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Thursday, February 02, 2017

Dershowitz: Acting AG ‘Made a Political Decision, Rather Than a Legal One’

On Monday’s broadcast of CNN’s “OutFront,” Harvard Law Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz reacted to Acting Attorney General Sally Yates’ announcement that the DOJ will not present arguments in defense of President Trump’s immigration order by saying Yates made a “serious mistake” and has “made a political decision, rather than a legal one.”

Dershowitz said, “Yates is a terrific public servant, but I think she’s made a serious mistake here. This is a holdover heroism. It’s so easy to be a heroine when you’re not appointed by this president and when you’re on the other side. She made a serious mistake. I think what she should have done is done a nuanced analysis of what parts of the order are constitutional, what parts are in violation of the statute, what parts are perfectly lawful. There’s an enormous distinction between green card holders on the one hand, people who are in the country and have to be thrown out on the second hand, and people who are simply applying to get visas. There is also a distinction between what’s constitutional, what’s statutorily prohibited, what’s bad policy. This is very bad policy, but what’s lawful. And I think by lumping all of them together, she has made a political decision, rather than a legal one.”



  1. Exactly! When questioned for her appointment she clearly stated what she understood her position in making legal decisions in cases, not political ones. She clearly made a move to be a hero to her fellow liberals. It may come back to haunt her, though.

  2. She sure didn't worry about the illegal nature of Obama's amnesty, did she?

    Oh wait-- that was something she agreed with..

  3. All the people that were in as of the Obama administration have to go.

  4. "All the people that were in as of the Obama administration have to go."

    Well, that may be a bit drastic, as there are many career diplomats that endure through various administrations. But those who are hollering and fussing about current policy should either get with the program or resign.


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