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Sunday, February 12, 2017

Pelosi Says She Can't Work with President Bush!

Minority leader, Nancy Pelosi, seems to be living in a different era.

This is what Democrats call their leader?

See for yourself. There's no MSM spin doctoring here. TC


  1. Better join uncle Joe at the nursing home.

  2. Says a lot about the implosion of the Liberals throughout America. Most don't even understand what they're protesting against. She's the leader of a clueless minority in our governance. A brilliant example of liberals' illogic. Enjoy the show and make sure you buy plenty of popcorn.

  3. Well I guess she should retire!

  4. She's has a IQ somewhere in the imbecile range same as all democrats do. A democrat is either a complete moron or a lying piece of stinking rotten garbage. There is no such thing as a good democrat. They are all evil and very bad people who have never ever contributed anything positive to society ever. Lying filth is all they are and not worthy to even breath the same air as the good righteous people who make up the GOP.

  5. Maxine Waters almost had a cow next to her. This just goes to show that the Obstructioncrats are only interested in slowing progress. They don't care who the president is, if he is Republican, we can not work with him.

  6. I tell you she is a moonbat! They all are. Did anyone read the comments from Maxine Waters? She said Trump was responsible for the bombs dropped on.....???? that killed a bunch of children (Aleppo) but forgot Trump wasn't even in office yet and also said Trump was cozy with Putin who continued his march into Korea (Crimea). These people are ignorant, period. Mindful of the congressman of the same ethnicity who declared we needed to be careful not to overpopulate Guam for fear of it capsizing.Duuuuhhhhhh....

  7. I get a chuckle out of the choice that these two women made in plastic surgery around their eyes, the look of perpetual surprise. I think that they may have the same plastic surgeon.

  8. Did she say President Bush. She really is an idiot and does nothing for our country. All she has ever done is bitch and complain and make herself richer. Get rid of the old bag.

    1. She reminds me of the Female character on the cartoon "Wallace and Grommit" google it lol.

  9. She has mis-stated so much that her mental stability needs to be questioned, but like most Democrats she only repeats what she is told because it seems the majority of them can not read!

  10. Maxine Waters says that Putin invaded Korea which is a long long way from Crimea, assuming she could find either on a map.

  11. She's lost it....Off her rocker, needs to see Hillary's Doctors for that booster shot!!!

  12. Retire to ShakyAcres.

  13. A few fries short of a happy meal...

  14. her term needs to end.

  15. #DooootdaaaaaRoooooo

  16. Retire? Why should Nancy retire? Let her keep trying to work things out with President Bush! It would be a nice thing to fill her days before she ends up in some raisin ranch in the San Fernando valley away from the metro areas.


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