YOU start your own news organization and share what YOU want published. I don't tell you how to fight fires, you shouldn't tell me how to do what I do.

    March 22, 2017 at 8:34 AM

    Thank you Joe. Anyone on the outside looking in with a brain can tell that the problem is with the Salisbury fire chief and the Salisbury career staff.

    By the way we know this post came from a paid firemen because they love to refer to themselves as "Career firefigher." I'm surprised they aren't demanding to be called "professional firefighers."

    I've got an idea Troll, Go Away!!

  43. Chief Barry Beauchamp is the man!! Great to see you coming back to the Station 1 vollies. Your professionalism is what Wicomico County needs. Your speech last night was the only one that ended with the majority of the 150 people in the audience clapping. Hopefully they will vote you in as a volunteer chief and you will accept it with honor. I know the fire service is in your blood and started with your father or even earlier and it became a family affair. You are doing the right thing and I am sorry you left because of poor leadership from the previous chiefs. You are not the only one that got disgusted with their lack of leadership and their attempts at dismantling the volunteer fire service in Salisbury.

    1. Barry Beauchamp is a stand up guy. Hopefully he will get a one on one chance to meet with Culver and go over things.

  44. Whoever was referencing Salisbury in Wicomico County....please dont go there! Wicomico taxes are so high there ought to be a Fire Engine in every yard!!!

  45. Tri Townsend isn't even a firefighter. Just because you are the president of a very small corporation doesn't mean you are a firefighter.

    Just because you put on a set of bunker gear doesn't mean you are a firefighter.

    Just because you apply the title firefighter to your name doesn't mean you are a real firefighter.

    1. You could say the same thing about the majority of the Station 1 bunch...

  46. Anonymous said...
    Sounds like someone may be a tad bit jealous. You must have failed his class.lol Better luck next time

    March 22, 2017 at 1:08 PM

    By the looks of your grammar it looks like you failed a lot of classes!!

    1. What a dork. You're missing a comma! Ooooh! 😂

  47. Anonymous said...
    What was the crux of his speech? Something we haven't heard?

    March 22, 2017 at 8:34 AM

    Whose speech?

  48. Tony Webster did look a little chubby last night. I noticed he touched up his hair again with some Loreal. He's trying to look spiffy for the nurses at PRMC.

    1. You must have been looking at him awfully close. You're the only one who got the chubby. I've known him for years, he's always been upfront. He surely isn't a coward that hides behind the computer.

  49. Who was that old looking Jihadist guy with that long greasy Muslim beard at the meeting last night? He kept opening the garage doors and making a lot of noise making it difficult to hear people talking.

  50. Anonymous said...
    The county gives money to the volunteer corporations at all three Salisbury depts. The city changed the fire dept charter and made the volunteer corporations to sign over their equipment to them. This was to keep the volunteers in line and not try to go on their own. Which they have attempted on several occasions. The city keeps the volunteers around just for the money, as they want paid crews. The city has lost numerous volunteers over the years due to the city's actions. I remember when they had volunteers responding with full crews to the county areas in their district.

    March 22, 2017 at 2:30 PM

    These are words of truth. They are factual and they depend on the county funding to offset the many salaries for the career firemen. This is wrong. Why would anyone want to pay double taxes just to have a paid firemen sleep in your buildings every single night when you can have volunteers doing it for free.

    1. 1. Probably because the volunteers aren't doing it.

      2. That small amount from the county doesn't affect the SFD career division, it is applied to equipment and apparatus.

    2. It does affect the career division because it helps pay for that equipment you use. And the trickle affect of allowing more money to pay for career crews.

    3. Personnel portion of the operating budget is allotted from the city, not the volunteer money from the county.

    4. Hopefully you don't manage budget as you don't understand the concept. If the money from the county did not supply the equipment it would then come out of the operating budget from the city which in turn would leave less money for personnel. So the money does from the county does affect other areas.

    5. By the logic being applied to the SFD...
      No county money should go to personnel. Does that also apply to any other county fire departments that may receive money from incorporated municipalities they serve?
      If you apply that logic none of those departments may apply any county funding to their paid people either. Those evil "paid farmin" that serve in those districts. And taking the next logical step, you'll say they are only EMS people. Then they should never, ever don turnout gear and do firefighting of any kind. Right? None of those departments have the right to utilize those personnel as the department sees fit or as the need may dictate. Let's lay the groundwork now and say none of those departments may ever use those personnel as firefighters becsuse THAT role may ONLY be filled by volunters. Right?
      As far as the city of Salisbury and their operating budget? Look at the total money and the amount contributed by that county money. Small, small percentage.

    6. The next logical leap to make (if all departments are playing by the same rules that get applied arbitrarily to the SFD) would be that the county annually audit every fire department and require they submit a budget to the county to ensure that no amount of county funding ever get spent on city "paid farmin" in ANY city or municipality in Wicomico county. Right?
      If they can show clearly what money went where, no Issue. Right?

    7. Let's make the next leap. Chief (used loosely here) Polidore stated at the county meeting that they would be hiring an EMS crew.
      Doesn't that mean there would be paid people in a fire station serving the Salisbury Fire District? Okay for them but not for the SFD?
      So it's a fair assumption that NO county money would ever go to those paid people because they may have to serve the city areas of the SFD at some point. AND it's a fair assumption that no paid people at that new station will work a 24 hour shift because they may sleep on their tour....

  51. Comment Worthy of a Post

    I have a question for the leadership in Salisbury. I would like an answer from Jake Day and Rick Hoppes both.

    Why do paid fireman get to lay down in comfy beds with pillows and blankets while getting paid?? They get to sleep every single night of the week until they get a call. Most nights the paid firemen get to sleep from 10 PM until 7 AM the next morning. It's known to many that the paid firemen don't have to get up at 7 AM if they don't want to because their relief is going to be their at 7 AM anyway so the get to sleep in until they go to their next jobs.

    Same question, but a different angle. Why don't the paid Salisbury police officers get to sleep at night in the city buildings just like the paid firemen. Maybe they should make one of the rooms at police headquarters a bunk room with beds so the police officers can get paid to sleep until they get a call just like the paid firemen? Maybe the Mayor can build a lounge with 16 recliners and wide screen TV's and Xbox's so the paid police officers can hang out and relax just like the paid firemen. Then the paid Salisbury police officers can have Xbox matches with the the paid firemen every night while they are working. Maybe Jake Day, the Mayor, can get a kitchen built into police headquarters so that the paid police officers can all come to Headquarters and have a "family" dinner at 5:00 PM every night just like the paid firemen do. Maybe the paid policemen and paid firemen can all break bread together before they go back to their respective stations and play Xbox until they get calls?? The Mayor can put a bunk room, a lounge and a kitchen in the substations just like all three fire stations in Salisbury. After all the paid policemen should be all rested up at night if they get a call just like the paid firemen. If the Mayor did this for the paid policemen then all the policemen can go work their second job as soon as they get off work the next day just like all the paid firemen do. After all they would have been all rested up for their second jobs.

    What an excellent idea. After all the paid policemen's salaries are compatible to the paid firemen's salaries. If the paid firemen get paid to sleep every single night of the week then it makes perfect sense that the paid police officers get to sleep every night!!!

    What do you say Mr. Mayor and Mr. Fire Chief? Muir Boda feel free to chime in if you wish!!

    1. Have the SPD work 24 hour shifts and then it can be a possibility...

      The paid fire crews are not guaranteed to sleep through the night. Most of the time they do not, especially the EMS crews.
      The volunteers that actually ride and respond know this all to well. The engine or truck will just as likely be up running calls as well...

