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Sunday, February 12, 2017

Bad moons rising: Hundreds to drop trousers for Trump

Nearly 1,000 anti-Trump protesters are planning to bend over and “moon” Trump Tower in Chicago for 10 seconds “at the crack of 4 p.m.” on Feb. 12

And, somehow, by exposing their bare derrieres in 40-degree weather, they plan to send President Trump “a powerful message” and convince him to release his tax returns.

The partially disrobed gathering, which will be held at 401 N. Wabash Ave., in front of Trump International Hotel & Tower, is called “Operation Kiss Our A–es. Release Your Taxes!” It’s being organized by S#!TSHOW, a comedy group that describes itself as “a satirical news show covering the worst in current events, politics and more.”

At the time of this report, the group’s Facebook page had 3,100 individuals interested in the event and 895 who have RSVP’d, indicating they plan to attend.


  1. What a bunch of immature Idiots.

    1. they need to be arrested Joe for indecenct exposure

  2. I hope they keep it up , It only helps Trump in 2020.

  3. His tax returns? OMG get over it, he ain't never gonna release them.

  4. You beat me to it, Joe.
    The childish and petulant behavior of the left is stunning. For a group of people who think they are so intelligent, yet act the way they do just confirms the idea that they aren't right mentally.
    But let them continue. It just proves the point.

  5. His taxes is none of your business. Do you release your taxes to anyone?
    grow up. Donal Trump is our President..get over it!

  6. Chicago of all places? WOW

  7. I know of someone in Ocean City who mooned a group of friends when a cop came by and saw it. He was arrested and now has a criminal record. He was 18 years old, just a kid. Now he's in his 30's and yes, this has held him back from getting a great paying job.

    That being said, I DEMAND that every single one of these people get arrested and experience the very same abuse.

    Let's never forget the FACT that the former Director of the Salisbury Zoo openly admitted to doing the same thing with female employees present. No arrest, no charges. In fact, former Mayor Tilghman knew about it and did nothing, All Liberals.

  8. Sounds like a good time for police to fire off some rubber bullets. Light em up. And the arrest them for indecent exposure.

  9. They are so stupid they don't even realize that the more they protest and act childish the more ignorant they look SMH

  10. A good time to have one of those BB guns like they have in OC to shoot the red star off of the paper.Shoots about 10 BB's a second.

  11. . . . shudder . . .

  12. Sounds like a great time for high pressure pepper spray to spray in their asses!!!! That would light up their private parts!!!!

  13. Nothing new, they have been showing their as-es all their lives.

  14. I hope it will be really C O L D.....

  15. They have their heads stuck up their a$$e$, maybe they are planning on admiring the tower and this is the only way they can accomplish the task.

  16. Arrest them all and put them on the sex offender list.

  17. I've never prayed for sub-zero temperatures and a blizzard, but her goes...

  18. And they'll be seen for the asses they are...LOL.

  19. It is nice to know the Democrats will be revealing their brains for all to see.


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