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Sunday, February 26, 2017

Welcome To Reality Liberals

At 5 PM today I took a peek at today's traffic. I believe we can rest our case when it comes to just how popular Salisbury News is here on the Shore. 

When the Liberals investigated us and have since been claiming we are lying about our traffic, I'm confident now that their LIES will be crushed as I have delivered factual numbers with the previous days totals to confirm nothing is photo shopped. 

I'm starting to firmly believe that the Liberal Party is nothing short of a bunch of lying scumbags who will lie, cheat and steal to fit whatever their agenda is. HOWEVER, it's a small group of people like me who aren't afraid to call these SOB's out for their lies and deliver EVIDENCE to prove they are wrong.

In the mean time, thank you for visiting. Sorry for posts like this one but I have the right to defend myself and we have worked very hard to achieve these numbers. No One is going to call me a liar. 
Update at 7 PM.


  1. Easy to have those numbers when you spread hate and stoke the fears of dimwitted people. Glad you found something that you are good at since your foray into real estate in Salisbury went about as far as your political career.

    1. Why are you on her Dim Wit ?

    2. 5:56. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  2. 5:56...what is your beef with the truth? Hurts don't it? Sounds like you are a left winger still smarting from the spanking you took in November 2016. Just wait till 2018 partner; we are going to rock your world.

    keep on Joe, as far as this old guy is concerned you are the man!

  3. "..the Liberal Party is nothing short of a bunch of lying scumbags who will lie, cheat and steal to fit whatever their agenda is.."

    The word you are looking for is 'fraud', Joe.

    The party of fraud. And hate. And fascism.

  4. "Easy to have those numbers when you spread hate and stoke the fears of dimwitted people."

    Spread hate?

    Ask the millions of black people, gays, latinos, and women who dare to voice a conservative opinion who the HATERS are.

    That's one thing you will see exposed here.. the Hypocrat party.

    The left is reeeeeally showing their a$$ these days..

  5. From Fox: Leftists on social media tore into First Lady Melania Trump, mocking her accent and religion and branding her everything from a hostage to a whore – all for the secular offense of reciting “The Lord’s Prayer.” (Melania Trump began President Trump’s rally Saturday in Florida by delivering the prayer..)

    Yet leftists speak of tolerance and call us 'haters'..


  6. Joe, you have these numbers because earned them. Hard work and fortitude makes things like this happen, and anything less does not. Truth, Justice, and the American Way, as Superman says is what we need every day to sort out the BS that the MSM spews all day long so we can sort out the lies from the truth.

    Thanks for all you do, but the real thanks is in that number you just put up, because that's the number of folks who are depending on you for the truth and are not getting it anywhere else.

    We love you and everything you do. Keep on keeping on!

  7. 5:56 you must be that FAT POS and everyone knows who Im talking about so go troll there..

  8. 5:56 - sounds like YOU are the one spreading hate!

  9. 5:56 Spreading hate and stoking the fears of dimwitted people (your leaders call them "useful idiots")are the tactics of Alinsky and in recent years, the democrats. Also, never debate the issues, demonize your opponents. You are just one of the rapidly declining numbers of useful idiots. Go back to your safe space.

  10. 5:56 is mad nobody showed up for the whine fest on Saturday.

  11. 556 - sorry you feel that way, but do continue to read/enjoy the news here at SBYNEWS each and every day!

  12. Anonymous said...
    Why are you on her Dim Wit ?

    February 19, 2017 at 7:49 PM

    Exactly!!!! Another Mensa candidate.

  13. Liberals shooting themselves in foot with Fat Man and Little Boy and a rusty crossbow...so I'm going to say...uh...Trump wins again in 2020...Pence 2024 and 2028...and...uh...I'm going to say Ivanka in 2032 and 2036 and 2040 (she'll be so popular and so good at it they'll change the law) and then the Barron in 2044. Thanks Dems for handling the loss so well!

  14. People like 556 are one of the many reasons why Trump won. Most are done with all the garbage talk and dissing. Many more people didn't like Obama for the last 8 years but you didn't see us blocking traffic, beating up on Obama voters, painting Nazi symbology on buildings or making racial slurs, chanting or carrying signs of him being burned. No we put up with Obama for 8 long years, mostly silent and definitely not protesting like a bunch of half-wit morons. It's time to deal with a Republican president for a while. If you don't like it, don't let the plane door hit you in the butt on your way to your next country of choice. The only thing events like Saturday so is reinforce why we need to take this country back and stop all this nonsense and tom foolery. Liberals have crossed the line way too many times and it's about time the Right reared up and claimed their place in this country, too. Get a clue and grow the hell up.

  15. 30,000 of those hits were probably my mother because you posted a pic of her grandson yesterday.

  16. 8:17 It is more entertaining than the Comedy Central. If you people put as much time and energy into education as you do defending Trump, you might eventually become successful enough for a republican to give a crap about you. Most of the shore republicans don't make enough money for the current tax brackets to impact them and collect child tax credits. Can't wait to see the comments on here when interest rates start climbing and products cost much more due to Trump's foreign policies. You still are not going to get any real jobs around here, sorry.

    1. They can't get any jobs around here because what companies want to move here. You have rentals like the Roop Group charging big city rent on small town incomes. Who can afford to pay $1400/mo for rent working for $12/hr? You have to make the area attractive and affordable first.

  17. 9:55
    Companies don't make the decisions to relocate based on the cost of rent. They look at logistics, price per square foot and availability of the desired workforce. That is why there are so many retail and fast food jobs in the area. The workforce is undereducated and for the most part untrainable. Every local with out a college degree that we have hired always ends up claiming to know more than the boss and owners of the business with a few months and ends up being terminated for poor performance or inability to come to work when scheduled especially during deer season, duck season, turkey season, rockfish season, fishing tournaments, football season and most notably my truck broke down season.

  18. Why not buy a home rather than renting from Roop or other slumlords? There are houses for sale just outside of the city limits for under $80K. Rough figures off the top of my head would put the monthly cost around $700 a month with ins and taxes. That would be with a down payment of $2800 (same as sec dep and 1st mo at an apt.), 5% int rate for 30 years. About half of take home pay at $12 per month at 40hrs/wk unless you need to take out child support or court garnishments. you could always rent one of the three bedrooms out to a buddy for $350/mo. and it would then cost you $350/mo to own your own home. I know, too much responsibility and work.....

  19. Joe, you are Awesome! I recently discovered your News Site and it is so refreshing to read someone who tells me only the Truth, the whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth!! I am so tired of those lying liberal so-called news sites who are working all day and night to bring down a great man our President Donald Trump. Donald Trump is a Patriot, and You Joe are a Patriot too!

    Snowflakes are already so afraid that he will be the Best President in history. Jobs have already come back to America, and they know that even more jobs are going to come back. We will restore the Christian Religion to its proper place in our society and our schools, and America will be Great for all good, God-loving Conservative Americans again!! The snowflakes can go hide in their safe spaces like the scarred little babies that they are.

    Thank you for your great service, Joe. Salisbury needs someone like you as mayor!

  20. 5:56, at first glance, I thought you were talking about the MSM. I've never seen such a group of mean spirited companies and organizations ganging up on the majority of the country who voted for our republican president, republican Congress, republican legislators and republican governors. We're so deplorable.


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