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Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Netanyahu Becomes D.C. Darling as Democrats Clamor for Meetings

After years of tense relations with the United States under former President Barack Obama, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is emerging as one of the most prominent international personalities, according to multiple sources who told the Washington Free Beacon that Democrats, Republicans, and high-level White House officials are clamoring for a sit down with the Israeli leader when he arrives in town on Tuesday.

Senior officials across party lines hope to let Netanyahu know that America has Israel's back and that years of tension during the Obama administration is just water under the bridge, according to both congressional sources and those close to the Trump administration.

Netanyahu's schedule is already packed with powwows between President Trump, senior administration officials, and a cast of leading lawmakers on Capitol Hill from both sides of the aisle.

Meetings will center on U.S. lawmakers' desire to reset relations with the Jewish state. Multiple sources told the Free Beacon that sit downs with White House officials will focus on holding Iran accountable for violations of the nuclear deal, moving the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, and combatting efforts at the United Nations to de-legitimize Israel.



  1. Ideal Is OUR ALLY; and deserves this administration's support! The treatment of Israel over the past eight years has been disgraceful. Thank goodness we have an opportunity to mend the fences!

  2. I'll bet that a$$hole Chuck Schummer will be the first in line at the photo op. POS!


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