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Sunday, March 26, 2017

Dr. Phil Exposes Elite Government Pedophile Ring On Mainstream TV


  1. Watch for more of this being exposed. Anthony weiners laptop was a gold mine of info.

  2. bill clintons laptop?

  3. Don't ever let a Democrat around your kid.

  4. Wishing her safety and every success.

  5. 8:30 PM: Hillary knew how to pose with a computer. Bill didn't know that much.

    Anthony was the one with the Weiner and knew how to use a computer.

  6. Does Bill have a laptop? He says he's only sent wo emails in his lifetime (as if anyone can believe that.)

    1. Bill. Liar. Liar. His pants have always been on fire.

  7. I pray to God that these SOB's are brought to justice. PizzaGate is real! Praise God the Clinton's and their ilk failed to win more power.

  8. My heart aches for this woman and all of the people who are victims of such terrible abuse. I hope that we will be determined and successful at putting a stop to this.

  9. TruNews and InfoWars has been trying to EXPOSE this International Pedophile Ring for Many years. The problem is it comes up about every 8-10 years and then dies down. WE the People MUST not allow this to fade away again. People in HIGH places all over the world are part of this secret Luciferian Group. It runs deep and wide and has hurt untold thousands of people. The victims are limitless. This goes deep and wide...WAKE UP Patriots, Christians and all those who have a sense of decency and do YOUR work. Educate yourselves and Tell as many people as possible. BTW, Many POLS are smack dab in the middle of all this and many of them are being blackmailed; as are justices, Intel, Bankers and much more...Please do your part and of course PRAY for all to be EXPOSED and brought to Justice.

  10. To educate yourself on the satanic side of these people read "hidden dangers of the rainbow"

  11. I watched this from beginning to end last night. Greatly disturbed me. Makes you wonder with all the missing children out there, if they ended up in one of these rings? I think this as always existed, especially in poor countries where they sell a child to help the rest of the family. I'm sure it goes to the highest levels of government. I remember listening on Tru News a confession from a former satanist on this very subject. Stated the Clinton and Bush families were at some of their parties. Even British Royalty was involved!


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