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Sunday, February 19, 2017

"Mix Up" Is Putting It Mildly Ms Molly

Some of you may have read Joe Albero's post claiming I'm a liar because I had a mix-up when listing my place of employment. Because I know that blog has no intention of portraying any of us honestly, I'll say my piece here: I work as a freelance writer for a radio station that recently changed ownership to Rothschild Radio, however it used to be owned by Delmarva Broadcasting, not to be confused with a different station of a similar name-Delmarva Public Radio. In a message to Albero I mistakenly typed the latter as my place of employment, forgetting the company's name change. That's on me-I made a mistake. I however did not "lie" and WBOC did not bump our segment because of a personal blog. I spoke with WBOC and they simply said there was a change in the schedule. This happens at news stations sometimes, it's nothing personal against me or any of the other female activists who appeared in that video segment with me. I hope that clears up some things for those of you willing to see both sides of the story.

Editors Notes: First of all, it's been over a year since the company was purchased, LIE #1.

"Honestly", I have published everything YOU have either sent me or posted on Facebook without editing anything. To try to suggest to others that I am not honest proves LIE #2 from you.

Image above, my President Trump never raped anyone, LIE #3. 

Have at it Folks.


  1. She is a Fn CON just as her snowflake group are.

  2. You can tell she is guilty because she keeps coming back trying to justify her actions.....you were caught lying little Molly, suck it up!

  3. As a recent college graduate who is supposed to be a writer she should know the definition of "free lance". Per Google, working for different companies at different times rather then being permanently employed by one company. Basically she doesn't know the meaning of a job.

  4. Molly is very sincere and attractive....Lie #4

    1. Hahaha love it!

    2. I looked through some of her Facebook photos and she actually looked kind if hit a couple years ago. Then she decided she wanted to be a feminist lesbo and changed her look. Something weird about her eyebrows drives me crazy lol.

  5. Something was written about this in 1600: "The lady doth protest too much, methinks"

  6. Ok we will start with Bill Clinton

  7. Once you have lied, its over. No one will believe you.

    1. Unfortunately untrue...hence so many years of politicians spewing lies!

    2. All the politicians are feeding you lies! Don't be do naive. If you believe your republican candidate gives a care about you, sorry to inform you but they probably don't.

  8. this partially explains why the "new" station is doing so poorly.

  9. The snowflake p...y hats better pray they dont start shit the police have itchy taser triggers FACT.

  10. Molly was referring to Bill Clinton! Both Bill and Hillary are said to be rapist!!!

  11. 3 strikes and you're out.

  12. So you don't know who you work for? Sounds like an intelligent person that I would like forming a rally that corresponds with my beliefs.

  13. Hey kid - you're a joke.

  14. Little liar nuckin' futs. This one is nuttier than a bag of squirrels.

  15. Molly just keeps digging her hole deeper if that is possible!

    Having trouble finding how she would have been confused as to who her employer is....she should have recently gotten a W-2 from them (if she actually does work)...that would have had the employer's name on it...references Molly! It is the first thing every decent 'writer' does.

    And, don't hold your breath about WBOC covering your sandbox play area tomorrow...they may have lost a lot of credibility in the last couple of years but they don't really need you, NattyD or any of your play date gals to bring it down any further

  16. Rothschild Radio doesn't sound like Delmarva Broadcasting. Delmarva Broadcasting doesn't sound like Delmarva Public Radio.

    As an independent contractor, and sometime subcontractor, I've never once "misremembered" my employer. Even being a sub for _____ while being on the job with _____ living in the rat race that is the DC beltway.

    This special case seems to need special attention, for whatever reason. Who'd hire someone that's going to lie on their resume?

  17. Molly's diaper needs changing again

  18. Personally, I am sick and tired of hearing about all of this BS. Again, I am a conservative female and I am disgusted by these liberal women's actions. Pussy hats, vagina heads...disgusting. These women do NOT represent me.

