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Sunday, February 19, 2017

This Gentleman Is A 9-11 Survivor From The Twin Towers In NYC

Mr. Adams is an American Hero who rescued literally dozens of people from the Twin Towers on 9-11. He is a major Donald Trump supporter and not only a Republican. May God Bless This American Hero.


  1. Maybe some of those protesters should talk to Paul. He can tell you about real Islamic terrorists. He is forever scarred from his brush with them. People just don't think! And hint. America was built by legal immigrants; not illegal aliens.

    1. The majority of the 9/11 terrorists were from Saudi Arabia, and they weren't illegal. They entered the US on valid visas.

    2. Idiot they train terrorists in all 7 countrys if you love these people post your address so we can send some to your Address SNOWFLAKE HYPOCRITE.

  2. Amen! Yes May God Bless and keep His loving arms wrapped around Mr Paul Adams!

  3. Maybe he can explain to the president that many of the 9-11 terrorists came from Saudi Arabia but that country is not on the ban list.

    1. The why did obama bomb the 7 countries for the past 8 years? Why did obama and Clinton take 50 million from saudi for campaign donations? Why did obama BAN Iraq from entering US for a year? Maybe because your a moron

    2. But the 7 countrys train terrorists.

    3. 301 it was Muslim ban. Totally racist. No Muslims in Saudi. :)

  4. Good for him. Now tell him to shut his wild dog up.

    1. It was done to shut the crowd up lol JOB DONE.

    2. 301 why do you snowflakes start off with a totally irrational statement when speaking? Is it something your taught?

    3. 302
      There is no such thing as a tough guy snowflake that dog would have eatin ur ass alive the dog was brought there on purpose to drown you idiots out GoooooD doggy and goodwork paul..)

  5. As this hero held his sign high, molly and her misfits paraded their token muslims in front of their fellow snow flakes. i was there for about an hour and a half, couldn't take listening to their dribble any longer, or reading their moronic signs. the good news is that molly and folks like her are putting the democrat party out of business.

  6. I was there to support Trump,and wmdt interviewed me and a friend of mine who supports Trump too.I saw a nice younger black female have a Trump hat and Trump sign .i talked to and she was nice and is not fooled by msm and their lies. It was refreshing to see her.

  7. 3:01
    Maybe you should talk to Obama. It was his administration that decided those 7 counties were a problem.

  8. I seen paul with the dog he was shutting up the anti trump protestors woof woof woof it was hysterical lol.

  9. So, the protest was peaceful. Guess you guys were worried for nothing.

    1. Did you ask the great muslim cleric about the lgbtq rstuvwxyz community on how they kill GAYS ??? or ru just a clueless snowflake.???

  10. 5:28 There are/were terrorists there. They were the ones that flew the planes into the twin towers.

  11. Paul is a wonderful guy, nothing but good things to say about him. my husband and i both have a great deal of respect for this man

  12. If you are from a country that is a hot bed for radical Muslim beliefs, Shut the door until we can verify who you are what your intentions are ,PERIOD! Your and my family and friends are far to important to take chances with. Understand Molly! I even hope to keep them out to protect your ass!

  13. Funny hpw miss Bi Molly allowed BLM up to spew Hate ????

  14. 10 to 1 Trump supporters showed up another Molly lie.

    1. It was a bi molly rally not a trump rally plus it was all Jane Iretons cupcake crew...aka CLUELESS.

  15. I'm glad a few women had their heads covered to respect the husband. Men got to keep their PROPERTY in check. Thanks Molly for putting them on display and supporting them as PROPERTY.

  16. Wow, have you people had your rabies shots yet? You sound like you are rabid!

    1. Aholes like you that will Incite another terror attack and if it does happen your IP addresses will be tracked to round your Anti American A.. up.

    2. Ps use your obamascare and get your eyes fixed Psyco.


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