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Monday, March 06, 2017

Breaking News: The Republican replacement for Obamacare scraps mandated insurance in favor of incentives for people to buy it on the open market

House Republicans unveiled their long-awaited plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, scrapping the mandate that nearly all Americans have health insurance and replacing it with a system of tax credits aimed at enticing Americans to purchase health care on the open market.


  1. Forcing us to get it on Obama plan Should have Not been Legal // Forcing Business either..

    Affecting hiring should not have been legal
    Jobs only hired Part time 29 or less hrs due to it instead
    of 40 hr full time

    Taking your tax refund and Fining you and businesses should
    Not have been legal .. It was NO plan if you can't use it


  2. THEY should have dropped the snowflake age suckling on mommys teet to 22 NOT 26.

  3. Government administration of anything will and has double costs due to Administrative fees.

    It had to.

    Let us buy our own insurance from an insurance company or have a price list from medical providers of different ailments so we can opt to pay cash.

    There are no prices posted at the hospitals. so how could anyone wisely purchase a policy?

    This is only the top of the rock, folks...

  4. Car replacement insurance is very finite. You own a $10k vehicle, you pay a monthly fee in case it gets totaled or otherwise injured, insurance covers the difference beyond the deductible. There is a finite estimate done BEFORE services are rendered. Your rates are based on the averages of accident repairs for a person in your social category.

    You break your arm. You pay a deductible and go to a medical facility. Where's the estimate? Where's the pricing board? How much for a gall bladder attack? Infected thumb?

    Yes, all can be different, but most can be constant like X rays, Cat scans, and other testing procedures, but there's never a choice to pay cash or use insurance, because there's no price board.

    We need to have a real choice in our own medical care, and we don't have it.

  5. And where will the money come from to make up for the tax credits. The Democrats caused many of the problems facing us today including this illegal mandate to purchase insurance that most of us could not afford.

  6. In one paragraph they say they will do away with the requirement for insurance and do away with the penalty for NOT having insurance. And the next paragraph they say we would be penalized for letting our insurance lapse. SO which is it, penalty or not? Damn politicians cannot make their mind up. Cannot believe Trump agrees with this.


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