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Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Trump could shut off refugee spigot without executive order

'All he has to do is send a memo to Congress'

If President Donald Trump wants to curtail migration into the U.S. from some of the world’s most dangerous hotspots of jihadism, he has options that would effectively navigate an end-run around the courts.

Trump hinted in his news conference Friday that the nation should expect something quickly, possibly a whole new executive order that would bypass the legal challenges.

“We will keep our country safe. That’s what I’m here for… I will give it the best security, so it will happen very rapidly,” Trump said Friday.

His top policy aide, Steven Miller, said essentially the same thing in appearing on all the major Sunday morning news shows.



    Your days are numbered. Trump's house of BS is falling. Your creds are dropping.

    1. Racist idiot ??I guess you dont want america safe MOLLY so why dont you take your freedom loving refugee A.S to a muslim country ? you wont bc your a snowflake coward living in mommys basement idiot your civil war is Coming.

    2. yup I cant wait .

    3. 1035 your Fake News and everyone is knows it.. every time you open your mouth with the same clinton campgain phrases it becomes less believable. 19 months saying the same phrases over and over. Americans are tired of being called Racist and other ridiculous words when it doesn't apply. YOUR the reason why PRESIDENT Trump won the election by RECORD numbers. PRESIDENT Trump won over 3000 counties to crooked clintons 51. The word racist has know meaning anymore... Thank you President Trump and God Speed.

  2. 10:35 if you can't contribute something constructive to the argument, kindly shut your mouth. "Better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt."

  3. You can call me a "Racist", cuz I am! I do feel that my White race is better than a bunch of pedophile Muslims, and Refugees. Muslims hate Christians, and everything to do with America. Refugees that no one over near them wants, must be a reason they hate their neighbors. Pres. Trump is trying to keep his campaign promise, unlike Osama did, and he is trying to keep us safe.


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