    2. Big difference in fire and police jobs. Police need to patrol the city and make their presence known. They also have to be looking out for suspicious and illegal activity. Fire personnel do not need to make a presence in the community at night only respond to calls when assistance is needed.

    3. Exactly! Different mission with totally different methods of providing coverage and handling calls for service.

    4. Duh!! Policemen are already getting paid to sleep at night. Where the heck have you been? Lol

  52. 3:28
    A quick check of the call for service would tell you if they get calls at night. However you can only see page one. Anything past that won't display on their page. It's been like the for months. Maybe someone should take the time to make sure their website is working rather than coming on here to bash the volunteers. Maybe they want it that way so people can't see their past calls for service.

  53. Inquiring taxpayers want to know who and why the County was paying volunteer units yet unaware the equipment had been transferred. This should have been known and not a surprise. One more time we learn no one on the County's watch was awake.
    Who is failing to read and moniter these things?

    1. This didn't happen under culvers watch. Barry and Ireton and previous administration allowed this to happen when station 2 attempted to leave years ago. But hopefully Culver has been made aware of the city's shady dealings. County and city should be separated to stop the city's crap. Being the city also has not been paying the county what they owe them.

  54. Tri Townsend cannot be trusted he's a crook.

  55. Dear 5:26 I am throwing the BS flag on your last sentence.

  56. Do a case search on Phoney Webturd and I sure hope you have lots of toner and paper in your printer.This loudmouth loser could not get a gallon of milk on credit.

  57. 4:18 answer me then why is Fire equipment always riding around if they only respond to calls. They could cut down on mileage and expense by 3/4 and make the equipment last longer.

    I526 if these vehicles are used that little why do these vehicles have high mileage? Does the SOP / directives allow these vehicles to be used for personal usage like they are? Does the SOP / directives not charge these employees a fee for personal usage, which covers only travel to and from the fire station? This is how Government and private agencies operate with SOP's / directives state clearly.

    6:27 you left out Ricky Pollitt the other and main player.

    I would also ask why the City and County garages not keep up the maintenance and mechanical repairs on City and County vehicles, including washing and keeping them clean? This would cut down on operating expenses.

  58. Proof of the problem is black and white throughout this post. The only problem that exists is a dislike of paid firefighters by station I volunteers and a mountain of jealousy toward a very educated fire chief and paid firefighters. Read the posts its spelled out loud and clear!

    1. Very educated fire chief? Wow Jeff Bell. Wipe your lips and chin, Hoppes left a little on your face.

  59. The fire service is an insurance policy. When you need it call upon it. You have to decide if you want a premium one or an average one. If you want to do away with career staff then fine do it. Try to hold your breath for six minutes, that is the average response from the volunteers when they get out fifty percent of the time. Not scare tactics but the facts. Yes I am a career firefighter/ paramedic in the city. I am proud to be one and proud to serve the city.

  60. BS clearly you haven't been keeping up with things. I don't know if Hoppes is educated or not from his actions and words I'd have to say not. Just because you have a piece of paper and/or letters behind your name doesn't mean you're using that so called education/training. Administration is a huge part of this ongoing problem he doesn't know how to bring everyone together, but he's done a lot to make the situation worse. Along with him and prior chiefs I'll also add Polliitt, Barry, Ireton and Day.

  61. 7:48 Its clear reading the posts that the nasty comments are directed at the paid firemen probably made by a disgruntled volunteer from that fire station.

    1. Have you read all the prior posts that has been put on this blog paid people bashing volunteers, it really showed their dislike and lack of consideration for all of their volunteers. They have now been told/warned not to comment since they showed their true colors. Some of these comments are from citizens and some from other fire departments who know what's been going on not just now but thru the years.

    2. No one at the SFD hates volunteers. Those volunteers that are willing to help and actually take part in what's going on are welcome.
      Those that don't show up, don't help, don't train, don't do anything at all for the good of the department show their true colors and are the problems the SFD has.
      This is a fire department. This is not a social club. When you join a fire department you do so knowingly to serve the citizens in your community by helping your department provide fire, rescue and EMS services.
      If that is not what you are here for, then you are in this for the wrong reasons.

  62. Im no fan of the City leadership but the irony here is that Mayor Day is the only one to take a position without delay. He is locked down and focused on whats good for his charge - the city.
    Meanwhile the Council and Executive appear to be angling for votes. It really is not a difficult analysis. Time that could be spent on equally important issues is lost.
    Dare to take a stand. Lead. Commit

    1. Day was partly voted in by the paid crew as he wanted to be in their clic he sided with them and he continues to kiss butt. He has not tried to bring the sides together at all. He is in over his head he's just trying to keep the vote and pretends he's somebody. He's doing nothing substantial for the city. And increasing section 8 housing and less parking for downtown that will certainly make it more appealing insert sarcasm. Doing feel good pieces about bike lanes, how about actually fixing the roads and the many potholes. How about bringing new business to the city and I'm not talking about another restaurant. Now he's doing what he can to screw the fire department by losing volunteers.

    2. But it's been said before that Career staff don't live in the City and don't vote. Hmmmm??? Your argument is not valid.

  63. The fire service is an insurance policy. When you need it call upon it. You have to decide if you want a premium one or an average one. If you want to do away with career staff then fine do it. Try to hold your breath for six minutes, that is the average response from the volunteers when they get out fifty percent of the time. Not scare tactics but the facts. Yes I am a career firefighter/ paramedic in the city. I am proud to be one and proud to serve the city.

  64. Jeff Bell said...
    Proof of the problem is black and white throughout this post. The only problem that exists is a dislike of paid firefighters by station I volunteers and a mountain of jealousy toward a very educated fire chief and paid firefighters. Read the posts its spelled out loud and clear!

    March 22, 2017 at 7:48 PM

    Jeff Bell get a Fricken grip!!! What is black and white is the hatred of volunteers by the paid firemen in Salisbury.

    "a mountain of jealousy toward a very educated fire chief"

    If you think that Rick Hoppes is a very educated fire chief then that shows how UNEDUCATED you are!! I am giving you the benefit of the doubt by calling YOU uneducated where I should be calling you stupid!

    What is loud and clear to the majority of the readers is that you are sucking up to Hoppes hoping you will get a job as a paid firefighter. Now go home little boy, we don't need your stupidity in Salisbury.

  65. Jeff Bell said...
    Proof of the problem is black and white throughout this post. The only problem that exists is a dislike of paid firefighters by station I volunteers and a mountain of jealousy toward a very educated fire chief and paid firefighters. Read the posts its spelled out loud and clear!

    March 22, 2017 at 7:48 PM

    Jess Bell you are not a Salisbury or Wicomico County resident or tax payer so you don't have a dog in this fight. A little advice to you ma'am, MYOFB!!

  66. Anonymous said...
    Tony Webster did look a little chubby last night. I noticed he touched up his hair again with some Loreal. He's trying to look spiffy for the nurses at PRMC.

    March 22, 2017 at 2:33 PM

    Tony has been known to be a man's man if you know what I mean. Wink, Wink.

    He always did love a man in uniform.

  67. Anonymous said...
    OMG, please don't give Bryan Records a platform to explain SFD "history". That clown has ridden that horse for all it's worth. Hey Bryan....nobody cares about how the firefighters used to hand carry buckets of water or how, when and why the bell got cracked. Twenty years from now he will be spinning a yarn about how the floors got cracked in the new fire palace. It will have nothing to do with "poor engineering" but rather will be explained as an inconvenient "happening" that occurred when there was a "massive fire" where SFD saved thousands of lives. His hyperbole is second to none.

