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Sunday, February 26, 2017

U.S. appeals court upholds Maryland’s ban on assault rifles

A federal appeals court on Tuesday upheld Maryland’s ban on assault rifles, ruling gun owners are not protected under the U.S. Constitution to possess “weapons of war,” court documents showed.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit decided 10-4 that the Firearm Safety Act of 2013, a law in response to the massacre in Newtown, Connecticut, by a gunman with an assault rifle, does not violate the right to bear arms within the Second Amendment.

“Put simply, we have no power to extend Second Amendment protection to the weapons of war,” Judge Robert King wrote, referring to the “military-style rifles” that were also used during mass shootings in Aurora, Colorado, San Bernardino, California, and Orlando, Florida.

These are “places whose names have become synonymous with the slaughters that occurred there,” he wrote, noting that the Supreme Court’s decision in the 2008 District of Columbia v. Heller case excluded coverage of assault weapons..



  1. HEY Republicans and hogan Change this ctap.

  2. I expected nothing less. I buy what I want through alternative channels. Screw em.

  3. You can build your own, that gets around the nazi laws... But the AR-15 isn't banned in MD, just certain things are, plus the MSP says the 100% lowers are not considered working guns so they don't enforce that law... It is the ak47 and variants of it that are truly banned...

  4. Also wait until the next bill passed that is being introduced, where you have to register antique fire arms...

    1. If Dems want a civil war there going to get it.

  5. How does AR 15 Become a tricked out Assault rifle because it has a fancy grip and a scope on it and is NOT A Automatic ? ALL BS SCARE TACTICS what say you Gov Hogan.????????

    1. He is hiding behind his Armed guards.

  6. Weapons of war ? AR-15 not , M14 , M15 , M16 , AK47 yes.

  7. This applies to purchasing these weapons not possessing them! if you have an AK-47 30 round magizine you're not in violation of law. you just cannot buy them any longer in the state of Maryland

  8. Dave T: Where are the Republicans in defending against this ridiculous ruling? Get a backbone Gov. Hogan. You acquiesce about every anti-gun issue that comes across your desk. Whose side are you on?

    1. The Republicans did not get elected because too many did not bother to vote for a Republican representative for our area. You want change we need to get rid of these career politicians, if it were not for political office I don't think one of them could keep a real job in the real world!

  9. Allowing this conclusion of the AC4 to stand, will in fact allow other rulings to claim any and ALL guns will be determined to be weapons of war.
    Make no mistake, they are manipulating the law to strip the 2A from everyone.

  10. 3:54 you left out the Remington 870, Mossberg 500, 9mm, 45cal. plus others that have / are being used in combat / war. These are all shotguns or come in rifle frames.
    Just another example of poorly researched / informed Politians / Lawyers / Judges.

  11. How about this: The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit designs a gun that's acceptable to everyone on the Left and then we can be amazed at how it's barely a gun at all.

    1. That would be a lib snowflake Orange and pink bb gun.

  12. Here's the NRA's current official stance on the repeal:


  13. An assault weapon is defined as a weapon that has automatic fire capability. AR-15 does not have this capability unless modified. the M-16, AK-47 and the BAR are the only ones that come to mind. Politians, Lawyers and Judges need to be more informed. To own one of these you have to have a special FFL / Federal permit.

  14. does anyone pay attention to these laws anymore?

  15. How many times to you need to be told before you begin to understand? It is NOT going to happen in MD. There will never be shall issue permits. The "scary" gun ban most likely will stay in place too. I keep most of my "scary" guns in another state just to be safe.

  16. I will not vote for hogan again.

  17. You want change we need to get rid of these career politicians, if it were not for political office I don't think one of them could keep a real job in the real world!

    February 24, 2017 at 9:25 PM

    I'm not so sure since every company has at least one brown noser

  18. That's what the second amendment is about, so we can protect ourselves from an out of control government. Someone said that we only had muskets when this amendment was put in place. The government only had muskets for their soldiers at the same time. Now they have it all.

  19. You eastern shore rednecks are just made because most of could never be bothered to join the military itself but wanna pretend like you have all the cool gadgets


  20. Re: This opinion. All depends on whether it gets appealed further.

  21. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    You eastern shore rednecks are just made because most of could never be bothered to join the military itself but wanna pretend like you have all the cool gadgets

    February 25, 2017 at 8:00 AM

    If they pretend they have all the cool gadgets, why would they be made? (mad)

    how do you know who joined the military and who didn't? and what does that have to do with anything? most 'rednecks' around here started hunting as a kid so they already know how to shoot a weapon.

    you might want to keep that in mind when you belittle and disparage people. some of us 'rednecks' aren't wrapped too tight and might just use you for target practice.


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