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Thursday, February 02, 2017

One Delaware Hostage, (Correction Employee) Found Dead


  1. HANG THEM..
    Take the thugs tvs weights away for a year pos.

  2. Legalize Marijuana to reduce the amount of prisoners. Then there will be a higher ratio of prison guards to inmates.

  3. 9:35
    For a year, heck they shouldn't have them. They are convicts with no rights, non-citizens. When they are released, they shall be citizens as we are.

    You can't blame this violence on potheads. They are mellow, than again if they are in and don't have their weed (not likely) I guess they could be simple. Lol

    1. Not blaming violence on potheads. What I'm saying is if you have LESS prisoners (due to legalizing pot) you will have MORE guards per amount of prisoners. It would be a higher guard / prisoner ratio which would make it more difficult for prisoners to overtake the guards.

  4. You kill a guard the WHOLE system goes in lock down for a YEAR.

  5. I fully support the criminals responsible for the murder being executed immediately after a brisk trial. What will actually happen is they will go back in their cells and the taxpayer will pay to support them the rest of their worthless lives.

  6. Liberal Delaware is controlled by Liberal Democrats. They don't want ANY criminal to die that's why they constantly champion Felon Voting Rights, which they consider to be a guaranteed Democrat vote. When the DEATH penalty gets removed by a state, there is NO punishment for Murderers and Killers, only criminal day care.

    1. Agreed. You shouldn't be in prison unless your a clear danger to society and if your so bad you can never be released may as well execute them.

  7. So sorry for the family's loss bet he was close to retirement with that many years of service so sad.


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