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Sunday, February 12, 2017

Shooting In Salisbury Last Night, But How Would Anyone Know?

A person was shot last night but your Police Chief and Mayor continue to recreate crime in their own words, far from reality. You Idiots keep voting for these people and no one is man enough to step up to the plate like Donald Trump, willing to do what it takes to get rid of these rainbow flag, feminine flip flop wearing pansies. 

Me, I'd fire that waste of a Police Chief and send my men and women into these ghettos and clean up the streets, like they were professionally trained to do. 

I'd REPORT every incident to the press. If they publish it, great. If not, I'd get on social media and expose the crap out of them for not giving a crap and I wouldn't worry if you voted for me again or not. 

In the mean time, all drug dealers and criminals, Chief Duncan is serving pizza 24/7 and her pansy officers will gladly serve you and clean up after you when you are finished.  


  1. Was someone shot? A firearm incident could be several different things.

  2. It was on the WICO scanner junkies' facebook page last night as a shooting.

  3. They have never reported the total murders in Salisbury accurately everytime I see one on the news, or see it here I write it on my calendar, by the end of the year their total is 50% less--this is for real. Or ask the police dept to give you the accurate # not Barbara Duncan's word.

  4. person shot, treated and released PRMC - but crime is down.

  5. I am emailing the justice dept.

  6. Joe, If you've got all these great ideas about how to MAKE SALISBURY GREAT AGAIN, how about you run for office and get from behind the keyboard.

    1. Really? did you just Wake Up from a Millinial coma.

  7. 4:11 PM what is the actual fb name page please?

  8. Joe, the person who was shot was actually shot on the corner of smith and newton, but ran down by 614 smith street, which is why the ambulance call was to that address... My understanding is that it was also "officer involved"!!!

  9. 5:09 Don't be so lazy. I bet you can figure it out by using FB's search feature. Not here to promote them.

  10. Lol, keep up the good work Joe! They have been changing stats and recoding to much lesser crimes since babs started. It should be coded as either assault firearm or att murder firearm. I don't even think firearms incident is reported to UCR. Defense attorneys take notice! Always pull a recent offense report printout. It's time the Feds put babs, kolb, Kaiser, king and meienschein away.

  11. 6:11 PM well maybe if you used their actual name I could find them, but since you did not, I guess that makes it impossible, but thanks for nothing.

    Just another bloggin useless troll.

  12. They used to have a feed on broadcastify, that has now been taken down. It has been offline for at least 2 weeks and I noticed today it is gone.

    What do they feel the need to hide?

  13. No need to be disrespectful.to the Salisbury officers that just makes you seem like an ass. If you're not happy with the job Duncan is doing that's one thing but calling the street officers is just stupid. SPD is undermanned and every body knows it. Those guys spend most nights running from call to call and there's just not enough of them to do aggressive proactive work in the bad neighborhoods.
    Giovanni Jones

  14. Would someone explain to me what the pizza reference is all about. I am serious, did something happen that I missed while out of the area. Thank you

  15. She and Fake Day padding the stats. Assault with intent. You shoot at someone it is not a firearms incident. I am getting fed up with Day and Duncan. It is just sickening what has become of Jake. Jake keep you promises or you are just another political liar. Maybe it is time to have a county police force.

  16. 6:11 PM hostile jerk, really - you bring it up, someone asks you to clarify and you call them names?

    Typical born here response.

  17. 6:37, All too often, (especially here on the shore) I have witnessed brown nose police officers who aren't man enough to stand up to what is right.

    The leaders of these departments put the fear of God into these officers, very similar to the way former Mayors have retaliated against the public and now you see no one at council meetings.

    Perhaps I'm just different in the sense I am a real man who would never stand for some department head completely full of sh!t in which I would FOLLOW their lead. I would quit and actually move to a department loaded with PROFESSIONALS and trust me, there are plenty of real men/leaders here on the shore.

    Sheriff Lewis and Chief Duncan are legends in their own minds. Two 4 foot tall green giants who use FEAR to demand respect.

    The officers who remain are not men, they're followers addicted to overtime pay.

    1. Joe, it goes far beyond LE. We're expecting a different outcome and our politicians and department heads are bringing the same, old, failed bunch of hacks to the party
      Just my 1.5 cents

  18. The officers are in a no win scenario. The "public" wants proactive policing and then they are same ones that cry and complain when the officers are in the neighborhoods doing just that.

  19. 6:54 Lazy is not a name, it is an adjective. All the information is right there in the original post. Can't figure it out but call me a born here. I'm highly offended. LOL.

  20. 7:50 PM I dont know where you are getting your information from, but we are not complaining when they are patrolling our neighborhood.

    We are MORE than thankful that they are here.

  21. 7:56 PM Actually I would call you what you really are but Joe won't print it. But it is obvious to all of us here what you are.

  22. It was a small chemical explosion, the chemicals of Nitroglycerin, and potassium exploded and discharged a piece of lead. No crime there, just as the mayor.

  23. Awww, still can't figure it out 8:29? We can only hope that if you reproduced, they got some smarts from the other side of the family.

  24. SBY News is my only source for anything local. Go Joe!


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