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Sunday, February 12, 2017

BREAKING NEWS: US appeals court upholds ruling blocking Trump's immigration order

A federal appeals court in San Francisco upheld the suspension of President Trump's controversial immigration order Thursday -- a decision that could end up in front of the Supreme Court.

The panel of three judges on the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals refused to reinstate the order after a federal judge had issued a halt to the order last week.

Trump issued the executive order, which placed a 90-day pause on immigrants from Iraq, Iran, Syria, Yemen, Libya, Somalia and Sudan, on Jan. 27, causing chaos and outrage at airports across the country. The order also imposed a 120-day pause on all refugees, and an indefinite pause on refugees from Syria.



  1. The right decision.

    1. If there is another 9/11 I want your address.

    2. No it is not the right decision. These three judges as part of their decision enlcuded a political statement made months ago by President Trump. Total BS

    3. 6:49
      When there is another terror hit in america i want you to get the hell out of my country.

  2. When will these wackos wake up and realize our country needs this!

  3. The 9th circuit court is the most overturned court in the land and this will be overturned as well meanwhile I hope we don't have another terror attack.

  4. Let's go out and break some windows and set some stuff on fire. JK. It will work out in the end. He is right. This is just a temporary roadblock.

  5. Fine then let them cry when one of their family members die at their hands, See where that gets you. (map)

  6. It's in the water out there. Not even judges are immune to the Koolaid. Here's a trick question for all the libtards. You get a free pussy-hat if you get it right. What part of this executive order was unconstitutional? Was it: A a Muslim ban? B It restricted rights from non-citizens? C It helped prevent terrorists from entering the US of A?
    It definitely wasn't A. And not B, because non-citizens don't have rights under OUR constitution, so it must be C. Did any of you put your feelings aside, pull your head out of your ass and get the right answer?
    The courts are supposed to decide the constitutionality of the order; not if they agree or disagree. This is not about feelings. The judicial branch is confusing itself with the legislative branch.

    1. Incorrect dude, took two semesters of con law. A) the ban was only pretextually not a "Muslim ban," it was clearly discriminatory in its intent, which anyone who takes trump at his word knows. B) some non-citizens are actually afforded constitutional rights. Get outta here with your attempts at judicial philosophy.

    2. 928 problem is your indoctrination into the word has be through your education mind bending. Your brain is like clay to the radical lying professors to mold...Obama dropped 27k bombs on those countries in 2016 11k in Syria. Illegals had to be stopped from entering until we can figure out who the are because some might not be happy with the former administration blowing them up for 8 years. Blows my mind zero protest,riots, or social media. Have you seen what a drone strike does on a building? You have been trained to ignore the MASS KILLINGS but focus on calling names like racist bigot and discriminatory. YOU Cried wolf so much you marched Trump into the White House....radical liberals can only blame yourselves. FYI never start off with your education in comments bc everyone knows you full poo. Thanks. Love everyone

  7. You could tell by the questions the so called judges were asking that the constitutionality of the order was the least of their worries.
    This may be a battle lost but the war will be won.
    The 9th circuit has an 80% reversal rate. They are the 3 stooges.

  8. The judges need to be ARRESTED for NOT following the LAW.

  9. Joe check this out. You should post this to show how the Muslims have taken over the streets of NYC. If we Christians did that we would be locked up.


    Large Scale Public Muslims Prayer on the Streets of NYC
    Is this the Middle East you ask? Why, no, it isn't. We are told this was filmed in Manhattan a few days ago.

    For some reason, anti-Trump protests in America have turned into Muslim prayer spaces, and ironically supported by Americans who usually lose their minds over any public display of religion.

  10. 6:49 pm the right decision? How many of these illegal Muslims are you taking in to your house?? I don't want to pay taxes to support them. Are you willing to pay my share of taxes?

  11. Liberals will start WW III.

  12. The word "Discrimination" has suddenly become a crime, which it is not. If you shop for dresses, and are discriminate in your decisions, is that all of a sudden a crime and you go to jail???? Figure this one out, kids, there are concrete reasons for this. LOOK AT GERMANY SWEDEN AND OTHER EU COUNTRIES who just let these terrorists in willy nilly!

  13. Liberals have already started WW III

  14. When the next blast is heard we know who to blame.

  15. Hey Perry Mason, the rights don't start until they enter a US territory. Doesn't apply to non-citizens until then. Were you out that day in con law???
    So, speaking pretextually, pull your head out of your ass. Your dislike for our new POTUS is affecting your ability to for your prefrontal cortex to function properly. Try farting. Might help.

  16. I really hope that all hell breaks loose and hundreds are killed by these Terrorists! Their blood will be on the Judges hands!

    1. Hopefully you'll be the first one they get then. Your attitude is terrible.

  17. 11:31 that's a pretty sick and twisted way to look at things. I understand. It would be egg on their face, but if it was your daughter at the mall or your parents on the plane, I don't think you mean that. It would be much better if they allowed the NSA and FBI to do their surveillance and catch them pre-act.

  18. Well I still think if a person is an illegal immigrant and not an American citizen then they should NOT have any rights under the U.S. constitution. I always thought that the constitution was an American document to give rights to American citizens. If that is true then these people coming here from other countries illegally have no rights under our Constitution which means this should be a non issue and we should support our President for trying to keep Americans safe from terrorism.

  19. How about an executive order putting these insane judges on unpaid leave for say, ten years?


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