    March 22, 2017 at 3:07 PM

    Notice his coward A$$ wasn't at the volunteer Fire Association meeting? Where was that brave hero that posted so many negative things on his FB page about the Station 1 volunteers. Him and his creep cross eyed, wife beating brother.

    1. But the career staff that was there got bashed on here for being there. You can never win with you people. He's not a volunteer, why would he attend?

  68. Anonymous said...
    Let's make the next leap. Chief (used loosely here) Polidore stated at the county meeting that they would be hiring an EMS crew.
    Doesn't that mean there would be paid people in a fire station serving the Salisbury Fire District? Okay for them but not for the SFD?
    So it's a fair assumption that NO county money would ever go to those paid people because they may have to serve the city areas of the SFD at some point. AND it's a fair assumption that no paid people at that new station will work a 24 hour shift because they may sleep on their tour....

    March 22, 2017 at 11:31 PM

    WTH are you trying to say Rick?

  69. As a tax payer I have a major problem with those paid firemen working 24 hour paid shifts and and sleeping all night, the getting 72 hours off? If they want to be paid heroes then they should be forced to work the 8 hour Dupont shifts.

    No more sleeping on the job!

  70. Anonymous said...

    "Let's make the next leap. Chief (used loosely here) Polidore..."

    March 22, 2017 at 11:31 PM

    Let's make on thing clear. Chief (used loosely here) Hoppes...

  71. Anonymous said...
    By the logic being applied to the SFD...
    No county money should go to personnel. Does that also apply to any other county fire departments that may receive money from incorporated municipalities they serve?
    If you apply that logic none of those departments may apply any county funding to their paid people either. Those evil "paid farmin" that serve in those districts. And taking the next logical step, you'll say they are only EMS people. Then they should never, ever don turnout gear and do firefighting of any kind. Right? None of those departments have the right to utilize those personnel as the department sees fit or as the need may dictate. Let's lay the groundwork now and say none of those departments may ever use those personnel as firefighters becsuse THAT role may ONLY be filled by volunters. Right?
    As far as the city of Salisbury and their operating budget? Look at the total money and the amount contributed by that county money. Small, small percentage.

    March 22, 2017 at 10:33 PM

    Oh, so now you are saying that the county funding is a small, small percentage? Then Rick, why do you want it so bad. What's up with Homo Jim's "Nuclear Option" threat if the county doesn't pay more of the small, small percentage.

    By the way were heard you have been serving Jimbeau. Is that still going on? We saw your pictures of you at their election party when Jake Day got elected and you were drooling over Jake and Jim. You know you owe those 2 a lot for getting them to hire you, especially when Jimmy really didn't want you. It was just an attack on Debbie, Teri and Tim on the City Council. You were used big time, but you were so desperate to be called "Fire Chief" you would have done anything. You pathetic piece of human excrement.

  72. Anonymous said...
    Very educated fire chief? Wow Jeff Bell. Wipe your lips and chin, Hoppes left a little on your face.

    March 22, 2017 at 8:13 PM

    Very educated fire chief? BWAHAHAHA!

    His so called kolage dagrie came from Columbia Southern University which is nothing but a paper mill. That is a fact. Columbia Southern University is a fake college that offers fake degrees. Any college(used that term losely) that is only online and not a traditional Bricks and Mortar collage then it is a fake program.

    Found online: Is Columbia Southern University A Scam?
    Written by Jill Brown on · 82 Comments

    The Litmus Test For A Legitimate University
    The best way to tell if an online college or university is a scam is by evaluating its accreditation. The gold standard of collegiate accreditation in the United States is known as regional accreditation. There are six regional accrediting agencies that are tasked with evaluating colleges and universities in their geographic areas to make sure they meet minimum academic standards.
    A college or university only needs to be accredited by one of the six agencies. Before we go any further it is necessary to point out that Columbia Southern University is not accredited by any of the six regional accrediting agencies.

    Comment from a former "Student."
    I was going to take courses at Columbia Southern University so that they would transfer to Portland State University. Before enrolling at Columbia Southern I called Portland state University and asked if they took transfer credit from Columbia Southern. Portland State’s reply: No, we don’t take transfer credits from Columbia Southern University.

    Regional Accreditation is the gold standard.

    Replied to above comment: Smart choice, there are a lot of universities that will not accept CSU credits, so you were smart to check! I used to work at CSU and it is obvious by the schools own record of actual graduates that something is very wrong at CSU!
    So Rick Hoppes wasted those thousands of City and County tax dollars to obtain a fake college degree in order to obtain a high ranking position in the City of Salisbury. This is Fraud and Mayor Day needs to find the balls to handle this correctly. Ocean City Fire/EMS had an employee with a fake degree that was obtained in a similar fashion in order to get promoted to a Lieutenant. When it was discovered an investigation was appropriate done and the person was demoted and later the person was fired.

    Rick Hoppes is a fake college degree is and he should have never been promoted and confirmed. Jake Day promised his first order of business as the newly elected city council member and then president of council was to confirm Jim Ireton's appointment of Hoppes to Fire chief. You can blame Jim Ireton, Jake Day and Rick Hoppes for this mess!

  73. Is it true that County Councilman Marc Kilmer was at the Wicomico County Firemen's Association meeting and voted "NO" out loud during a vote on Station 1?

    Marc Kilmer accidentally expressed his non-support for the volunteers who want to serve the citizens of Wicomico County for free and at no additional expense. I guess Mr. Kilmer is in bed with Jake Day, Muir Boda and the City Council. Bad move on your part Mr. Kilmer because many of your constituents at that meeting support Station 1 volunteers and their separation from the City of Salisbury. It looks like Mr. Kilmer will not be re-elected to the County Council after that stupid Faux Pas!

    By the way Dummy, the vote was for members of the firemens association and not for someone who is there to suck up for votes and eat a cheap meal.

  74. Three men got up and spoke. You all had your opportunity and didn't speak. Instead, you pansy a** wannabes come here and name call and downright make up stuff like a bunch of cry babies. I'm telling you, if your dream is to be hired by the fire department, you need to put more time into your studies and training. It's apparent some of you are just too lazy to put in any effort.

  75. Jimmie Gladwell, Rick Hoppes, John Tull, Darrin Scott and Bryan Records. Each one of them will lie to your face and then the others will swear to the lie... right to your face. Neither of these subjects has ONE OUNCE of integrity. Fairness is a word they banter around but have no idea what it means or how to put fairness and integrity ahead of their own self serving desires. Pitiful excuses for supervisors and human beings.

  76. I would like to see all the county fire department be held accountable for the money they are given. Open the books and have a yearly audit.

  77. Anonymous said...
    I would like to see all the county fire department be held accountable for the money they are given. Open the books and have a yearly audit.

    March 23, 2017 at 11:22 AM

    I would to, but Bob Culver doesn't have the BALLS to make them do it!!

  78. Agreed. Start with the Station 1 bunch since Polidore said he "wasn't comfortable" sharing that information with the county council.
    They quickly accused the city of stealing from them. Ought to be simple enough to prove or disprove and they should be willing to have their books locked at. Especially since that was one of the factors to cause them to secede from the city.
    This is especially important as this is taxpayer money and money given from the citizens for the SFD, which they were a part of when they received it.
    There is also the fact that taxpayer money will continue to go to their unnecessary, new fire station for a territory that is already served by a fire department with three stations. The disruption they have caused within the fire service in wicomico county is utterly ridiculous.
    If I were on the council the audit would be mandatory. Period.

