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Sunday, February 12, 2017

Charlottesville, VA moves to tear down Robert E. Lee statue, rename park

The Charlottesville City Council is expected to vote to remove a statue of Robert E. Lee and rename the park after a vote last month ended in a tie.

Councilman Bob Fenwick, who abstained from voting on the measure during a Jan. 17 meeting, told The Caviler Daily he now plans to vote to remove the statue and rename Lee Park at the Virginia council’s meeting today.

Fenwick said he initially abstained from voting because he was unsure about the consequences for the move, slated to cost $300,000, and wanted time to consider input from a Blue Ribbon Commission on Race, Memorials and Public Spaces.



  1. Absolutely ridiculous. More damn snowflakes, you would think they would melt in the south....

  2. $300,000 to remove the past. Is this just the start? At what price and WHO chooses what is removed from history?


  3. Taxpayers monies should not be used to move any of these statues or rename anything, if Blacks and Liberal don't like it, let them pay for it. If this was put up to a vote for the whole community, then maybe use the funds, but until all citizen get to vote on it, no way.

  4. I am getting sick and tired of the f*n Liberal Snowflakes trying to eradicate my history. That Civil War can't start soon enough.

  5. Should someone remind them of the Federal law that states Confederate Soldiers are U.S. Veterans and that they can't take down the monuments? Am I missing something here?


  7. This is what happens when you educate your children in public schools.

  8. Where are the Sons of Confederate Veterans on this? Why aren't they fighting this?

  9. This is how communists operate. Re write history

  10. The worst thing is none of what they are doing will make a darn bit of difference in race relations.

  11. If the Liberals and Blacks want it moved, let them pay for it! Using city funds for this is wrong!

  12. Anonymous said...
    Good idea.

    February 8, 2017 at 9:27 PM

    Good idea? Must be a liberal Snowflake!!

  13. Anonymous said...
    If the Liberals and Blacks want it moved, let them pay for it! Using city funds for this is wrong!

    February 8, 2017 at 11:19 PM

    Don't forget much of the city funds come from state and FEDERAL FUNDS!

  14. Anonymous said...
    If the Liberals and Blacks want it moved, let them pay for it! Using city funds for this is wrong!

    February 8, 2017 at 11:19 PM

    If those liberals and blacks are offended then they should move out of the State of Virginia which is the Capital of the Confederacy. Maybe they can move to Ghana or Nigeria?

  15. Nothing to do with public education, the law was passed during an era of white supremacy without ANY black representation in Congress, this is not ISIS destroying monuments, but I like the idea of referendum on this issue! Lee is no Nathan Bedford Forrest, he opposed secession and slavery!

  16. Another Place NOT to visit
    Funny how we think we can erase History

  17. Sad to be wiping out our history that helped make us who we are today - good or bad.

  18. Let's dig him up and throw the body out in the ocean, like Bin Laden. Let's just erase history, so it can be re-written. That's what all that is about anyway...re-writing history. That's the liberal way. The democrats are still trying to get away from the fact that Lincoln was a Republican, and the KKK was an arm of the democrats. And you can't get a school board to endorse teaching American history, as it happened. The NEA is a corrupt teaching organization dedicated to "teaching" propaganda. And that goes for all the over-paid, democrat teachers that live in my neighborhood (Worcester County).

  19. Dave T: How truly disturbing this is ! How could anyone tarnish the image of this great man? Be ashamed for allowing this happen. It is wrong.

  20. I was born in Fredericksburg, Va and damned tired of people not having the
    ba--s to stop taking our heritage away. One thing for sure they will not take my mind and whats inside. The old saying that The South Will Rise Again just might happen.

  21. I really think that this was one the most important factors in the last election. This is really pissing us off. You can't change the past by removing statues! It's part of our history, good or bad.
    This is something that CONSERVATIVES can protest. Surround the statue and don't let them move it. For God's sake, what the Hell is going on in this country? Trump got elected in the nick of time!

  22. the blacks will pay for moving the statue with their ebt cards just as soon as this keno game is over


  23. As a history lover this is wrong and shortsighted.

    The Civil War happened, and it shaped our country, in ways both good and bad both at the time and down to the present.

    Going PC doesn't change that and erases the possibility of using a statue or park here and there as the spark for reflection and education.

    Yale University just renamed its Calhoun College for a later alumnae because he was prominent in the debates leading to the Civil War, and ended up on the losing side of history. Yale was named for a wealthy British merchant, born in America, who donated some money and books in 1718. He made his money in India from his position but also illegally traded diamonds and had issued orders that ships bound for Europe carry a certain amount of slaves. How soon do you think Yale will take his name down?

    The past is the past. Learn about it. Make changes that seem positive today. But don't plow it under or tear it down.

    Slavery is a terrible practice but it's been a part of human history in most countries and societies in one form or another. Let's get that fact recognized and work to end it...everywhere.


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