  19. She is a mental case pathological liar. At first when Delmarva Pubic Radio was on her ass she had to quickly respond with something so she lied and say it was a typographical mistake. She was called out on that bit of ridiculousness on here because you don't make a typo like that.
    After that she then had the time to dream up this latest lie to feed to the other misfits who are either too dumb to know any better or are just as dishonest as she is.
    And they don't believe they are misfits! Look at the lies they tell.

  20. She is like a little Laura Mitchell. Lies, then more lies to cover old lies....

  21. How in the world did you become president of the German Club in school. You have enough trouble using the English language using 20 words that could be stated in 4. Hint: I work at _______. Why did you feel compelled to mention that you contemplated suicide? I sure don't care nor do many others. Are you begging for sympathy? Get a grip on yourself.

    Trump won and you lost. Get over it.

  22. Ok, if it used to be Delmarva Broadcasting and is not Rothschild, how do you mistakenly type Delmarva Public Radio. I do not have a warm and fuzzy with this crowd protesting in our city - it has stinky written all over it. Joe is doing her a huge favor by letting her stumble all over herself and exposing just how nuts this whole thing is. One question I have: What is the expected outcome (change) of this protest? In the end, what will it accomplish and what will be different?

    I work as a freelance writer for a radio station that recently changed ownership to Rothschild Radio, however it used to be owned by Delmarva Broadcasting, not to be confused with a different station of a similar name-Delmarva Public Radio. In a message to Albero I mistakenly typed the latter as my place of employment, forgetting the company's name change.

  23. She's turned lying into her job since it seems to becoming pretty clear she is unemployed.

  24. Regret is not rape. How many people have regretted what they've done and tried to take someone else down by saying they were raped? How many lives have been ruined by someone claiming rape?

  25. She who permits herself to tell a lie once, finds it much easier to do it a second and a third time till at length it becomes habitual.
    Thomas Jefferson

  26. Jackie Wellfonder is a traitor.

  27. So sad. She clearly has issues. Where are her parents? I always thought her father was okay. Hard to believe he is condoning this.

  28. UNBELIEVABLE, would you believe they are now sending in FUJA comments again. Funny how that just started all over again after calling out Chuck Cook in another post. I was dealing with Chuck and all his other LGBT friends on Facebook and actually cut them all off because they were acting like 7 year old children.

    Now we have to reject all their FUJA comments again. I'm tell you people, they're mental cases, seriously.

    1. When the lunatic left loses, they go lower than possibly imagined.

  29. It's a shame that a young person doesn't channel that hatred into productive energy to help people that really need helping. She could help with soup kitchens or the elderly or raise funds to provide scholarships. Any number of things that would reflect a positive attitude.

    All this attention for what ?

  30. I hope WBOC does put them on. Will be interesting to analyze and break down and expose more of their lies because you know they told many in their interview. The truth is a foreign concept to their types.

  31. "Anonymous said...

    When the lunatic left loses, they go lower than possibly imagined.

    February 17, 2017 at 3:39 PM"

    I know right as if they could possible go any lower. Michelle Obama even admitted they spend most of their time wallowing around in the crap. She said "when they go low we go high." This means the only time they go high is if we go low which we don't do very often.

  32. Dave T: Molly, Molly, Molly. Where do you get your mixed up goofy ideology? Let me guess? The hard, radical, liberal left? How could I tell. So typical to hear the same old talking points, now localized. So let me understand this insanity. SBY News is all of a sudden out to get you and others like you by never publishing your views or info. correctly? Well, that's an outright lie because I personally know the publisher of this blog and have also written for him and I can tell you from first hand account Mr. Albero does make every attempt to publish correct information, objectively written, despite what you might think. Funny how when the news doesn't suit you, it's suddenly wrong or an attack. Also, I'm not a "follower" of this blog. I read it periodically because it's one of the few places I can find honest, detailed news. You seem to imply that Joe Albero is some kind of public leader and we his readership are his followers standing by to await our orders for a some unique anti-liberal conspiracy. Sorry to rain on your parade, but that's almost as goofy a notion as some of your other beliefs. I'm not sure if you are capable of seeing reality for what it truly is, and to put it frankly, you and people like you are the reason this nation is divided. However, you are in for a rude awakening if you think people like me are going to tolerate people like you attacking freedom, pulling down this nation, and inciting violence.

