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Monday, March 06, 2017

A nude photo scandal has shaken the entire Marine Corps

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Marine Corps is investigating allegations an unspecified number of military personnel and veterans allegedly distributed nude photos of female colleagues and other women as part of a perverse social media network that promotes sexual violence.

The explosive revelation was first reported by The War Horse and published Saturday via Reveal, part of the Center for Investigative Reporting. Potentially hundreds of Marines may be caught up in the scandal, which has shaken top Pentagon officials and prompted death threats against the Marine veteran who disclosed it. An undetermined number of nude photos were shared online by way of a Facebook group titled Marines United, according to the report. The community has nearly 30,000 members, mostly comprising active-duty U.S. Marines, Marine Corps veterans and British Royal Marines.

The unseemly episode is deeply embarrassing for the Marine Corps and the Defense Department, proud institutions that, like many college campuses around the country, have struggled to curtail widespread problems with sexual assault. At the same time, it exposes an unsettling rift within a segment of American society consistently regarded as reputable, honorable and trustworthy.



  1. What a crock of S..T typical snowflakes.waaaaaa

  2. Might not be so funny if it was your daughter.

  3. 7:54-are you serious??????????? you think this is a joke???????????????

    1. Its ridiculous Could have been handled quietly.

    2. There big boys and snowflakes ..Worry about yourself.

  4. This sharing happens at Station1 in a way.....

  5. So about a dozen or so female Marines made a bad choice.
    The job of a Marine is to put a bullet in the head of anyone that is a risk to our country...And NOT do anything so terribly disgusting and inhumane as baring their breasts.
    [Note sarcasm.]

  6. Frat house stupidity.

  7. was this done on FREE time?

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