  79. Since Richard Hoppes and Jake Day don't own the rights to the name "Station 1" then why are they still using the nomenclature Station 1, Engine 1, Engine 1-1, Truck 1, Brush 1, Air Light 1, Station 1 EMS, Paramedic A-1, Paramedic B-1, Brush 1, Utility 1, Chief 1, Deputy Chief 1.

    What is Hoppes going to call the new station? The Richard A. Hoppes Memorial Substation? It's going to have to be called Station 17 I guess unless they pick 10 or 13.

  80. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Agreed. Start with the Station 1 bunch since Polidore said he "wasn't comfortable" sharing that information with the county council.
    They quickly accused the city of stealing from them. Ought to be simple enough to prove or disprove and they should be willing to have their books locked at. Especially since that was one of the factors to cause them to secede from the city.
    This is especially important as this is taxpayer money and money given from the citizens for the SFD, which they were a part of when they received it.
    There is also the fact that taxpayer money will continue to go to their unnecessary, new fire station for a territory that is already served by a fire department with three stations. The disruption they have caused within the fire service in wicomico county is utterly ridiculous.
    If I were on the council the audit would be mandatory. Period.

    March 23, 2017 at 1:15 PM

    Well you are not on the county council so you don't get to make that decision. One person doesn't get to make that decision so your talk is stupid. Just because you are a paid firemen doesn't mean things will go your weight just to protect your paid job.

    The Station 1 Volunteers didn't cause a disruption. Rick Hoppes, John Tull, Darrin Scott and Jake Day caused the disruption. They methodically made it more and more difficult for the volunteers to be volunteers. They should be ashamed of themselves for what they did with the volunteer system in Salisbury.

    So what if the county territory is already being served. Territory gets broken up and divided all the time all over the country. So what if the territory is already being served. Maybe the county tax payers want a volunteer fire department to serve the county citizens. Maybe the county tax payers don't want city paid firemen to serve them. Too bad, so sad, hope you don't lose your job. Wah, Wah, Wah. Here is some cheese with your whine!

    1. Those tax payers already have volunteers serving them in that area, those volunteers still at the SFD willing to serve their community anyway. They serve hand in hand along with the career staff.
      Just because you were a volunteer, doesn't mean you were doing right. If you weren't willing to step up and serve the community as part of the SFD where literally ALL you had to do was respond to calls, you aren't going to be any more willing to serve those citizens as part of a new station.
      Again, it's a fire department not a social club. There are requirements that go with being a firefighter ( not just simply a t shirt wearer) and member of a fire department.
      As far as the money, it's not yours. It belongs to the taxpayers. You are accountable to them for every dime of it.

  81. Anonymous said...
    But it's been said before that Career staff don't live in the City and don't vote. Hmmmm??? Your argument is not valid.

    March 23, 2017 at 6:48 AM

    Name 5 career staff that live in Salisbury and pay city and county taxes? Hmmmm??? I bet you can't!!

  82. Anonymous said...
    No one at the SFD hates volunteers. Those volunteers that are willing to help and actually take part in what's going on are welcome.
    Those that don't show up, don't help, don't train, don't do anything at all for the good of the department show their true colors and are the problems the SFD has.
    This is a fire department. This is not a social club. When you join a fire department you do so knowingly to serve the citizens in your community by helping your department provide fire, rescue and EMS services.
    If that is not what you are here for, then you are in this for the wrong reasons.

    March 23, 2017 at 8:43 AM

    No one at the SFD hates volunteers? Why did the majority of volunteers leave under the short period of time that Rick Hoppes has been the fire chief.

    The SFD hates the volunteers that were in the Salisbury Fire Department and the volunteers in Wicomico County. That was why nearly 100 or more volunteers from the 14 fire stations in Wicomico County clapped up a storm after Barry Beauchamp spoke! Tri Townsend tried to stack the meeting with outsiders to support the Salisbury Fire Department career division, but it ultimately backfired on him. That place was packed with supporters of the Station 1 volunteers.

  83. Anonymous said...
    This has always been about a worthless lard ass egotistical Chief with his minions that hate volunteers. Plain and simple.

    March 22, 2017 at 8:27 AM

    That lard ass got large from being lazy. I remember when he was on Chief Grogan's shift and Grogan would get pissed off at how he would check the fire engines in the morning. The lard ass Hoppes would get an office chair with wheels and he would roll his lard ass around the engine opening cabinets while he was sitting in that chair. You can't get much lazier then that. Then he sucked up to Chief Higgins to get promoted. Then he sucked up to Chief Bezler to get promoted to captain. Then he sucked up to David See to get promoted by helping run off the Station 2 volunteers. This lard ass was so lazy that he worked the system by sucking up instead up testing for the promotions.

    The only thing that most of us liked about Jeff Simpson is that he was smart enough to see through Hoppes and nearly demoted him by making John Tull a "Senior Assistant Chief" although there isn't such a promotion.

    Hoppes needs to go so that the City can get back it's volunteers like it used to have before Hoppes ran them off.

  84. Anonymous said...
    Once again Jake Day has someone in position like Hoppes who is destroying the department. SPD is on the same road and Jake fails to see he needs to make some changes. Wake up Jake.

    March 22, 2017 at 7:57 AM

    It is painfully obvious there are at least 3 department heads that shouldn't be employed by the City of Salisbury. Rick Hoppes, Barb Duncan and Jeannie Lloyd.

    This proves that Jake Day is nothing more than a Boy Mare with no Nads!

  85. Anonymous said...
    It will be interesting to see if the volunteer County Chief's, along with the Maryland State VOLUNTEER Fireman's Association will support thier own. Tick tock, getting ready to separate the men from the boys.

    March 22, 2017 at 8:32 AM

    I think they will and they better.

  86. For those that want the books audited of the volunteer Fire departments, I am a member of one and you can audit our books anytime. We have nothing to hide.

  87. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Jay Jester may need to look at Ocean City too. I don't think they can be a member of the state association either. All their fire trucks are titled to the Town of Ocean City too!!

    March 22, 2017 at 10:00 AM

    Jester was at that meeting with his stupid looking mustache. I forgot to look of for the Ocean City chiefs car. What a loser.

    1. With all his dirty laundry, Jester best stay the heck out of it.

  88. Anonymous said...
    Who was that old looking Jihadist guy with that long greasy Muslim beard at the meeting last night? He kept opening the garage doors and making a lot of noise making it difficult to hear people talking.

    March 22, 2017 at 2:36 PM

    I noticed that also. Who is it? You know he can't fight fire.

  89. Anonymous said...
    The change in the Charter should be fought because there was no reason for the Charter to be rewritten. This change was a reason to confiscate all the equipment that was paid for by the Volunteers. Salisbury and the paid individuals did not have the money and IMO they illegally confiscated Wicomico County property. A lawyer needs to be involved to investigate the legality of this Charter change. Also how is the City authorized to spend the money designated for Wicomico County Volunteer Fire Companies? This money is for County expenditures not City expenditures. That is another legal question. Who authorized the City to spend this money that is designated for Wicomico County? Culver needs to be on this like white on rice. That money that Salisbury has spent since this, IMO, illegal confiscation of equipment / property / money should be repaid with 10% interest to Wicomico County designated for Volunteer Fire Companies. Then lets see the egos of SFD will go. No one will want them since they have established themselves as trouble makers. Volunteers have my full support. I donate to 2 Volunteer Companies in Wicomico County and will add one more Volunteer Company when they split from SFD.