  33. Come out to the PRO_Trump Rally tomorrow at 12:30 in front of the court house! We support President Trump! USA USA USA!

    1. ❤❤ Trump all the way!! Tired of fake people like Molly!!! I will pray for her. 🙏

  34. Molly Likovich is typical of most liars. When she is caught in a lie she lies to cover the lie. Also as is typical of liars like her when caught lying she tries to shift it to a poor little me I'm getting picked on instead of owning that she is a habitual liar.
    It's a shame really because what it all boils down to is her parents failed her miserably. They failed in their parental duties to ensure they raise children who grow up valuing honesty. The shame is on them that their daughter tells lies. It's shows their children didn't mean enough to them to correct them on dysfunctional habits that have the potential to affect the child for a lifetime.

  35. From an employed writer for Delmarva Public Radio to a "freelance writer" for a local station is a big leap. As local stations don't have much going on that requires significant scripting, I'm guessing that paid writing gigs are few and far between. That's a far cry from what was initially claimed and dismissed as a "typographical error".
    If her first claim was discovered to be a falsehood in a resume, she'd be shown the door and asked not to again waste their time.

  36. They could be demanding that something be done about heroine and all the deaths here, the violence in the schools, so many important things that could make a difference, but they choose to wear these hats that demean women. They do not speak for me! Signed, a very disgusted female democrat

  37. They could be demanding that something be done about heroine and all the deaths here, the violence in the schools, so many important things that could make a difference, but they choose to wear these hats that demean women. They do not speak for me! Signed, a very disgusted female democrat

  38. Yawn....I will enjoy my day blissfully ignorant of this situation and instead watch the surf roll in - a far better use of my time with my family, away from the rabble looking for attention - I might suggest others adopt a similar action, ignoring these creations and their rhetoric. The POTUS is Mr. Trump, and I am quite sure he and his team could care less about these folks - in fact, Mr. Bannon's recent commentary on the MSM pretty much sums it up

    For me, I could care less about these left wing fools and their ridiculous lies and subterfuge...

  39. Her story is not believeable. You don't make a mistake on the name of the person you work for. Her signs are FAKE NEWS. She is a con artist. I think she should be arrested for calling our president that.

  40. I can remember where I work. Your old president had a sex with an intern in the oval office. Call it rape or just pushing his influence, you decide. Yes means yes, no means no, unless you are President Clinton.

  41. 2:51 Good one. It's all about the beginning.

  42. As a former Delmarva Broadcasting employee up until the day of the ownership transfer and then a little while afterwards I can tell you she never worked there. So I don't understand how there could be a mixup even with a transfer of ownership which just for the record happens just under a year ago. She's full of it. End of story

  43. It's the attention they crave. They WANT people to show up and argue with them. Ignore them, and they will go away.

  44. I just don't understand. She is standing there with a poster that says "Rapists belong in prison not in the White House." Has there been a trial? Isn't this just conjecture?
    How can she have a rally and cause so much discord based on something she is not even sure of.Much less take the time to make posters based on some media hype. Where did she hear this? On news? Even she, has got to realize that the media wants to sell to their advertisers and mainstream news media is not immune. Where are the facts? I knew her mother 20 years ago and she was an angry woman with a chip on her shoulder. Peace Molly, Peace. Sow peace...facts and absolute truth.

  45. You know she had to of read over it a couple of times before she submitted it to sbynews. You'd think she would have caughtbthev"mix up" then. To me,vproof she got caught in a lie.


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