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Thursday, February 02, 2017

Gun-Controlled Chicago: More Than 300 Shot in First 30 Days of 2017

The surge in shootings that marked the early weeks of the new year continued, resulting in more than 300 people shot in the first 30 days of 2017.

The Chicago Tribune reports the number of shooting victims January 1 through January 30 is 302; this includes fatal and non-fatal shootings. The number of homicides alone is 54, which means the city has averaged 1.8 killings a day every day this year.

On January 23, Breitbart News reported that shootings and murders for January 1 through January 22, 2017, were up markedly over the number of shootings and murders for the same period in 2016. According to the Tribune, “At least 228 people were shot in Chicago [January 1 through January 22, 2017].” That was an increase of 16 victims above the number shot during the same period in 2016. There were “at least 42 homicides,” marking a “23.5 percent … [increase from] the 34 homicides from the same period in 2016.”

This news follows the grim report that gun-controlled Chicago had nearly 4,400 shootings and almost 800 murders.

During a January 25 interview with ABC News, President Trump described gun-controlled Chicago as a “war zone.” He also took to Twitter to make clear he is sending in the feds if city leaders fail to rein in the “carnage”:



  1. Time for Trump to send the Feds in to take over the City and restore Law and Order!

  2. This is more "Fake News", because we all know that owning guns and carrying them is very heavily regulated by law in Chicago, and lots of gun laws work to make everyone safer. This city is the model of what Hillary Clinton and her supporters were clamoring for.

  3. Just goes to show you the more gun laws and restrictions you put on average citizens the less they can defend themselves. And at that point only the criminals have the guns because you have taken them away from the law abiding citizen. That has been the Democrats agenda for years. Just check your history.The Democrats always want to tax and spend and always want to disarm
    the average law abiding American citizen. Their agenda was to only have the military and police armed because they do not want a population of people that can defend themselves. Lets hope Trump can MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.


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