    March 22, 2017 at 10:02 AM

    There was a lawyer involved in this when the city of Salisbury changed the charter to steal the county funds from the Salisbury volunteers.

    His name was Paul Wilbur and ironically he was at that meeting with Paul Wilbur.

  90. Anonymous said...
    Well well well sounds like station 2 may be discussing jumping ship as well . Just saying there was a phone call this morning talking about this issue .

    March 22, 2017 at 11:14 AM

    I think they should. Sounds like a good plan to me. Too bad those dumb asses cave into the city and gave up their station. They had a perfectly good fire house with the deed in hand and they allowed the city to build a new firehouse and then tear the old one down. How dumb is that.

  91. Anonymous said...
    It's quite apparent you don't know anything about these men. If you did no you certainly wouldn't be saying some of the things you were stating. I personally see a lot of bitter jealous People. At least Tony was man enough to get up and speak instead of hiding behind a keyboard

    March 22, 2017 at 10:04 AM

    Behind a computer? You mean like you are doing?

    Tony pissed off a lot of people in Salisbury and throughout the county. Tony is a marked man right now because of his stupid comments.

    1. I'm behind a computer because I wasn't there. Im speaking about the people who were there.

    2. At least he isn't afraid to speak his mind publicly instead of waiting to get on an anonymous blog and talk crap. All these people with so much to say wouldn't say boo that night.

  92. Anonymous said...
    All three of these men have more knowledge and experience than you do obviously

    March 22, 2017 at 10:05 AM

    Bahahahahahaha! Those clowns don't know anything about the fire service. They are nothing but wannabe's!

  93. Anonymous said...
    Isn't the City of Salisbury in Wicomico County? So isn't the money spent by the City on fire equipment being used for County taxpayers that live in the City limits? Just like Delmar, Fruitland, Hebron, Sharptown, Pittsville, and Mardela have City/County boundaries and residents pay taxes to both?

    March 22, 2017 at 10:22 AM

    That's not the point you dumb moron. When the City of Salisbury decided to have their own separate government the rules changed. Salisbury has their own police department and the county tax payers don't fund that so why should the county fund the city fire department. Some people get dumber all the time.

    1. The county residents of Salisbury fire district get the response from the SFD units, funded also by the city. This includes career staffing which they don't pay city taxes for but get the benefit of. They certainly pay county taxes though and shouldn't be punished by having their fire and end services limited to a new unnecessary upstart fire department all in the name of satisfying a few egos.

  94. Interesting how these guys think....
    They become members of a fire department that is a combination department serving the city of Salisbury. They know this going in.

    This fire department has been serving the City of Salisbury and the fire district around Salisbury, evolving in that role since 1872.
    This department has evolved to include career and volunteer components and has three stations spread out in an area that serve that Salisbury fire district.

    The department, which they are and have been members of has continually gotten busier with increased fire and EMS responses in its district.

    The department evolves its responses and staffing model to best serve the citizens in its district. This is done through a combination of things that still include and heavily rely on a volunteer response.

    Something happens that they disagree with and didn't get their way about. They were held accountable or held to a standard.

    Instead of working to meet a standard or to help serve their community as part of he fire department, they decide to secede.

    How in the world is it even remotely an expectation in their head that the entire fire district of Salisbury be rearranged to allow them to have a new station and serve the citizens ALREADY served by the SFD? Citizens they essentially abandoned because they didn't get their way.

    This is not about career vs volunteer.
    This is not about people trying to serve the community as volunteers and getting "run out" as they claim.
    This is a group they didn't want to conform to the policies of the organization and the city they took an oath to serve.
    Now they want to tell the citizens that are already being served by the SFD that they deserve to get their own station and take over because they didn't like it there.

    Those citizens in the county parts of the SFD territory enjoy great fire and EMS service provided by the SFD. They don't deserve to have it taken away to satisfy the egos of a disgruntled few.

    1. Ok is this Hoppes or John Tull?

    2. You idiot. Station 16 volunteers are pathetic and station 2 is going to leave soon. Don't worry station 5 will be taking your county territory. Now go do your hours with no calls scrubbing the toilets ad being the paid crews bitch. Do when your hours are up you never show up till. next month. You are never around when needed for big fires. You do nothing but scratch and when you finally got out for once in twenty plus calls you morons take a tower on a medical assist for lifting. What's wrong with the other 15 vehicles housed there. How many times has taxpayers repaired that tower cause you wreck it. At least a dozen for a fact. You may do your hours in the city limits. What a bunch of suck
      ups. And cave ins. No backbone. And firefighters......... lmao I think not.

  95. Anonymous said...
    Isn't the City of Salisbury in Wicomico County? So isn't the money spent by the City on fire equipment being used for County taxpayers that live in the City limits? Just like Delmar, Fruitland, Hebron, Sharptown, Pittsville, and Mardela have City/County boundaries and residents pay taxes to both?

    March 22, 2017 at 10:22 AM

    Wah, Wah, Wah. They were talking about my wife, my son, my son in law and my grandbaby. Wah!!

  96. Anonymous said...
    Interesting how these guys think....
    They become members of a fire department that is a combination department serving the city of Salisbury. They know this going in.

    This fire department has been serving the City of Salisbury and the fire district around Salisbury, evolving in that role since 1872.
    This department has evolved to include career and volunteer components and has three stations spread out in an area that serve that Salisbury fire district.

    The department, which they are and have been members of has continually gotten busier with increased fire and EMS responses in its district.

    The department evolves its responses and staffing model to best serve the citizens in its district. This is done through a combination of things that still include and heavily rely on a volunteer response.

    Something happens that they disagree with and didn't get their way about. They were held accountable or held to a standard.

    Instead of working to meet a standard or to help serve their community as part of he fire department, they decide to secede.

    How in the world is it even remotely an expectation in their head that the entire fire district of Salisbury be rearranged to allow them to have a new station and serve the citizens ALREADY served by the SFD? Citizens they essentially abandoned because they didn't get their way.

    This is not about career vs volunteer.
    This is not about people trying to serve the community as volunteers and getting "run out" as they claim.
    This is a group they didn't want to conform to the policies of the organization and the city they took an oath to serve.
    Now they want to tell the citizens that are already being served by the SFD that they deserve to get their own station and take over because they didn't like it there.

    Those citizens in the county parts of the SFD territory enjoy great fire and EMS service provided by the SFD. They don't deserve to have it taken away to satisfy the egos of a disgruntled few.

    March 23, 2017 at 7:24 PM

    This is so damn funny. Obviously from the opposition, more than likely the fat one in the chiefs office. So desperately trying to prove to the readers that they deserve to keep what is not theirs. That is correct, the county land in the unincorporated portion of the "Salisbury Fire District" is NOT theirs.

    Of course they don't want to lose that county territory because they are scared to death because of all the paid firemen they hired. They are afraid because the city just approved hiring 4 more paid firemen effective immediately. Hoppes put in his budget for 6 more paid firemen effective July 1, 2017. Hoppes, et. al. etc. put in for the new SAFER grant for 16 (SIXTEEN) more paid firemen that YOUR federal tax dollars will pay for and then after 3 years YOUR county and city tax dollars will have to pay for them.

    That will be 26 (TWENTY SIX) more paid firemen that the YOU, the city and county tax payers will have to pay for.

    In case you haven't been paying attention there are rarely, I mean rarely, any fires in this city. What we do have is an extremely large increase in crime. We have stabbings, shootings and murders. We have numerous rapes that Jake Day and the City PD refuse to report. There are numerous crimes that are not reported so that Jake Day, Muir Boda and Jim Ireton can try to claim that crime is down in Salisbury. Guess what?? Crime is not down in Salisbury!

