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Wednesday, March 15, 2017


GREENBELT, Md. (AP) -- Hours before President Donald Trump's revised travel ban was to take effect, the first of several challenges to the executive order began Wednesday in a Maryland courtroom, where attorneys told a federal judge that the measure still discriminates against Muslims.

More than half a dozen states are trying to stop the ban that targets people from six predominantly Muslim countries. Hearings were also scheduled Wednesday in Washington state and Hawaii.

In Maryland, U.S. District Judge Theodore Chuang - who was appointed by former President Barack Obama - said he would try to rule before the end of the day, but he made no promises that his ruling would apply nationwide or address the executive order in its entirety.

Government attorneys argued that the ban, which was to go into effect just after midnight, was revised substantially to address legal concerns, including the removal of an exemption for religious minorities from the affected countries.

"It doesn't say anything about religion. It doesn't draw any religious distinctions," said Jeffrey Wall, who argued for the Justice Department.

Attorneys for the ACLU and other groups said that Trump's statements on the campaign trail and statements from his advisers since he took office make clear that the intent of the ban is to ban Muslims. Trump policy adviser Stephen Miller has said the revised order was designed to have "the same basic policy outcome" as the first.



  1. F them challenges. Funny how no one challenged the illegal Muslim from Kenya who occupied the WH.

  2. Doesn't look like it would be discriminatory when you ban a non-citizen. The good president has his hands full, but he can handle it. That is the confidence we had in President Donald J. Trump when we overwhelmingly supported him. Makes me proud every day that he is the leader of our great nation.

  3. Thank Maryland Democrats for this -- they approved a bill several weeks ago to allow the AG, Frosh, to challenge the immigration moratorium -- at the taxpayers' expense.

  4. Peaple of the world don't have the right to be in this country , or visit this country without proper vetting!

  5. Don't worry. A federal judge in Hawaii just blocked the travel ban nationwide.

    1. When there is another 9/11 i want your Address.

  6. Go through CONGRESS.

  7. 8:26 Most of the hijackers on 9/11 came from Saudi Arabia - it's not on the ban list, Einstein.

  8. Anonymous said...
    Don't worry. A federal judge in Hawaii just blocked the travel ban nationwide.

    March 15, 2017 at 7:33 PM

    Trump is the President, he doesn't have to and shouldn't listen to this chump judge. Did Obama ever listen to judges when judges made orders against him? NO.

  9. Anonymous said...
    Peaple of the world don't have the right to be in this country , or visit this country without proper vetting!

    March 15, 2017 at 7:00 PM

    I agree.

    I also think that this President and Congress shold do everything possible to get these liberal Federal judges Dethroned.


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