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Sunday, February 19, 2017




  1. Dear Obamas Son,

    Please stop breathing the same air I breathe. I need it for work tomorrow.


    A productive member of society

  2. what a clown. If he is a college student we are in for a world of trouble.

    1. Don't worry, the retention is roughly 40%. He will never see graduation.

    2. Why are yall so ignorant 🤔 People not allowed to have fun ?

    3. Why y'all got to act like thugs?? 🤔 He supposed to be going to college and I can't understand a freakin word he said. Wow way to represent!!

    4. 😂😂😂😂 y'all got so much to say I'm a senior here, yes I had fun too I don't care how you feel looking from the outside-in. Come correct next time with your anonymous post 😂

    5. See you just made my point. You are a "senior" and I still can't understand anything you wrote. Smh

    6. What was difficult to understand? Maybe it's just your ignorance, is that better for you? Do I have to speak proper for you even though each individual in the world has a different dialogue depending on where they were raised? How about you stop judging because you have no idea who you are dealing with and I don't have to be anonymous this is the person who made the video. Very educated, you on the other hand very ignorant and disrespectful yourself. 😂😂 Have a good day I have classes to attend, graduation coming up soon. 😂✌️

  3. Unemployable students UMES turns out...nice.

  4. Ah, college life... UMES can sure be proud of the model citizens they're turning out. Kinda brings a tear to my eye.

    That was sarcasm for all you UMES "students" who are too high and/or stupid to know the difference.

  5. They're f*****g your homecoming? Can anyone tell me how this POS got into college in the first place??
    Here's an "N" word for you...

  6. Sad but this is your future leaders.

  7. My post never make it but I'ma try again what a POS this lil boy is I bet you he doesn't do good in school like usual but he loves running his loud mouth grow up boy the police are doing a way better job than what you could ever add up to I bet you would of looked right dumb had they of shot you or put your lil dumb ass in cuffs you make no sense get a real life and film your self doing something positive lmfao

  8. Oh give me a break. I'm a 65 year old white woman and you are making this into a big deal because these kids are black. I see just as many stupid White boys around SU. They're young, they're drunk, they're being jackasses. Let them grow up and wise up. Don't make everything so ugly. I hate their language as much as you do, but we all said F*** in our youth. Lighten up!

    1. Thank you Mrs. Common Sense. Too bad you seem to be a lonely sole here. I moved from the Shore to DC for work. My apt building is full of young white students from GW Univ. Thats George Washingto University, as in a "good school" 607. I hear the same stuff from the groups walking through the halls from 9pm-5am when Im getting ready for work on any given night Wed-Sun.

    2. Thank you 7;02..there was no video posted the night of the party that SU stuents6had that now looks like a riot or a war took place.
      ALL college campuses have this issue not only UME6

    3. I agree. 7:02 Keep showing that eastern shore racism is still alive

  9. Our tax dollars at work. Two words Pell Grant

  10. I think it's the funniest college in the U.S . Planet of the ignoramis .

  11. White or black the University should be embarrassed that these kids represent the students that their admissions office approved..

  12. 702 and 728 you are a terrorist sympathizer and the same person

  13. This is what happens when college is free.

  14. You really were not expecting anything else from this idiot, were you?

  15. I am also a 67 year old ,but white or black no way for college kids to act ,it is scary to think this is what our country is coming to ,because it is not just Princess Anne ,its the whole country President Trump is right he walked into a mess

  16. Thanks Obama! You were successful at one thing, dividing America. I'm sure that you are sitting back laughing now at the mess President Trump has to clean up after you.

  17. Someone needs to explain to these students that what they postbox line could come back and bite them in the ass when they go for that great job and this pops up when the person doing the interview does a search online for potential employees....

  18. "but we all said F*** in our youth. Lighten up"

    I'm 54 and when I was growing up no one used that word. I never even heard about it until I was like 12 or 13. Even into my teen years I never said that word and barely ever even heard it. Could be I grew up in a semi rural part of Anne Arundel county so we were sheltered.