    So think about this. Would you rather have 26 new police officers or 26 paid firemen with nothing to do except chase ambulance calls and sleep at night!!

  97. Anonymous said...
    IAFF backing

    March 23, 2017 at 5:54 PM

    What? I think the only way to see what these people, like above, is to use a smart phone?? Why can't you see what they are referring to by looking at this blog online?? There are many responses without references and it makes it difficult to follow.

  98. Anonymous said...
    For those that want the books audited of the volunteer Fire departments, I am a member of one and you can audit our books anytime. We have nothing to hide.

    March 23, 2017 at 4:36 PM

    Ok, who are you and what department??

    I noticed you left out your name and department name?

  99. Anonymous said...
    Inquiring taxpayers want to know who and why the County was paying volunteer units yet unaware the equipment had been transferred. This should have been known and not a surprise. One more time we learn no one on the County's watch was awake.
    Who is failing to read and moniter these things?

    March 22, 2017 at 4:54 PM


    Bob Culver is spending millions of our tax dollars and not paying attention to how or where those tax dollars are going and spent.

  100. Anonymous said...
    This is and always will be about MONEY - the one who has the biggest area wins. Its not about service to the public, its about more money, bigger budget and egos. Other than Ocean City, Salisbury FD is largest on shore. Anyone review the budget? I could care less if Salisbury 1 volunteers go off, and no one else should care either, but it may take MONEY away from SFD - so THAT is the REAL reason the fight is on. No more, no less.

    March 22, 2017 at 10:35 AM

    You are correct. Your statement is 100% accurate and that is what the main issue is. Hoppes and Jake Day are afraid to lose that territory and that MONEY! They have many unneeded paid firemen to pay for. Dumb, I mean extremely STUPID decisions have been made by Jake Day and the Salisbury City Council when they approved hiring unneeded paid firemen.

    To those that keep saying the citizen "already being served by the SFD" are happy with the service. You are wrong and deflecting from the real issue. If these county citizens were happy with Salisbury City services don't you think they would be begging to be annexed???

    Wrong answer! NEXT!

  101. Anonymous said...
    Since Richard Hoppes and Jake Day don't own the rights to the name "Station 1" then why are they still using the nomenclature Station 1, Engine 1, Engine 1-1, Truck 1, Brush 1, Air Light 1, Station 1 EMS, Paramedic A-1, Paramedic B-1, Brush 1, Utility 1, Chief 1, Deputy Chief 1.

    What is Hoppes going to call the new station? The Richard A. Hoppes Memorial Substation? It's going to have to be called Station 17 I guess unless they pick 10 or 13.
    March 23, 2017 at 1:55 PM

    Why not. We already have the $$Million Dollar Fire Boat in his honor. You know the $$Million Dollar Fire Boat S.S. Hoppes that hasn't had it's inaugural run since it has been placed in service. A million dollars worth of metal that sits in Dry Dock all the time. There was nothing wrong with that fire boat that the city already had. Even though Rick Hoppes and his Cronies let it sink and overturn in the Wicomico River. Bunch of idiots.

    Who is the Captain of that Fire Boat any way?

  102. Anonymous said...
    With all his dirty laundry, Jester best stay the heck out of it.

    March 23, 2017 at 9:07 PM

    What is up with Jay Jester's dirty laundry? Might as well air it out now.

    1. There is no need to air it. Nothing will happen. Jimmie Gladwell's abysmal behavior of having SEX ON DUTY, ON A CITY OWNED FIRE ENGINE AND IN A CITY OWNED BUILDING has not been refuted or denied. EVERYONE knows it happened. Yet, nothing happens. He is still permitted to supervise others and walk around without worry, concern or consequence. The only ones held to "standards" are the volunteers. And that, my friends, is one of the biggest issues driving this fight. Hoppes needs to come out strong, swiftly and severely discipline some of the teflon butt kissers and create an environment of fairness, integrity and accountability. It's not too late. But, it needs to be done IMMEDIATELY.

    2. Wow. Well thought out, perfectly stated and succinct. The only thing missing was a mic drop at the end.

  103. Anonymous said...
    You idiot. Station 16 volunteers are pathetic and station 2 is going to leave soon. Don't worry station 5 will be taking your county territory. Now go do your hours with no calls scrubbing the toilets ad being the paid crews bitch. Do when your hours are up you never show up till. next month. You are never around when needed for big fires. You do nothing but scratch and when you finally got out for once in twenty plus calls you morons take a tower on a medical assist for lifting. What's wrong with the other 15 vehicles housed there. How many times has taxpayers repaired that tower cause you wreck it. At least a dozen for a fact. You may do your hours in the city limits. What a bunch of suck
    ups. And cave ins. No backbone. And firefighters......... lmao I think not.

    March 23, 2017 at 10:32 PM

    You are correct. Cherry Cheeks Tri Townsend isn't a firefighter and never has been. Then you have a few volunteer turncoats from Station 1 including Billy Lewis who are trying to cover shifts at Station 1 to suck up to Hoppes so they can get promoted. Cherry cheeks has been in the fire department for how many years and he has never been a fire officer and never will. That sucking up doesn't work all the time or for every one so Cherry Cheeks hang it up. Yo are pathetic and you will never hold a leadership position in the Salisbury Fire Department other than President at Station 16, a position with absolutely no authority. Why don't you just go away you Douche Bag, you are nothing but a warm body to fill a position. You are worthless.

    By the way Cherry Cheeks where are all those volunteers that you said you were going to have at Station 16 by now. You told the county council that you will have 60 to 80 volunteers. Where are they? They weren't at the Volunteer Firemens Association meeting at your station so where were they. The only thing we saw were a bunch of misfits including you little boy. Where were they? Many of your paid Farmin looked like a bunch of Misfits as well.

  104. Anonymous said...
    At least he isn't afraid to speak his mind publicly instead of waiting to get on an anonymous blog and talk crap. All these people with so much to say wouldn't say boo that night.
    March 24, 2017 at 7:15 PM

    You mean like you just did you hypocrite, you coward!

    1. I wasn't there. I'm not talking trash. No comparison. This is directed to the coward that are bashing individuals behind a keyboard.

  105. Joe you better watch your back because I am coming after you. I have everything you have said about me and the salisbury fire department. Don't keep beeing stupid.

    1. Joe just like the rest of these cowards hiding behind the keyboard and adds fuel to the fire. Don't let these losers bother you it's apparent there is enormous amount of jealousy going on here.

    2. Finally, a real man that has the balls to identify himself, unlike these other cowards. Much respect to you Tri

  106. Anonymous said...
    You idiot. Station 16 volunteers are pathetic and station 2 is going to leave soon. Don't worry station 5 will be taking your county territory. Now go do your hours with no calls scrubbing the toilets ad being the paid crews bitch. Do when your hours are up you never show up till. next month. You are never around when needed for big fires. You do nothing but scratch and when you finally got out for once in twenty plus calls you morons take a tower on a medical assist for lifting. What's wrong with the other 15 vehicles housed there. How many times has taxpayers repaired that tower cause you wreck it. At least a dozen for a fact. You may do your hours in the city limits. What a bunch of suck
    ups. And cave ins. No backbone. And firefighters......... lmao I think not.

    March 23, 2017 at 10:32 PM

    I agree with you my friend. Station 16 is full of a few misfits like Jon David Black, Tri Townsend and Danny Long. The only time these cowards show up is to fight their "Brother firemen" like Station 2 and Station 1.

