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Sunday, March 26, 2017

Annapolis is Trying to Pull a FAST ONE on US! We need to ACT NOW!

By Thornton Crowe

It has come to my attention tonight that Annapolis legislators are doing a sneaky move on the sly by voting (tomorrow but by the time most read this) TODAY (3/20/2017) on Maryland becoming a sanctuary state. This is highly unacceptable for our legislators and a violation, not to mention, dereliction of their duty to represent us, their constituents.

This is unacceptable and should be stopped immediately...

In a last minute call for voting, they have decided to vote today on an issue that can basically alienate us from the Federal Government. Do not let anyone fool you; there is legislation and rules already in place at the Department of Justice to defund all sanctuary cities and states without prejudice. This is highly legal and constitutional because sanctuary areas are in violation of Federal Law which always usurps State Law.

Meaning, even though we're in their backyard, they will defund us immediately without even so much as a second thought and given our proximity, we are a perfect target to be an example for the rest of the country. That means for Marylanders many bad things - including all federal money going to our Law Enforcement Agencies throughout the state - even our colleges and universities will suffer under these rules.

They did this at the last minute like this for a reason... to DECEIVE the public and give NO time for any serious debate! 

If you value having the luxuries of having federal assistance then this proposed bill will kiss all of it goodbye and the Attorney General will be hard pressed to find a sympathetic Supreme Court by the time this case were to get to that level.

This nonsense may be fine and dandy for New York or California but for a state trying to compete for the new FBI headquarters, this is the kiss of death in any prospect of us getting that gig. This is probably the reason why the legislators were trying to get away with voting on this 'quietly;' no fanfare or public debate whatsoever. This is WRONG in every way possible; both legally and ethically on our state government's part.

The following is some documents for your review: 

House Bill 1362
Open State On Bill HB1362

The image below goes directly to Kathy Szeliga's page on Facebook where she's asking for your opinion. Here is the announcement made just TWO HOURS AGO! This is wrong in a multitude of ways!

Please call your representatives this morning - the earlier the better - and email them saying NO to this highly devious move on Annapolis's part to deceive voters by omission -- and make your voice heard!

Endangering citizens in our communities for some Social Justice/Feel Good Statement is unacceptable and plain foolishness. Does anyone have to be referred to Sweden or France or Germany right now for a refresher in common sense?

This is also another reason why we need to drain our own swamp in Annapolis. This is not the way any state was meant to be govern. It's time we did OUR JOBS as per the Constitution and start holding these legislators accountable for such deceptive tactics!


  1. Thanks for post. I will make contact.

  2. Anyone who votes for our state to become a sanctuary for these people should be executed for treason. These traitors are destroying America, This must stop even if force is required!!!

  3. This is more sick Democrat shite. Look at the sponsors. ALL democrats no less. They should be ashamed of themselves putting us all in danger! Annapolis does need to be drained immediately.

  4. Interesting the timing. They didn't want any chance for the people they rep to be heard. Shameless. Get em outta there.

  5. LOL. You better move to a red state because MD is true to the Blue.

    1. Apparently you didn't see the election result map for MD. The only blue was concentrated around Baltimore and parts near LaPlata. Everythwers else was as Red as Santa's suit. 1249 you're not very informed. Would suggest you get informed.

    2. Maryland is not Blue. Try informing yourself before making public statements.

  6. 5:33
    Facts: Since 1960, Maryland has voted Republican only in the landslide wins of Richard Nixon in 1972, Ronald Reagan in 1984 and George H. W. Bush in 1988. In 2016, Hillary Clinton easily overcame Donald Trump here (60% to 34%).

    1. Hillary Clinton did not win in any county on the Eastern Shore. Sorry I've seen the election map broken down by county. You are categorically false, 536.

  7. It's disturbing that for people like 536 seconds to miss the legislators' fast one to deceive people but instead likes to wallow in the Fake Narrative that Trump didn't win in this area. Amazing how ignorant people are and yet we wonder why our government is so corrupt. Because we allow and accept it! Smh.

  8. " It's disturbing that for people like 536 seconds to miss the legislators' fast one to deceive people but instead likes to wallow in the Fake Narrative that Trump didn't win in this area. Amazing how ignorant people are and yet we wonder why our government is so corrupt. Because we allow and accept it! Smh."

    Agreed. Some people in this area continue to keep their heads buried in the sand and spew their idiocy in the comments. It's just scary.

  9. Just remember, if they're doing this for huge things like wiping out all federal money due to illegal behavior, imagine all the small things they pass without our knowledge that gravely impact all facets of our society. It's time Annapolis got a complete overhaul. Never been wildly mad about the legislative bodies in Maryland and progressively not all that overwhelmed with Hogan either.

  10. We can kiss that FBI HQ goodbye in addition to any other federal agency. Maryland government is really not too bright.

  11. A million voices will not stop their lawless acts. They do not represent the people, only themselves. They MUST be replaced if they are to be stopped. In 2013 THOUSANDS lined up and testified against constitutional discrimination, armed with FACTS, thousands more submitted written testimonies....they ignored it all in order to pass what they wanted.....lawless crooks run our government, tyrannical crooks. Fight because your children's lives depend on it.

  12. Remember, though, ALL of Maryland's ELECTORAL votes went to Hillary Clinton, or are you all IGNORANT of that FACT?????

  13. 06:32
    Maryland may look red to you from a geographic point of view
    but, land doesn't vote, people do. In both houses of Md. govt.
    democrats hold a large majority. The results of most elections
    in Md. is a reflection of a large majority of registered Liberal
    If ignorance is "Bliss" you must be the happiest dumbass
    posting on here.

    Have a nice day.

  14. 745 what do you think the electorate map is, dumbass. It is the way this area voted. Grow up idiot. Glad your comment was posted so the world can see how ignorant you are. smh

  15. Who's the real dumbass 745? Your legislators are screwing YOU along with every Marylander. Looks an EBT Blogger comment.

  16. 705 that's because the urban areas are democrat leaning. Answer this, if MD is so Blue as you all like to pimp here, then why the hell do we have a Republican governor? Scratch your head so you can give your balls a rest.

  17. We'll see how blue Maryland is after the voter rolls are purged of dead people and illegals voting illegally. Then the truth will come out.

  18. No mystery these idiots going on about the electorate college for which they have no clue, it's clear to see the Democrats prove more with each given day just how mentally sick Liberals are. I've gotten to the point, I don't even speak to these whacked out liberals anymore. I avoid them like the plague because they're mentally ill. Their ideology is beyond any common sense.

  19. Their ideology has no common sense because they hate America, 753. It's really that simple.

  20. When they cut mds fed funding i bet sht will change 4 the worst

  21. The idiots in Annapolis won't be so smug if they pass this bill. Then President Trump stops all Federal funds to all states that vote for it! Teachers will be laid off, highway funds stopped , on and on!

  22. Anyone voting to support this bill is voting to ignore and destroy the US constitution and as such automatically becomes a traitor and should be tried and imprisoned for treason. These people deserve only one thing a prison sentence or maybe even a death sentense.

  23. this passed the house with zero Republican vote and 5 Democrat vote but you know this will be in front of the Senate tomorrow Monday the 27th. call and email your Senators to tell them to vote NO. It was supposed to be voted on Friday but it didnt happen so it comes up tomorrow which gives you a little more time to get your name on those petitions going around on fb. it should not pass the Senate but it will. Gov Hogan has vowed to veto.


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