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Thursday, February 02, 2017

WOW, CBS Refused To Mention President Trump Visited Fallen Soldier

On the CBS Morning News this morning, they mentioned the fallen Navy Seal but refused to mention President Trump visiting his arrival in Dover. Anything to downplay our President. I turned off their program.


  1. CBS evening news mentioned it last night, Scott pelley

  2. It was on CBS, I'm very proud of our new President, each day he's trying to fulfill promises, plus taking no sh*t from Iran.

  3. WBOC mentioned it this morning , they must have saw your post .

  4. Why watch them in the first place? We stopped watching major network tv years ago when noticing the biased reporting. Others noticed also. That's why Fox News was created.

  5. WBOC is milking the hostage situation in Smyrna with what has to be some of the worst reporting and interviews I've ever seen. WHAT A SHOCK, a neighbor interviewed across the street was dumb enough to get on camera. Now they are claiming an "unconfirmed report" the situation is over. That is NOT NEWS. Unconfirmed means FAKE NEWS.

  6. Yea Joe I watched it this morning on WBOC. And the bimbo reporting of should I say covering the story. Said more than once. That she was in New Castle County. When the there surely in Kent County.So I repeat the stupid bimbo channel !

  7. Yea Joe I watched it this morning on WBOC. And the bimbo reporting of should I say covering the story. Said more than once. That she was in New Castle County. When the there surely in Kent County.So I repeat the stupid bimbo channel !

  8. CBS manufacturing koolaid since 1927. They make the nazi propaganda machine look like child's play.

  9. I am afraid the good old days of honest, fair and balanced news reporting is gone forever. Going back to the days of Walter Cronkite on CBS News is over. He only reported the facts and until his death no one knew that he was a staunch Democrat. This fact never entered his honest reporting of the news. How times have changed with no fact checking.

  10. Communist Broadcast Network CBS, Continuous Bulls##t Network. As long as Gayle King and Charlie Rose are on the morning show, all we are going to get is poor slanted news. Now CBS is going to have Oprah do stories on 60 Minutes, does this mean Oprah is the new owner of CBS? I thought that Gayle King was going to cry on election night when Trump reached the necessary electoral votes to win. Wonder who Oprah's boy toy for president will be in the next election - she was the reason for 8 years of Obama. Guess she thinks she is good enough to be the first female black president.

  11. I have noticed that CBS news does not refer to our president as President Trump but Mr. Trump. I am requesting that the Americans who were taught respect as a child become vocal in this matter. Whether you like a person or not,my parents taught me the meaning of respect. I know that some people don't respect themselves and thus not capable of respecting anyone else. America is destroying itself and not just in this case.


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