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Sunday, February 12, 2017

Starbucks Continues to Dig Deeper Hole

Just in, Starbucks chain has started to give immigrant employees free legal counsel for their illegal alien issues. It sees the Schultz group doesn't learn from their remarks and is doubling down on their stance.

Once again, US money doesn't seem to be a concern -- what do they say, no one is too big to fall?

Keep up the Starbucks Boycott. Apparently, only money will be the ultimate equalizer.


  1. One could argue they value their standpoint on social issues such as this more than money, yes.

  2. Boycott might work if it were held by the electoral college, but the majority voters side with Starbucks on this issue.

    Disclaimer: A republican voter authored (typed/wrote) this post.

  3. It ain't a good post until some ignorant comments come through. Thanks for obliging, 930. Your ignorance is too hard to ignore.

  4. 9:33 Are you Spicer or Conway?
    While Clinton received about 2.9 million more votes nationwide, a margin of 2.1%, or 48% of the total cast, Trump won with 56% of electors in the Electoral College, winning 30 states with 306 pledged electors out of 538. Source: Wikipedia

  5. Starbucks is fully over-rated. I prefer my home brew any day.

  6. 947 now take away all the illegal aliens, dead people and votes counted multiple times and what do you have? Wikipedia? Really? Fascinating fact checking. Don't quit your day job!

  7. Don't go to SU 9:47 because professors hate it when kids quote wikipedia. Do you know how easy it is to put false information on that site? Had a professor that used to do it on purpose when she figured out most students were using it for their sources. Thats how easy.

  8. 9:58 Feel free to provide the final vote count and your source(s).

    CLINTON: 65,844,610 (48.20%)
    TRUMP: 62,979,636 (46.10%)
    OTHERS: 7,804,213 (5.70%)

    I guess that every source I have checked comes back with the same results is just a coincidence.

  9. 9:47 is just as brain dead as the protesters. Can't think for themselves and fail to provide any proof of their claims.

  10. 1028 Now take away the 3-5M in voter fraud that estimates are cited all over the internet and MSM along with experts who will be looking into it once Sessions takes over DOJ. What do you have then?

  11. 10;28 it does not matter Trump is president.

  12. McConnell insisted that “there’s no evidence that occurred in such a significant number that it would have changed the presidential election” — obliterating the president’s repeated claim that he would have won the popular vote, which he lost by nearly 3 million, if it hadn’t been for undocumented immigrants voting and other fraudulent practices.

    Isn't Mitch McConnell a long standing republican? Oh I forgot, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky.

  13. No one ever said McConnell was always right. 1053, what's your point? Do you have one? Sounds like a bunch of cream puff ideology on this end. Once again proving my point. It's all politics with you! You don't take into account the real danger that is looming do you? It'll never happen in Salisbury. Right? Have fun at your pink vagina hat march.

  14. Wow 11:08 You sure like to call names when you run out of BS. I'm a republican, voted for Trump because he was the party candidate although not my first choice and I support the elected president of this country no matter what party the come from. That's how it works in this country, sometimes it is your person and sometimes it is the other party's person but they are still the president.

    Point is that you are not educated enough to understand anything other than what you hear on Fox news or Breitbart. Watch out, the muslims is coming for you . I doubt that they really want to come to Salisbury as is barely any better than the god forsaken countries they came from.

  15. Education? "Watch out, the muslims is coming for you ." I don't care if you're Mary Poppins voting for Fred Flintstone, you sound like a dingleberry.

  16. 11:21 Just using the local colloquialisms so that you could comprehend the point being expressed.

  17. Vielen Dank, froh, dass Sie gelöscht, dass für mich, wenn man bedenkt, dass Sie denken, ich bin dumm. 1134

  18. Uh oh, someone quoted WIKI.....

    That allows me to declare an early TGIF for everyone!!!
    Okay, I can't officially do that, but I can declare today's HH starts at 1pm!!!


  19. 12:20 Bitte, I do think you are stupid.

  20. Actually 451 it's bitte schön. Um ehrlich zu sein, ich denke, du bist ziemlich dumm als gut, so dass ich glaube, wir sind sogar.

  21. 5:10 Maybe you return to fatherland. They welcome Muslims and idiots.


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