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Sunday, March 26, 2017

A Viewer Writes: The Daily Times

Mr Albero,

I was wondering if you happened to see the front of today's Daily Times? What a joke! They never ever put anything related to President Trump on the front, especially if it would be positive, but today they have huge black large font about Trump's budget. I glanced at it in WaWa this morning because it looked like one of those headlines you see like we entered the war. It, to me, is so ridiculous and really pisses me off. You can tell right away what they are going to say. The only good they are for is for lining the bottom of the birdcage or for eating crabs...


  1. The Daily WASTE OF Times!!
    Regurgitated Kool-Aid from Gannett (USA Today), aka the Anti-Trump newspaper

  2. I totally agree with 10:15. I stopped that so called NEWS paper a long time ago.

  3. Hey, come on now! The Daily Slimes are also good for wrapping fresh fish. Give them some more credit.

  4. I cancelled my Daily Times subscription because of the parent companies editorial during the election that recommended for all voting citizens to NOT vote for Trump. I called the papers office and spoke to Tim, the editor at that time, and he told me that it was not the opinion of the Daily Times locally but the opinion of the parent company. I saw a week later that he was let go.

  5. That's not the local news of the Daily Times of yore. The paper no longer presents the news in the perspective of the local population. It is the perspective of Gannet and their liberal USA Today publications. You might as well go pick up a copy of the Washington Post.

  6. I treasure my canary and my steamed crabs to much than have them associated with that rag newspaper.

  7. You are absolutely correct. The news is not local and that is their plan. The MSM buys all the local media and prints their BS. Most people are uninformed or too busy to follow current events and just read the garbage and take it at face value. Thats why I get local news from SBY and have eliminated the newspaper and wboc.

  8. The paper is hanging on by a thread, soon to go missing.

  9. Susan Parker is behind that. She was behind the anti-Trump rally put on by Molly the Lesbian Idiot.

    Susan Parker hates Trump and she is very active in the Democrat Club and uses her position at the Daily Rag to get Democrats elected.

  10. I'd use it for crabs and the bird cage, but there's too much of a chance of reading it.

  11. You would have to save about a month worth of paper to have enough to use for steamed crabs. Not enough paper to wipe your A$$ on.

  12. That's why I will never buy that rag and why I won't watch local news.

  13. Susan Parker is a worthless POS!

    I sit behind her at St. Francis and I wondered where the heck did she come from. She was never active in the church and now she is trying to take over the Parish Council. She likes that we have a Liberal Pope and a Liberal Priest in the Catholic Church now. I wish she and Chris LeBarge would leave. Things were so much better when there weren't around.

  14. @2:39 concerning Susan Parker and Chris LeBarge

    I am a life-long Catholic and have been attending the Mass a St Francis as well as other local Catholic Churches for years. I have had great spiritual struggles tolerating Priests (and laypersons) like Fr LaBarge. The other priest there (Weissman) is just as bad. I don't know about the new young guy. He seems more educated, well-read and likely has his head and heart in the right place.

    After Nelson Mandela died, I was there when he (LaBarge) and his Deacon declared aloud "what a great man Mandela was for peace in our world" and then they offered intercessory prayers for him. I know we should pray for our enemies and I often do - but that they become saved and accept God and Jesus - NOT put them upon a mantle and celebrate them-Mandela was a murderous Communist thug who, with his wife, used the rebound from the injustices of Apartheid to commit far greater injustices and enrich themselves through murder and theft while pushing SA into a totalitarian Communist state.

    Do these people like LaBarge not read or understand anything about history or are they just slaves of the mainstream media and their masters above them? Or are they really sinister destroyers working inside the Church? - the ones that we are warned of in the Bible. Does the truth not mean anything to those designated as our spiritual leaders? Or are they the new Pontius Pilate, who said to our Christ.. "Truth , what is that?"

    There is clearly a long term ongoing movement inside the Church/Catholic religion to undermine it and ultimately destroy it. The priests, bishops and cardinals have been in an unholy alliance with powers ( the Globalist Left) that hate America's Christian values and strength and know very well the origins of our strength is in our Faith and our Families. Both have been targets for generations and now it's coming to a precipice !

    I recall even back to the 70's and 80's many examples of the Catholic Church bias against our God-given natural rights enumerated clearly and simply in the Bill of Rights of our Constitution. The Church would hold strongly to the un-born's Right to Life, but openly support policies that have always led to state-directed mass murder ( Gun Control). The right to defend oneself and others against unjust aggression is foundational to Liberty and a safe and moral society. Communism /Globalism is using every soft spot and weakness in our faith to destroy us - 'turn the other cheek' included.

    There was a time long ago I would think what I am writing here is "way out there" and I thought people like Fr. LaBarge and Leftist Catholics were just ill-informed well-meaning people. A lifetime of experience and research tells me otherwise. This is all deliberate, and there are a lot of "sheep" just following along (and they are not being 'sheep' of our real shepherd Christ, but of false prophets.

    No wonder so many Catholics are flocking back the Traditional Mass in Latin and the moral and spiritual elements that accompany it.

    Ask yourself, what (really) happened to Pope Benedict and placed Francis (an admitted Marxist Liberation Theology proponent) into the position ???

    Good Americans ( Catholic,Protestants, or otherwise), get yourselves ready ! spiritually and physically .. It's time to wake up.

    These events are clearly part of the counter-attack against the election of Trump. He and what he stands for represents a very big wrench being thrown into the gears of the machine being run to ultimately undermine our nation's freedoms and faith.

  15. 2:39, you are spot on. If only more Christians would wake up. False teachings are all around us.


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