  19. Thank God for Trump he will gladly clean all this BS up I support Trump

  20. Will someone tell me what happened last night?

  21. Funny these comments have 10x the criticism then the ones posted from the scene at SU earlier this week

    1. Different situation. The scene from SU didn't have a bunch of thugs trying to cause problems. Good try tho..I see where you were trying to go with it. 😒

    2. People out SU riot and break houses. I did none 😂😂

  22. I think that the one who filmed this should be expelled you all weren't there I was one of the many EMS personnel in the area and myself and my crew saw firsthand what was going on

  23. There is no street cred needed here on the eastern shore , wtf, I would love to see your transcript , in addition to your current gpa , as well as your course load, you are a P OS , , I would love to fast fwd ten years , see where he is aat ( on purpose)

  24. BOY, MSP really has there hands full anymore dealing with this B.S.

  25. when everything is free isn't it all worthless?

  26. Hey right there is a FREW college education for you because we OWE them.

  27. I'm 67 and cuh-ent undahstand wuh he say

  28. Maybe a remedial reading and speaking class should be offered at umes,and btw only a " blank" would where a t shirt to a formal function at a " university"...$10 says he didn't have a ticket to get in anyway

    1. Hey clueless... It was a rap concert on a college campus. Why would that be a FORMAL FUNCTION?!!! And YOU need a remedial class yourself -- I think you meant WEAR not WHERE didn't you?

    2. Yeah but when his punk ass is getting beat and he needs one of those "pigs" to help save his life, he'll be wondering if they're going to help him!

  29. Precisely why I despise each and every one of them. Ruining America one minute at a time.

  30. And his SAT scores were...........???
    He is so proud to exhibit his lack of intelligence. What an absolute fool.

  31. UMES has never been good for the community. Keeps LE busy, large crowd, fights, loud music, shoplifting, theft, and racial problems.

  32. Did you know, UMES pays interpreters to interpret a essay, to explain what they are trying to write in Ebonics. So, instead of teaching ENGLISH - they except crap writing and call it "Ebonics" At the end, they walk out with a paper degree in house keeping, motel 101. They are NOT allowed to have football team, because of their antics. They have a state of the art gym, they have torn to hell and back - Ive seen basketball backboards ripped off - like you do at most the parks around here. I know they have had projectors stolen out of classrooms and sold on e-bay, just for the college to purchase back.

    This is where U of M send people they are not interested in. What a shame, it could be a Great Campus, with meaningful use. I am sure we will hear from the ones that say this is not true, and it is a great place.... Your diploma is no different than the other college paper mills, except you get it free. Tax payers pay your bills.

    1. You literally know nothing about what you're attempting to rant about. I wish you & everyone else who has negative input just shut up. LITERALLY EVERYTHING YOU SAID WAS BS!

  33. All colleges deal with the same silly issues as UMES. I graduated from UMES with my Bachelor's degree in Accounting and I am African American and doing pretty well for my family. Please stop making everything about African Americans. There are just as many white students at Salisbury University who drink and smoke weed. No I do not agree with their actions from neither school, but when you guys make everything about African Americans, I then have an issue. Please stop being so ignorant and putting down UMES.

  34. Don't worry his address will be at the DOC. Such a worthless pos.

  35. A school of idiots....run by idiots.....turns out more idiots....on my tax dollars. Just like most of the major cities in our country. Full of democrats....run by democrats.....all of them in debt and full of crime.

  36. What a lovely young man. A perfect representative of UMES. My favorite time of the year is when the school closes for the summer.Too bad these "students" return in the fall.

  37. so why don't you guys crawl back into your caves?

  38. The same thing happened years ago.Because of a few idiots they cancelled the homecoming. There were a lot of people there that were from out of state and did not attend UMES. As a graduate of UMES I am disappointed in their behavior.

  39. Dear lord another reason why UMES is going into the toilet. Have some self respect young people. Some day you will look back and realize this is not the way to a better life. Your future employers look into your online life. Do you think they will want this kind of behavior representing their business? Food for thought....

  40. 4:35 They don't plan on ever working. They plan on sucking off the government just like their mommas do.


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