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Sunday, February 12, 2017

Maryland Senators Vote Against DeVos Confirmation

WASHINGTON (AP) — Elisabeth “Betsy” DeVos on Tuesday was confirmed narrowly by the Senate as the secretary of education after Vice President Mike Pence cast an historic, tie-breaking vote, but Maryland’s two senators opposed her, warning she was not qualified.

Maryland Democratic Sens. Ben Cardin and Chris Van Hollen were among the 50 senators who voted against DeVos.

“It’s done…I would have much preferred the president come in with a more traditional nominee, someone who has experience in education,” Cardin told Capital News Service. “I think that most Republicans would agree with that. As a result, the vice president had to come here to break the tie. That’s how this works.”



  1. Cardin is full of BS. It doesn't matter who Trump nominates Cardin and the other liberals will vote against them. Most Republicans trust Trump, not what Cardin spews out of his mouth.

  2. In my opinion it wouldn't have made any difference who was nominated. The Democrats would still vote against any nominee. They are bitter and can't believe they lost the election.

  3. I know 5 teachers all were very against her nomination

    1. Rightly so. She's completely unqualified for the position.

  4. Teachers unions tell Democrats what and how to vote.

  5. Correct 7:58, the teachers are brainwashed by the unions.

    1. Every teacher I know is Republican, now its true the union is democrat but they dont control all teachers.

  6. do you really expect any different???

  7. “I would have much preferred... a more traditional nominee I think that most Republicans would agree with that.."

    Obviously they don't, or they would not have voted for her, dude.

  8. Cardin and Van Holler are dyed in the wool obstructionists. It really doesn't matter what is right got the Country, it's only about what the other party is "for" that they vote against. Mikulsky was the same type of paid troll as these guys are.

  9. "Maryland’s two senators opposed her, warning she was not qualified."

    Chuck Scumbag whined the same tired mantra "not qualified." They also said Trump wasn't qualified. Funny They drooled all over the Illegal Muslim from Kenya who really wasn't qualified. A community organizer has what kind of qualifications to lead the greatest country in the world? You dumbasses that keep voting Democrat need to learn what real qualifications are before you claim someone isn't qualified.

  10. Anonymous said...
    I know 5 teachers all were very against her nomination

    February 8, 2017 at 7:52 PM


  11. Anonymous said...
    Correct 7:58, the teachers are brainwashed by the unions.

    February 8, 2017 at 8:22 PM


  12. Funny how all these Dumbocraps know the difference between qualifications, but they were too dumb to know that their Messiah Obama wasn't qualified.

  13. I love it she is an awesome choice exactly what we need to straighten out the commies educational program called Public Schools!! School vouchers will solve our problem we don't need any more snowflakes. The only reason most of the Senators especially from Maryland disagree with her is because of the educational gravy train and unions in bed with our politicians

  14. Remember Cardin supports the 2 class society ( he voted to exemption for Congress to be exempt from Obama care the wonderful law of the land Vote him out

  15. Maybe traditional isn't the way to go, looking at how our education system has taken a nosedive under the management of traditionalists for the last, well, forever.
    The change you voted for eight years ago didn't bring us much, so let's be embracing some newer forms of change to see what can be done about it.

  16. She sure is an "outsider", a person of "the people". She's a billionaire political contributor unlike nearly everyone on this forum who was educated in public schools.

  17. There are a significant amount of teachers who are Republican or right leaning, and they know she lacks knowledge, experience, and interest in focusing on public education. Did you all not watch her hearing? Her answers were ridiculous. Come on people

  18. Pay no attention to the fact that Arne Duncan had no classroom teaching experience! What a bunch of lousy hipocrites!

  19. Cardin wouldn't know quality if it smacked him in the face

    With whats going on locally in Salisbury with BOE putting convicted felons back in the school putting children and teachers in danger I can't imagine anyone criticizing anyone.

  20. It doesn't matter that they both voted against Ms. Devos because I didn't vote for either of those ass-clowns.

  21. Just a comment on what I see today. Two years ago grandkids were in the public school system in Somerset county. Total chaos and constant disruption. Kids are now in Christian school and they love it; quiet and disciplined. They are able to learn. I attended public schools and there was a different level of discipline; it was called respect for authority. By the way we need some gerrymandering in Maryland to redistrict so we get these buffoons like Cardin out of government.

  22. 9:11 PM:
    "Rightly so. She's completely unqualified for the position."

    If you switch out the "She's" to He's, you would be referring to Obama.

  23. Isn't that a shame? Two Maryland Democrats didn't have any say in choosing POTUS's cabinet pick. Boo Hoo. And I bet they had no problem with Republicans not having any say in Obama's choices for his cabinet.
    Hey, the President gets to choose his cabinet, Republican, or Democrat. Grow up boys. Your "boo hoos" ring hollow.


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