  107. Joe I think Tri Townsend threatened you are you shaking in your boots ? LOL

  108. I see a Pocomoke City Firemen (PT Snow Hill also) has died in a fiery crash. He was off duty at the time but it is still a sad day for family, friends and the fire companies. RIP

  109. 10:02 A.M.
    Your comment is "right on the money!"
    I cannot believe that the Charter could
    be changed as it was. And----Our Ex.
    Director needs to find out and Show
    the true legality behind this Total Mess.
    You go Volunteers---You have my support
    and many others. Hoppes is a disgrace to
    the Fire Dept. He presents himself well to
    the public but had No business being Chief.
    He is a self centered , spoiled boy brat.

  110. Anonymous said...
    I see a Pocomoke City Firemen (PT Snow Hill also) has died in a fiery crash. He was off duty at the time but it is still a sad day for family, friends and the fire companies. RIP

    March 26, 2017 at 9:35 AM

    Thank you. Wrong place to post this though.

  111. Anonymous said...
    Joe I think Tri Townsend threatened you are you shaking in your boots ? LOL

    March 26, 2017 at 8:14 AM

    Cherry Cheeks Tranny Townsend is going to sue Joe Albero! Wouldn't be the first time someone tried.

  112. Anonymous said...
    There is no need to air it. Nothing will happen. Jimmie Gladwell's abysmal behavior of having SEX ON DUTY, ON A CITY OWNED FIRE ENGINE AND IN A CITY OWNED BUILDING has not been refuted or denied. EVERYONE knows it happened. Yet, nothing happens. He is still permitted to supervise others and walk around without worry, concern or consequence. The only ones held to "standards" are the volunteers. And that, my friends, is one of the biggest issues driving this fight. Hoppes needs to come out strong, swiftly and severely discipline some of the teflon butt kissers and create an environment of fairness, integrity and accountability. It's not too late. But, it needs to be done IMMEDIATELY.

    March 25, 2017 at 9:43 AM

    Ginger - Hoppes. Nuff Said!

  113. Anonymous said...
    Wow. Well thought out, perfectly stated and succinct. The only thing missing was a mic drop at the end.

    March 25, 2017 at 12:37 PM

    The mic drop is related to Obama. I don't need that visual!

  114. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    10:02 A.M.
    Your comment is "right on the money!"
    I cannot believe that the Charter could
    be changed as it was. And----Our Ex.
    Director needs to find out and Show
    the true legality behind this Total Mess.
    You go Volunteers---You have my support
    and many others. Hoppes is a disgrace to
    the Fire Dept. He presents himself well to
    the public but had No business being Chief.
    He is a self centered , spoiled boy brat.

    March 26, 2017 at 2:00 PM

    Rick Hoppes isn't a firefighter and never has been. Rick Hoppes isn't a fire chief and never has in. He is a Chief in Name Only. CINO. When you have a candy a$$ Homo like Jim Ireton making the appointments for department heads what do you expect. They comes the candy a$$ wannabe Mare Jake Day getting elected an swinging the vote to confirm him as the CINO. And now Mare Fake Day is keeping Hoppes as the CINO and playing childish games with the volunteers in the city with Stations #1 and #2.

  115. Here it goes again, this false narrative about this "intrepid" group of volunteers who just oh do badly want to serve their community as firefighters but the evil city and fire chief are holding them back. Right.
    To say you are a volunteer is one thing, to actually be one requires that you show up at least once in a while and give of your time to support the cause. Where have you all been? The community has called for you to help (you know 911?) and less than 50% of the time you were there to answer the call. You can't be counted on to be there when needed.
    Standards? The volunteers aren't the only ones being held to standards. They are the only ones (part of you anyway) that just don't believe they apply to you. You're quick to say "oh we're just volunteers" we shouldn't have to do that.
    Gladwell? Sex on a fire engine? I know him well and doubt that ever happened. Maybe you've got the wrong jimmy. He's not he only guy named jimmy that belonged to the SFD.
    All of you that are part of this ridiculous secession mess are NOT firefighters. You are just t shirt wearers. You are giving the real firefighters (career and volunteer) and the SFD, as well as all of the fire service in wicomico county a bad name.
    Playing the volunteer card to get the support of the WCVFA, WCFCA and MSFA. You want to call yourself a volunteer? A firefighter? Show up and be productive to the organization and the community you took an oath to serve. If not? The best thing you can do for the fire service is find a different hobby. Take your toys and go home, we don't need you. There are dedicated volunteers still here doing what you can't and won't do.

    1. Oh they will ride again . Maybe you should pay attention the city has lost this and shown they have done wrong . We stand behind them 100 percent. Keep trying records .

    2. Trust me, it was JIMMIE GLADWELL. Everyone knows this except you.

    3. Ok. I'll prove it to you. I'll file a formal complaint against the female deputy that was involved. The Sheriff's Department is REQUIRED to conduct an investigation within ONE year of becoming aware of the complaint. Mind you, this is NOT one year from when it occurred. It is ONE year from the date the Sheriffs Department gained knowledge of the unbecoming conduct of the deputy. We will wait for the internal investigation and then file a Freedom of Information Act Request. Does that work for you? Will that convince you?

    4. You have no evidence!!

    5. You are one heartless SOB. Just remember you reap what you sow and you'll never Rest In Peace.

    6. The evidence will come out when the deputy is interviewed and/or polygraphed. She won't lose her job for "unbecoming conduct" but, if she lies, she will be fired. Trust me. She will tell the truth. The TRUTH will come out as well as all the details. Best part is, the complaint to the Sherrliff Department can be filed "anonymously" and HAS to be investigated. Those are the rules. Don't believe me? Call and find out. Since you are so hell bent on protecting Jimmie Gladwell, I will personally initiate the complaint tomorrow morning and get the ball rolling. You guys want to deny it happened and protect him, you will see. Especially when the rest of the media gets involved. That will sufficiently prove that there are two sets of standards applied to people within SFD. Hoppes can fix it immediately. Since he chooses not to, we will take this alternate route that I outlined. Lastly, how do "I reap what I sow?" Jimmie and the Deputy made their own choices and were completely in charge of their actions. In no way were either of them VICTIMS. As always, you are angry at and blaming the WRONG PEOPLE.

    7. Why am I a heartless SOB? You should welcome an investigation. You are claiming it didn't happen and that Jimmie Gladwell must be confused with another "Jimmy in the department". If you're SURE of that, you would like to have Jimmie's name cleared. I'm actually going to help him clear his name.

  116. Tranny Townsend?? BAHAHAHAHA!! I love that better than I do Cherry Cheeks!!

  117. Look another structure fire and NO Volunteers from station 16 or 2 got out. Let's see the real numbers on failure rates of 16 and 2 . Looks love the only volunteers who did anything sot sick of your lying and BS they left. Hope they smoke your sorry asses.

  118. The "BROTHERHOOD" in action here... It ALWAYS makes me laugh!

  119. Hey 5:26 looks like the real firefighters left your circus cause now you don't have any volunteers getting out. You moron ! And you keep pointing out 50% of the time they got out. A lot better than now with your 10% get out rate . What a dumbass you are, go get your hours done so you don't have to comeback to a real fire. House potato.

  120. With all the crap talked about the station 1 volunteers, I can't wait till they are up and running, they are gonna be on your ass like a rat on a piece of cheese, then we will see who the real volunteers are cause your preformance rate now that they are gone is pathetic. You Go Station 1 volunteers. The county volunteers are watching, reading, listening and we are behind you 100%. Any assistance needed, just let us know, we got you.

