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Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Animal Control claims longtime family dog is wolf hybrid, won’t return him to owners

AURORA, Colo. -- A family said Aurora Animal Control took their dog and won't give him back, claiming the dog is a wolf-hybrid.

The Abbato family has had Capone for nearly 10 years. They rescued him from the Adams County Animal Shelter where he was classified as a German shepherd mix.

The family's veterinarian also says the same thing. But Aurora Animal Control thinks Capone is a wolf-hybrid.

"It's been real painful," 11-year-old Ciara Abbato said.

"Our German shepherd, Capone, got out Feb. 24. He jumped the fence. It’s the first time in the seven years we’ve lived here," said Capone’s owner, Tracy Abbato.



  1. Somehow Obama conned America for 8 years he was an American citizen. Can we send him back to kenya

  2. 3:39 I agree, he was not loved either!! The poor dog is loved, send him back to his owners!!

  3. Hahaha wow 3:39 I'll give it to you. You managed to take a story about a dog and spin it to a ridiculous and disproved thing about Obama. Never liked him either but get over it. Start a petition and take it to the mayor/governor, they'll get your dog back

  4. Again, another way to tear america down and apart... Take the good from people and let the bad have everything... You have drug dealers, rapist, and everything under the sun getting away with anything and almost everything, like the story said, how can you take the dog from them when it is loving, and has a loving home, yet people who abuse their animals get to keep their animals and never get in trouble for animal abuse...

  5. They are awaiting the results of a DNA test. The problem is DNA analysis has already established that the wolf is the ancestor of dogs. Dogs and wolves are so closely related that DNA analysis can't distinguish a wolf from a dog or a wolf hybrid.

  6. All dogs derived from wolf's !

  7. 4:40 Especially the German Shepherd owned them for many years, there morons with power as most animal control officer's are not all but definitely most of them.

  8. Sounds like someone is trying to hurt this family. Hope it works out.

    1. Sounds like some beaucratic commission flexing their muscles and proving the concept of regression to the mean AKA the dumbing down of America by the ever dependent political class

  9. 8:59 this is why there is Smith and Wesson. These gubment fools would pay dearly.


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