  121. There used to be a real brotherhood in the SFD, until the IAFF came in the game, since then they have devided and conquered, you will have a totally unionized paid fire dept in the city. Your tax rate in the city will double and fire protecton decline cause to them it's just a job. The dedicated volunteers have left, the but kissers remain, they are the real coffee club. T shirt wearers . You will see soon enough, it was all the unions plan to get rid of the volunteers, then you will long for the days when the volunteers ruled like back in the 70 s and 80 s when they worked together with the career folks, I was there and it was WAS was a awesome dept. not now it's a laughing stock. Poor leadership since Chief Darling has destroyed it beyond repair. Salisbury will lose the dedicated volunteers who had it in their heart to serve without compensation other than a little recognition and an atta boy time to time. It will now become a job, and you know how unions look at jobs. It's what you can do for me, not how may I serve.

  122. Is this any kin to Cherry Cheeks Walter "Tri" Townsend?

    Case Information
    Court System: District Court For Wicomico County - Traffic System
    Location: Wicomico
    Citation Number: 000000EY79196
    Case Title: The State of Maryland vs TOWNSEND, WALTER ALEX
    Case Type: Citation - Traffic
    Filing Date: 03/19/2008
    Violation Date: 03/08/2008Violation Time:
    Violation County: Wicomico County
    Officer ID: W246Officer Name:HOUCK, M


    Address:1415 TOADVINE RD
    City:SALISBURY State:MD Zip Code :21801
    Race: White Sex:Male Height:5'9"Weight:145
    Involved Parties Information

    Name: State of Maryland
    Officer - Arresting/Complainant
    Name: HOUCK
    Address: 401 NAYLOR MILL ROAD
    City: SALISBURYState:MDZip Code:21801
    Charge and Disposition Information
    Charge No: 1Statute Code:TA.16.101.A
    Speed Limit: 0 Recorded Speed: 0 Location Stopped: US RT S/B @ DOGWOOD AV

    1. Uh, ok. This person was stopped for operating a vehicle without required license and authorization. Usually someone riding a motorcycle without a motorcycle license. A simple traffic citation. That is a BIG difference from what Jimmie Gladwell did and has never been held accountable for. But, go ahead and deflect and divert attention. It isn't going to work. Your man crush...Mighty Mouse Gladwell is going to be EXPOSED for the fraud and deviant that he is. Just be patient young grasshopper.

    2. Never happened. Fake news. Go on Mr. Jealous.

  123. Richard A. Hoppes is a disgrace to
    the Fire Dept. He presents himself well to
    the public but had No business being Chief.
    He is a self centered , spoiled boy brat.

  124. Jimmie Gladwell's abysmal behavior of having SEX ON DUTY, ON A CITY OWNED FIRE ENGINE AND IN A CITY OWNED BUILDING has not been refuted or denied.


    Gladwell knows he climbed up on that hosebed at Station #1 for his Conquest with Skinny Minnie Shelly H. who is now a Deputy Sherrif with our local county. Funny how he and a couple of those paid clowns such as Records calling the Volunteer Anex as the Boom Boom Room, but conveniently forget about a little pompous pussy who claims the rank as an assistant chief. What a disgusting shame. Especially when many the paid fireman share Ginger Miller, a high school student doing ride alongs and she also became "Ms. Salisbury Fire Department" during a beauty contest held that year. And guess which ranking officer has a claim to fame with her? This is important information that needs to be exposed.

    Gladwell has been accused of sexual harrassment many times and it has constantly been swept under the rug.

    This has to be exposed because your child in the County may be doing a ride along with these same people and exposed to these illegal acts. Many students from the CTE programs at the Wicomico Public Schools. Many EMT students do ride alongs with the paramedics and are exposed to these paid perverts. Many times students from the college will do ride alongs with the paramedics and are exposed to these paid perverts. Wor Wic will have paramedic students riding with the paramedics and they are exposed to these paid perverts.

    Do you want your child to be a victim? There already are may victims who are afraid to speak up. Again, do you want your child to be a victim?

    Let's see if Joe has the balls to post this and let it stay up. ladwell's abysmal behavior of having SEX ON DUTY, ON A CITY OWNED FIRE ENGINE AND IN A CITY OWNED BUILDING has not been refuted or denied.


    Gladwell knows he climbed up on that hosebed at Station #1 for his Conquest with Skinny Minnie Shelly H. who is now a Deputy Sherrif with our local county. Funny how he and a couple of those paid clowns such as Records calling the Volunteer Anex as the Boom Boom Room, but conveniently forget about a little pompous pussy who claims the rank as an assistant chief. What a disgusting shame. Especially when many the paid fireman share Ginger Miller, a high school student doing ride alongs and she also became "Ms. Salisbury Fire Department" during a beauty contest held that year. And guess which ranking officer has a claim to fame with her? This is important information that needs to be exposed.

    Gladwell has been accused of sexual harrassment many times and it has constantly been swept under the rug.

    This has to be exposed because your child in the County may be doing a ride along with these same people and exposed to these illegal acts. Many students from the CTE programs at the Wicomico Public Schools. Many EMT students do ride alongs with the paramedics and are exposed to these paid perverts. Many times students from the college will do ride alongs with the paramedics and are exposed to these paid perverts. Wor Wic will have paramedic students riding with the paramedics and they are exposed to these paid perverts.

    Do you want your child to be a victim? There already are may victims who are afraid to speak up. Again, do you want your child to be a victim?

    Let's see if Joe has the balls to post this and let it stay up.

    1. You sir have no evidence of this happening. Sexual harassment is a serious charge. You better have some hard evidence! I suspect that you do not. This would have been heard of before now if you did!

    2. You are so ignorant of how things work it is ridiculous. Jimmie bragged about it to NUMEROUS individuals. There were multiple people working that have knowledge of it. It has been discussed ad nauseum on this blog for months. Lastly, complaints are filed every single day against employees in this country. Employers INVESTIGATE these allegations to determine if wrong doing occurred. Well, that is how it NORMALLY works. If the employer is the SFD and you are a volunteer, that is how it works. If the employer is SFD and you are a protected "good ole boy" or "butt kisser", it does NOT get investigated and you get promoted. As has been stated repeatedly, having two sets of rules and treatment for people under the same department is what will be the ultimate downfall of SFD. Can't wait to see how this investigation of Gladwell and the Deputy turns out. The results will determine the course of leadership for the future of SFD. Hoppes has no one to blame. He can still take action against Gladwell but his ego and pride won't let him do the right thing. Ego and pride have ruined many people. Just stand by Rick. Your own firehouse is on fire and you can't even see it. In leadership, it's called "fatal commitment". When you get to a fork in the road and pick one direction yet, soon realize, it was the wrong choice. A good leader will stop, reassess the situation, admit they were wrong and turn around. A poor leader continues on with his "fatal commitment" because they are stubborn, egotistical or to prove everyone else wrong even when they know they can't. They continue to follow that wrong path as it leads them right over a cliff. That is exactly what Rick Hoppes is doing, not only with Gladwell, but also the entire Department. The mindless people who are trusting this fool and following his lead will soon find out he has lead them down the wrong path. Unfortunately, the damage will be done and the department will be ruined.

    3. Nothing will be done because nothing happened. Sounds like you could not get a job there and loathing with jealousy.

  125. Anonymous said...
    Duh!! Policemen are already getting paid to sleep at night. Where the heck have you been? Lol

    March 26, 2017 at 5:06 PM

    That's not even funny. It's actually ignorant!

  126. Who's the real man you speak of @ 8:54 ?


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